Show JAMES W WADE GOES TO TINTIC STANDARD several weeks ago A J may who has been superintendent at the tintic gintic standard companas Comp anys mines for a year or more past tendered his res resignation ignatio n to general manager E J so that lie he could take hold of personal affairs that demanded his time and attention As successor to mr may manager announces the appointment of james W wade a salt lake mining engineer well known throughout the mining west and one who has a most comprehensive knowledge of the tintic gintic mining district he was connected with the mammoth mining company for about eight years and some years ago operated the well known scranton mine of north tintic gintic in addition to being a practical miner he is a mining engineer and in recent years has operated properties in utah and nevada As far as known there will be no other changes at the tintic gintic standard the two foremen are R Z hodges and J B haffner the mine is now employing a force of about abour men |