Show LIVELY F FIGHT OVER REPORT Charge Made in Presbyterian Assembly That Catholic Hier Hierarchy Hierarchy Hierarchy archy is Being Built Up STRENUOUS DENIAL DEr IAL MADE OVERTURES REFERRED TO PRESBYTERIES ES Columbus Columbu 0 O May ilay 20 After a spirited discussion during which it was ag charged that an attempt was being made to build buildup up a Catholic hierarchy hierarch the Pres Presbyterian PresbyterIan general assembly today toda adopted the report of the special committee on at ad administrative agencies referring to the presbyteries four overtures relating to changes hanges In the form tonn of government of at the tho church hurch which provide for the establish establishment establishment establishment ment of ot executive commissions by br the presbyteries synods and general assem assembly assembly bly bl of ot which the moderator of the re organizations shall be the head If It a majority of ot the presbyteries approve these overtures the committee will re ro report port Jort to the next general assembly a plan for lor the executive commission of the gen general gentral general eral assembly Fierce Opposition The report of the committee was presented pre presented at the morning session but action was has not taken on it until the closing hours of at the afternoon The recommendation tion for tor the establishment of executive commissions met with vigorous opposition opposition opposition tion Rev Dr Doremus of ot Michigan 1 declaring de darIng claring that It was an attempt to set up upa a n Catholic hierarchy hierarch and Rev Dr Alex Alexander Alexander Alexander ander T Kerr of Pennsylvania denouncing ing in It as born of the spirit ot of oligarchy and a blow at the basic principles of the church hurch The proposition found warm supporters f however and andi strong defense was mil made of It by the chairman of the i committee Rev Dr James D Moffatt president of ot Washington and Jefferson university He declared the proposed change hange in the form of ot government was in perfect harmony with the principles of the church that It did not mean a con concentration concentration but rather an execution of power More Power for Moderator The committee e In its report suggested that the general executive committee should consist of ot fifteen mem members members bers hers of which the moderator is to be tho the head that officer being elected to serve for an entire year ear instead of during the session of the general assembly as at present Under this plan any an question except t it be of ot a judicial nature may mar be referred to the commission for tor adjust adjustment adjustment adjustment ment during the interim between the ses sessions sessions sessions of the assembly The plan necessarily necessarily extends the powers of the modera moderator tor who would act as the representative ft ot the church as occasion may ma require visit the synods presbyteries and other bodies as may ma be deemed advisable in the interest 1 of the work of ot the church and counsel with the committees and boards of the church when requested to do so bO bOThe The commission would counsel with the moderator on all matters he may mar t hoose to lay before them take such ac no action action notion tion as may ma be required to further the orders i of the assembly and make an an annual annual annual nual report with such recommendations as they may deem advisable to the as assembly assembly Report Not Binding The adoption of the report of the com committee e today too a does not bind the assembly t r these suggestions ns By unanimous vote the assembly made IIII report r port of ot the committee on temper ince nce a special order for Wednesday aft at which time the controversy tw tween tn the th interchurch Temperance fed fedt ration t and the league will willII lw b II threshed out on the floor of the assem assembly bly R of the board of missions for freedmen the college board and the committee com committee on Christian work among amon sailors and soldiers were also presented and adopted today toda |