Show personal mention walter james of black rock utah a prominent mining man was in salt lake recently F W rohrer has been appointed manager of the omega drift gravel mine at forest california W H dark clark of salt lake has returned from arizona where he is interested in a big cyanide proposition hon john dern one of salt lakes prominent and influential mining operators is on his way to europe J W reese of salt lake recently examined the jumbo mine in buffalo hump district near grangerville Gran gerville idaho angus buchanan of milford utah a veteran mining operator of beaver county visited friends in salt lake a few days ago william mckinney of salt lake recently examined the big bell mine in inyo county california adjoining the keane wonder C H sawyer of oshkosh wisconsin recently visited the property of the coeur dalene vulcan mining company near wallace idaho H J vanell vancil and A L baldwin prominent mining men of joplin missouri have been making an examination of seven troughs district nevada C M richards of clyde ohio president of the east tintic gintic development company was in tintic gintic district recently making an examination of the companas comp anys property W B farmer W E L dilloway and E fordyce eastern officials of the utah metal company recently made an extended visit to the companas comp anys bingham mine john H welch a prominent citizen of providence R T and who is interested in the big chief mining company of hart california is transacting business in mexico col james L hackett of louisville kentucky one of the leading spirits of the prince consolidated and the consolidated pioche of pioche nevada was in salt lake last week H pennington of burson california and ben H stephens of woodland same state recently inspected the property of the native copper company near yerington nevada in which they are interested J heber richards of salt lake secretary and field man for the pittsburg salt lake oil company left last week on a protracted trip which will take in the oil fields of southern utah from the colorado to the nevada lines J W dundas of blackhorse nevada superintendent for the ohana mining company co in who has been in salt lake for several days left for his camp the first of the week dr dundas was on his wedding trip having been married june to miss flora E woodbury of taft nevada mr dundas speaks in the highest terms of the physical condition of the ohana mine and says that it is destined to class as a winner he also stated that the camp of blackhorse is picking up and that considerable development work is going on there hon W D scott mayor of moultrie georgia was in salt lake last week to hilltop lander county nevada where he is interested in valuable and promising property in what is known as the kimberly district in this popular district mr scott has two properties the lillian scott and the mohawk groups the systematic and intelligent development oi of which he will wil L start upon his arrival at his camp sometime during the next four or five months it is mr scotts intention to equip his properties with a reduction plant having a daily capacity of or tons |