Show NEW COMPANY FOR HALF MOON democrat leadville colo A company of local men has been organized for the purpose of prosecuting developments on the half moon group of claims in the robinson district and operations will start there soon after the first of the year the concern is composed of the following john D fillmore red cliff president william mccallum vice president dr sol G kahn secretary and treasurer these with L T stephens and N A malpuss compose the board of directors the company has secured a lease and bond on the half moon seven thirty and little chief claims near the town of robinson all these properties are patented and have been worked successfully in the past the ground is located three quarters of a mile from the mine which is one of the biggest propositions in that part of the state experts who have examined the property declare it to be a promising one and predict that the proper development will make a mine of it good results have been obtained by working all around these claims and the new concern feels confident that they have good chances for the same kind of success the colorado mines company worked the half moon claim several years ago and at a depth of forty feet encountered pay ore several shipments were made and the smelter returns were weke on a basis of from ninety to ounces of silver and from twenty five to forty per cent lead however before the property was opened extensively a fault was encountered and after drifting about blindly for a time the work was abandoned the ore in that portion of the country appears in the lime and at several places on the surface outcroppings outcrop pings of minerals have been discovered samples from all of these show the presence of both silver and lead in paying quant ites the recent developments in the international property have proved the continuity of the ore shoots in that neighborhood at a depth of over feet the internationals streak faulted but after sinking feet additional it was again picked up since then this vein has been extensively worked the theory of the new company is to sink or feet in the belief that the vein worked by the old company can again be found beyond the fault as was the experience peri ence of the international arrangements are being made to install a plant of machinery consisting of an electric hoist and an electrically driven air compressor the company plans to have these preliminaries complete by february 1 after which actual sinking can be started it is figured that the desired depth can be gained in three or four months connections will probably be made with the power line of the leadville light and power company |