Show A condensation of interesting nevada news an eight foot vein said to average almost 70 a ton is said to have been opened up in the great western mine at Horn silver picked samples go much higher running about four of silver to one in gold eight mining companies are at work in the hovin gold placer portion of osceola district and are taking out considerable gold which is melted into bullion in dry gulch in the same district six concerns are operating to good advantage D H bero formerly of salt lake and a well known architect and contractor who is now living at magill has a number of promising claims in blackhorse district and it is his intention to begin work in their development at an early date considerable delay has been occasioned in the completion of the new mill of the goldfield consolidated at Gold goldfield held by the failure to get enough structural steel to finish the work it is confidently expected that the big plant will be in operation by january 1 the nevada consolidated stock company of san francisco owning a group of claims in cherry creek district adjoining the star mine on the south has announced its intention of resuming work at an early lay day in its development this is looked upon as valuable ground the boston ely company is preparing to sink to a greater depth in order to get beyond the leached beached zone to the richer copper deposits the richest copper yet found in the ely district come from the 1000 foot level in the alpha shaft of the giroux estate which runs 12 per cent the nichols property near queens station esmeralda county is the scene of a new strike that is arousing interest in this old section the queen canyon mining milling company whose property adjoins the nichols ground is preparing to add several stamps to its mill and also install a cyanide chanid e plant the pick and gad mine located two and a half miles west of cherry creek and adjoining the noted mary ann property is being developed by means of a tunnel at the present time this valuable and promising ground in which a five foot vein of 12 free milling gold ore is exposed is owned by J T callaghan john R howard and charles waugh thomas R cutler of salt lake president of the utah idaho sugar company has returned from a visit to a cinnabar property located about fourteen miles southeast of orean rean on the southern pacific road the property has been under the supervision of W adamson and an excellent showing ls Is said to have been made with a little more development it is the intention of the company to install a small mill W B putman of salt lake recently received some very fine samples from the paymaster mine at phonolite two of these from an eight inch streak gave returns of and mostly in gold it is the intention of the company to more thoroughly exploit the ground and for this purpose R E bruner of kansas city is en route to the property james grimes who is leasing on the no 2 at gold reef has his shaft down sixty feet on a fourteen inch vein carrying values of to the ton in gold it Is the intention of the leasers leaders to sink to the foot mark before drifting on the vein several new leases have lately been let near the ground F B weeks has a force of men at work on the fort wayne group at blackhorse which he recently rec enily bonded he has also leased the whitney mill at osceola and will begin active work in getting the same in running order it is rumored that the nil Despe also at blackhorse will shortly resume operations the delmas copper company operating in elko county has two cars of ore on the way to the salt lake smelters shelters sm elters it is expected that this lot will run about 15 per cent copper and 15 or 20 ounces in silver per ton from the present showing it is very probable that the company will maintain regular shipments of sorted ore the colfield Gol field blue bell mining company has just closed a deal whereby it acquires possession of the famous stokes mine at a t berlin this property has a good past record and is fully equipped to begin operations S T pierson president of the company is at the property with a large force of mill men getting the plant in shape the first cleanup clean up is expected about october 1 A big strike in the hole card property at blackhorse has greatly stimulated the interest in that camp the find was made in a 15 foot shaft the bottom of which is all in ore that pans exceptionally well the hole card is owned by boone tilford an old pioneer of the district and by the stephens estate and is directly across the gulch from the famous san sail pedro property the ely stone and brick company of ely of which hon W N magill is president and W B lockwood vice president and general manager is making a specialty of the manufacture of concrete blocks for build building Dg and cement bricks for ornamental and other purposes the cement used in the manufacture of these commodities comes from the plant of the union portland cement company of ogden utah M mcaulay and J L moore owning the first chance group of sixteen claims in dolly varden district in the southern portion of elko county are developing the same by means of a shaft which has reached a depth of feet this shaft was sunk in a flat deposit of iron and the bottom is in an iron porphyry formation in which there are occurrences of high grade copper ore the owners of the last chance with more development confidently expect that they will open up one of the largest copper mines in nevada A late report from superintendent S S bentz of the nevada douglas mine in the yerington district conveyed the information that the drift on the foot level had broken into a fine body of 11 while the strike was not entirely unexpected it is most gratifying to the douglas management this body is the same as was followed for over feet on the foot level and proves the continuation of this remarkable shoot to the lower level the douglas is developing into one of the biggest copper propositions in the state the nevada united mines company of denver operating at ward white pine county is shipping twenty cars of ore a month to one of the salt lake smelters shelters sm elters the ore is a sand carbonate carrying 10 to 15 per cent excess in iron and assaying from 40 to 50 per cent lead and about six ounces in silver stiver to the ton the vein is twenty feet wide all pay rock and the ore is shipped without sorting it is highly probable that the company will begin dividend payments at an early date the officers and directors of the company are W J chamberlain president T B doan vice president H byrd northrup treasurer W 0 temple secretary A G burton J angus david reed franklin gueterman Guy terman and robert pitkin D C mcdonald one ond of the veteran and successful mining men of ely and nd manager for the mcdonald ely hidden treasure and success mining companies the two former operating in robinson district and the latter in duck creek is busy getting government titles to the holdings of these in corporations for the mcdonald ely he has secured patents for twelve claims and two more are pending the hidden treasure group of four claims have been patented and the success group of twenty claims are in process of pat patent elit the hidden treasure adjoining the cumberland ely and nevada cons consolidated oli dated is showing up lip some exceptionably high grade copper ore while in the success the lead ore uncovered is of excellent grade mr mcdonald is also interested te in meritorious property in osceola district |