Show TUNGSTEN IN 1920 not since 1902 has the united states produced so small a quantity of tungsten concentrates cen as in 1920 according to frank L hess of the united states geological survey the wolf tongue 0 mining ning company and the vasco mining laining company of boulder colorado were the only american tungsten miners they produced an equivalent of short tons of ferebe rite ore carrying 60 per cent tungsten trioxide tungsten is most used for making high speed tools for cutting steel so that the demand for tungsten ores rises and falls with the steel business in 1920 the steel business was very dull and the demand for tungsten was correspondingly small at the same time in spite of the small demand the imports were rather large for peace times and consisted in part of very cheap ore from the shallow placers of china A good deal of the ore was apparently shipped to this country with the expectation that a heavy duty would be imposed on it and that ores in stock would accordingly increase in value the imports for 1920 were 1740 long tons of ore probably averaging 65 per cent or more tungsten trioxide and were equivalent to about 2111 short tons of concentrates carrying 60 per cent tungsten trioxide of this quantity 1386 short tons of 60 percent per peri cent concentrates was shipped from china anz most of the rest from south america besides the ore pounds of bunz tun sten and wa was sin imported ported egui alent to about 2250 short tons of 60 w per cent ore and probably more than en enough ought to supply the needs of the high speed tool in wt austry so that there was added to the a already 0 large stocks in this country somewhat ID than the quantity of more tungsten r represented ep to by the imports of ore ah 1 exact figures are not at hand but a large sf quantity of tungsten ore is in stock in this country probably more than a three years yare supply at the average consumption before 11 it the world war |