Show SUGAR consumption PER CAPITA sugar consumption in the united states in 1921 amounted to ninety pounds per capita or an increase of nearly three pounds compared with 1920 according to compilations pi made by facts about sugar it was sixteen pounds greater than in 1918 which year marked the low po pint i nt of the war period the total quantity of sugar marked k eted last year was pounds or tons of 01 which a little less than 60 per cent consisted of sugar grown in the united states and slightly over 40 per cent was of foreign production the latter came alil almost lost entirely cuba and santo domingo the full amount of sugar 1111 ported during the year was tons tolls of which cu cua a applied tons and other foreign countries tons ions exports of refined sugar during the year amounted ta 10 cons consumed timed last tons of the home t grown sugar 6 year 1 I 1 tons toils was supplied by the beet sugar industry 0 O tons by louisiana by porto rico and the vir in islands and tons by the philippines |