Show COLORADO ouray herald the revenue is working men and will add another hundred in the next six weeks the mill is being remodeled the bunk and boarding houses are being refitted remitted re fitted and everything is on the move about this property lake city phonograph brint ramsey has just finished showing up a very promising sing body of ore in a claim owned by the ramsey home mining company on the east side of alpine the mineralized vein is twelve feet wide showing galena and zinc throughout gho ut the mass and giving average assay results in gold and silver of 10 to 20 per ton mr ramsey will arrange at once for additional develop development ment boulder miner J A rowley leasing on the black hawk one of the properties of 0 the tungsten milling and exploration company took out last month from a four by ten foot shaft twenty feet deep six tons of 4 per cent pounds of 21 per cent aal pounds of 54 per cent ore for which he received gross or per foot for the work the work was done in thirty shifts without help and a comfortable wad was I 1 left eft after paying royalty hauling and milling charges boulder miner arrangements are being made to resume operations on the old fourth of july this summer and manager johnson is busily making his p ans for a big mill that will treat the ore from these properties as well as the ore from the big vein just over the range this immense vein is over eighty feet wide and carries values throughout its entire width which president johnson believes he can mine and mill at a profit the ore will be brought over the range by aerial tram the milling process wi I 1 be concentration and amalgamation telluride examiner S W lacey superintendent in hi of the japan mill was down town from savage basin a couple of days this week he has the mill in fairly good condition now after a shut down for several years and by the first of june will be ready to start up tip the mill is equipped with a crusher rolls jigs and tables and this plant will be tried out first and if it proves successful in the treatment of the ores from the japan flora mines all well and good if not other machinery will be put in to make the treatment meet the demands lake city phonograph both 0 F moore and G R nell neil state that it will take a number of months to extract the ore al realy blocked out in their lease on the belle of the west it looks as though these les sees were opening up a strike as good as was made by monahan and crowley many years ago the latter clearing over in one season nell neil olson and moore are working in the same lease and on the same block from which came the monahan crowley bonanza and have the same class of high grade gray copper ore ouray herald john F roper has been doing the necessary preliminary work on the san antonio at red mountain to get the property in shape for mining and shipping the force of men has been increased and everything will be in readiness for shipping by the tenth of the month when the railroad from silverton will be opened the company having assured mr roper that the road would be opened as soon as he is ready to start shipping his ore the general manager of the company with some of the di rectors electors lec tors is expected to arrive here about the of the month |