Show construction OF BLEICHERT TRAMS in the last isue issue of the mining review there appeared an illustrated article entitled the use of the Bl bleichert elchert aerial tramway in the article in question called attention to the general use and successful operation of this type of aerial tram manufactured by the trenton iron works company for which jones jacobs of salt lake aro are local representatives and the statement was made that the trams were constructed by the trenton company this in a general way was correct as the installations stal lations ware made under the general genera supervision of the company and yet the actual construction of a number of these thes se bingham lines was done under contract and under the management of the well known firm of builders and engineers james J burke co of salt lake in the construction of the bingham trams the iron work and equipment were furnished by the trenton company but all of the wood and construction work upon all of the lines with the exception of the highland boy built by joe dederichs Ded richs was performed by the burke company this company has also built other tram ways of note outside of the state including the balaklava Balak lala at goram corain california which is three and a half miles in length and which has a carrying capacity of 1000 tons every ten hours the introduction of the aerial tram in the mining camps of the west has almost revolutionized the method of ore transportation in many instances and this system is rapidly growing in favor where the conditions are such that old time methods of hauling and freighting are costly or impracticable ti |