Show MARKETS LOOK BAD TO HIM Chicago Operator Sees Nothing but Lower Prices for Stocks Discussing present market conditions It R W V McKinnon of Logan Bryan B an Chicago yesterday esterday talked over the Pol Pollock Pollock lock private wires in the following pes pos pessimistic pessimistic strain After a canvass can ass of the street I feel eol very ery bearish on securities There Is not the short selling one would be led letI to believe The uptown crowd who ho have been very vcr skeptical sk are of course bearish and working on that side but hut the rank and file CHe are either long or out of 01 the market There is an utter lack of oC confidence and no matter how far stocks decline the public will wUl not come ome In but the already suspicious feel feeling feeling ing jag Is aggravated with each setback Generally General speaking railroads are all hard up and readily take money at rates which In ordinary years would be re regarded regarded regarded as ruinous Stocks have lave been Is Issued s sued Hued with such freedom during the past few years that a moderate falling Calling off offin offIn offIn in the present volume of business would impair dividends on not a few proper properties properties properties ties It is true brokers are carrying less stocks than for months but they are being carried in banks throughout the country as well as in boxes and if liquidation liquidation I dation started from this channel where would the buyers be found The west western I ern fOrn rn and southern roads must face a Ii pos possible siNe sible material reduction in the corn and cotton otton yield while the lines In the mid middle middle middie I dle die west will feel the effects of a short wheat crop and the same Is likely to tobe tolIe tobe be lIe the experience of grain carrying roads In the northwest Last but not least is the hostile at attitude attitude attitude on the part of various states to toward toward ward corporations and anil corporative power On top of this Is the fact that a year hence we will enter Into what will no doubt be oe the most remarkable presidential campaign in modern times I may mayie be je ie losing sight of something hut taking these facts Into consideration I cannot see anything but lower prices The dc do dine has been heavy since Jan I J but II the list on a R whole it if an average were taken is still lUll high I I |