Show PERSONAL MENTION X v X X ac ad a 9 a a a a B a X S aaa aa J E jennings has returned from the grand gulch copper mine in mohave county arizona george R hancock of park city prominent in mining circles was in salt lake the first of the week B F caffey the well known business and mining man has returned to salt lake from a visit to colorado lafayette hanchett general manager for samuel newhouse has been in colorado tor for the past two weeks hon will J dooly of salt lake so prominent in mining circles in this western country has been in california of late L P palmer president of the lilburn mining company operating at alta came down from the mine the first of the week hon E J of stockton superintendent of the honerine mine has returned from a trip into the mining camps of south dakota hon thomas kearns has returned home from california and will look after his extensive mining interests in utah and elsewhere L antles of castleton utah one of the enterprising and pushing mining operators of the casals has moved to grand junction colorado walter scott the popular secretary of the utah mining machinery and supply company of salt lake has returned from a visit to the coast R E rex of leesburg idaho general manager of the gold dust mine of that place was in salt lake recently conferring with his associates C E clough of reno nevada has returned home from the feather river country california where he consummated the sale of a mining property J F gallbreath Call breath jr of denver secretary of the american mining Cong congress tess was in salt lake last week and favored the mining review with a pleasant call george L moats moat s of salt lake manager of the ohio lead mining smelting smelling Sm elting company recently attended a meeting of the directors of the company at baytop ohio john A kirby general manager of the montana tonopah mining company was in the city from the first of the week for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the company it is reported that A D moffat so prominent in mining and milling circles has ben been appointed superintendent of the cac tua mine of the newhouse mines smelt ers company at newhouse I 1 utah R W nicol manager of the salt lake electric supply company has returned from good springs nevada where he inspected and took up the bond on the chiquita mine in which he is interested T B wilde so well known in utah mining circles came in from bayhorse badhorse Bay horse idaho recently where he is interested in valuable mining properties after visiting friends here for a few days he left for his home in philadelphia hon C E allen alien and C G goss of salt lake were in the parker mountain country idaho recently for the purpose of making a further inspection of the parker group on a half interest in which they have a lease and bond governor john sparks of reno nevada was in salt lake a few days ago the governor is the owner of the famous wedekind gold mines not far from reno and is also interested in some of the now new bonanza mining camps of the battle born state john bettis one of the active operators of alta utah was in salt lake a few days ago mr bettis states that the columbus consolidated of his camp is develop developing ng into a splendid producer and will soon take rank as one of the big mines of the state E L sheets erstwhile a prominent broker on the salt lake stock exchange I 1 was in salt lake last week from san F francisco ran where he is now living mr sheets was on his way to the big hole country countr Y wyoming where he will recreate and go a gunning for elk john formerly of salt lake but now superintendent of the belle of thunder mountain properties at roosevelt idaho writes a salt lake friend that since he took charge there a few months ago he has opened a 14 foot ore body in virgin ground that will run from 3 to 40 the company may put in a cyanide plant this fall J P turner superintendent of the star con mine near mammoth utah who was in salt lake last week stated that the drift west on the foot level was breaking into an ore body samples of which assayed 23 ounces silver 3 gold and 7 per cent lead to the ton since then some very encouraging advices advises have been relieved reci eved from this premising property I 1 david kennedy manager of the lincoln mine at pearl idaho was in salt lake a few days ago on his way to this great gold property to be present at the starting up of the new cyanide mill with which the mine has just been equipped mr kennedy states that the lincoln is in splendid physical condition and that from now on it should give a good account of itself during his stay in zion mr kennedy was warmly greeted by his many friends here george weston of ophir the well known mining man anil and who is a part owner and lessee of the old northern light mileton lion hill was in salt lake last week mr wes weston believes that the time will come when the v k northern light win will once again enter the list as a regular ship per he will soon consign a carload of ore to the salt lake market which will run from 80 to ounces silver and from 4 to 5 in gold to the ton F M orem of salt lake has re returned home from a visit to silver city idaho where he made an inspection of the prop erty of the trade dollar extension mining company in which he is interested mr orem states that it is believed that the main vein on the companas comp anys ground for which search has been made for many years has at last been found he looks for a great deal of activity in silver city haunts this fall and winter mrs M M garwood of reno nevada secretary of the nevada chamber of commerce was in salt lake the first of ae e week on her way home from a visit to denver mrs garwood is also the editor of the splendid little journal published under the auspices of the nevada chamber of commerce a publication that is devoted to the material interests of the battle born state while in the city mrs garwood favored the mining review with a pleasant call W D meyers of eureka erieka utah one of the leading business anil and mining men of this wonderfully rich camp was in the city tuesday on mining business mr meyers is president of the mckinley mining company whose property adjoins the blue rock and he informs the mining review that the indications for striking ore in this property at an early day are most encouraging cou raging and that if this enterprise is successful cess ful it will have a beneficial effect upon the whole country surrounding |