Show WATCH YOUR STOCKS the person who buys stocks should give the matter the same atte attention n t lo 10 n that he would to any other business there is too great a tendency on the part of the purchasing public to neglect its stocks and still expect to make money out of the investment perhaps this is largely due to the few examples where the owner of stock has safely put it back in the safe and later found himself the possessor of a large fortune but such cases are few and far between no matter whether you buy as an investment or a speculation a small amount or a big block you should constantly watch the market value of your holdings if you put your money in stocks as an investment you should know at all times whether that investment is proving satisfactory or otherwise if you are speculating the rise and fall in the market is of vital importance to you any proposition worth putting your money into is certainly worth watching there are many small purchasers of stock among the poorer C lasses classes who never know anything more about their securities than the price they paid for them and it is from this class of neglectful neglect fu patron patrona 3 that many dishonest brokers reap a rich harvest we gasp with indignation when wheal thomas W lawson and a few other stock pirates shear a bunch of lambs a at t t theirl h air br own game but there are many such deals deal only on a much smaller scale that the average person never hears about simply p ly because they are given no publicity the servant girl the widow and the small in vestor are often the victims of highway robbery by stock brokers and yet there is very little noise made about it while it is partly their own fault be because calise they could not or did not watch their interests it is none the less regrettable the stock buying public should be educated to the fact that the game is a hard one at best and requires a most careful attention dont f trust to the honesty of the other fellow f watch your stocks |