Show NEW OIL SHALE PLANT FOR DEBEQUE COLORADO county commissioners gust J johnson charless charles S stone stolle and C A A wallace with J TJ IT bertholf road supervisor visited recently on a trip of inspection to note the road and other conditions in the eastern part of the county comity and decide upon new work to be done this summer on oil the AY wallace allace creek road says the debeque oil and shale they visited the ginet plant of the monarch shale oil company and were very much interested in ill the enterprise being shown by ginet interests on oil wallace creek considerable work will be done to put the road in first class shape for heavy hauling the hotalling estate company of california which has large holdings of oil shale deposits near the licad lead of wallace I 1 tee creek expects to erect a large oil making plant on in its property this summer and will have much heavy machinery to haul up the creek last year the hotalling company cooperated with the county in bearing a part of the road building expense chairman johnson stated slated but considerable additional work must be done this spring A number of the bridges abridges need repair and strengthening and this visit of the commissioners is for the purpose of decini deciding ag on oil th details of the work machinery machiner y for the hotalling plant has been manufactured in the cast and advices advises received here have been to the effect that it will be shipped west in the near future while debeque will enjoy the advantage of being the nearest town where the hotalling copi company pany can call transact bu business shipment of the machine machinery ry will vill be made to una a siding ei eight t 3 lit miles east of debeque c on the D R G there being a 13 good dridge bridge across the river convenient to the place of unloading 10 za d in g it is is understood the I hotalling r plant will be of large capacity and that when fully complete will represent an investment of the company owns the rights to a retort 1 41 process that will be used and probably will ivill ship tile the oil cil manufactured to california for refining some time ago a stockton california paper stated that negotiations were under way to secure a refinery site for the hotalling 11 1 1 interests near that city several buildings have been erected by Hotal hotalling linc company pany at the site UD wallace creek where the plant i is s to be located and other buildings that will be needed are to be erected this spring ig it is stated by persons who have vis visited cited the camp that the buildings s erected are of very substantial character and that the others other will be of the same kind several branches of wallace creek on the holdings will furni furnish sli in an abundance of water for all purposes |