Show PRICES CES c SUe SOc M I Matinee Today at 3 p m mT T LAST TIME LINCOLN JV SENSATIONAL D DRA lJ own Down A beautiful story of the South full of heart interest SPECIAL SCENERY AND EFFECTS NEXT ATTRACTION Thursday ThurMay Friday Priday and Saturday Matinee Satur Saturday Saturday day ay at 15 p m ml MISS l ISS INEZ I EZ FORMAN and JOHN JOIL I DILLON in EAST LYNNE I Seats Sat now on sale salek I I Salt at k Cake aW aWI I Managers Kemper Present LOUIS LOTUS FRED X Xi i J idol es W rde I TONIGHT LAST TIME Al TOr Wednesday Matinee and anti Thursday Night JULIUS CAESAR Mr James Jame as Brutus Mr Warde as asMare asI I Mare Kare arc Antony Prices SOc and antI antIe ande Me e e fiSe 50 I Salt take Cake ak b George D U Manager OCTOBER to With Matinee Wednesday WE Oct 28 I Sale of Seats Sea Opens THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 10 JO a aj n m KLAW Stupendous Production of Gen Wallace s sen i Ben en nonH HUT Hur I Dramatized by bv William Young Music by byI Edgar I Kelly PERSONS IN I NS No seat Mate laid aside a ide before opening sale Prices SOc to SUI Mall Mail orders order with remittance filled In InI I order received after the sale ule opens open Excursions Excursion on all aU railroads If ili M ti CO COi i Miln ln St Progress I Stock of ot I MENS NS AND ANt HATS I FURNISHING GOODS BOYS and CHILDRENS D SUITS We w enry suly the most satisfactory Ua UJ JI lasting I t c c LC 4 11 t t Uw w I y fum ILi t W ei g 0 0 0 18 MR in qualities all usine lisle 7 yokes es I 0 sad ad tad and m to an alt colon in including q allt for tor lie Nc R eluding the styles style ot of o rz draw rs At t os ranging from 5 c Ladles vesto m Ja 38 cents t IK r f c black regular Me Mc quality for tor tie No Nos ns ts china silk vests ye Ul i lace trimmed vests are towered from W II to SLit in white only regular value for tor SOc see s 1 silk embroidered yokes yoke to in blue ferae pink and white for 34 J 2 Ladies Jg suite Alts with tow low neck umbrella reUa drawers lace lisle lace trimmed corset trimmed regular Ui L for tor forWe covers for tL 1 qualIty I We It U Uk vest elK with silk aUk f J 1 Ladies of a ered ored yokes for tor SUB extra x large IaZ ian stoe and aIM aa of o as quality 1 IfO suits salts in summer mer ity 1 Y in lu not I lace kee ce re nilar w w ji hIt Mek and aDd snort fl 1 1 at tic lie sleeves and aM high bIt neck and long lone Ladies umbrella drawers ia Ja alt a a sleeves t for br ii styles style lace trimmed a lie e quality Ni 1 fat M women for SOc Gee Sty ity It for lot Me ide MeMe U 1 i vests eaU of another quality tot for II ft cants Me quality for tor lie e knee bass Swan fiao Yo quality for Sac Nc a second t f ribbed lisio I drawers with rb ta p e Mo iIo thirl quality for tor c e and lid a S for Sic top Regular LII t UK CI Cor r The e TheS n 1 umbrella drawers for Th There to Is ilia a a large IM lies to t select S and perHaps JW GMt AaA a tS a drawers rs lace laet just ja j what you want t v I S drawers for c 3 las vet vest tot for Visit the Basement B t Sec i r SIlk Uk ribbon straps i fr quality at ot t m In I C 47 L s dier blik Union salts anita I No a liste mesh umbrella un hr 1 EXhibit Of et C lit a tin furs thIs weak W C low neck Made and short t sleeves WIle regu la a 1 draw lace t trimmed very f I hu Mr u 4 47 for far W I 3 suit att a fine find regular Ke lie value at atHe Novelty it C lisle He No t las lag I the rankIng at i 1 t t low I DeCk ne an abort Ort tit sleeves h Ites ribbed ves lao Mo 18 oe W umbrella drawers draw lace i for t lar tYr r Ha W lead la ha m metal tal talI beds I J I S I fi o co 0 j I 1 I 1 I Many people t think hink ays the place to bu buy Diamon Diamond d d 15 wh WIt WItS t have bough S there KNOW i Theatre 60 o W Second S cond South i Refined ReCht vaudeville performances 3 S and aad Dd A 4 l p Po x w ni evening 7 30 and at mum Thur Thuy day y amateur night Sacred rt oo Sun Su day 7 Admission lOc lOe lOeI t Highest st Award utah State Stale State Fair 1903 I Three Crown Grown CrownI I I A c co coI I I The Wholesome BAKING POWDER at your Grocers the Pound Hewlett Bros Co Coo Coi CoI o i I SURE TO TASTE GOOD Certain to Do You Good PEERY BROS WHEAT FLAKES A DIET TO THRIVE ON ONis Jill H I III I BLOOD POISON is the tb worst disease on earth yet yd the thena easiest na to cure WH N YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO Many have pimples spots on the skin sores in the mouth ulcers falling hair hall bone pains catarrh dont know It te tB BLOOD POISON Send to DR Dit BROWN Arch St Philadel Philadelphia Philadelphia phia p ia Pa PL for BROWNS BLOOD CURE OO per pet bottle lasts tuu one month For I sale Ie only by F C Schramm corner First Smith Routh and streets f Johnsons s Photos L in POSE rose a LIGHTING rand and Used by br tb be but bent t wd f r OtT ty and aDd professional people Vo In You o see cee mo Won or td a Wh The O J OliN ON CE C B JOb Johnson Sept W Teni Salt BaU Lake Utah Utan IV c THE TUE T SAVINGS S BANK DIRECTORS W W Biter Riter President Moses MOH Thatcher Vice President Pre EHa Ell A Smith Cashier Ca James J Sharp John R B Barnes John C Cutler David Eccles Beet A W v Cartoon Carl on onG George G Romney John Joh R Winder Reed Smoot S 11 R JL Eldredge W V F lI James Pour Four per cent interest t paid on savings deposits COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Capital paid in ii General Banking in la All AU Its Ita Branches Directors J B John J T Daly O 0 J Salisbury Moylan C Fox Vox J E Cosgriff W P Noble George Geo e 34 x Downey Doney John ba Donnellan A F Koloen HoJ en enI I NATIONAl BANK IIAN OF TilE THE U S DEPOSITORY FRANK KNOX President J JAMES AMIES JA A MURRAY Vice President W F y ADAMS Cashier CUBI CAPITAL PAID IN W O I OB Banking B la In all aU its branches transacted acted tran Exchange drawn drawl on the principal cities clUes of INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS L 1 S HILLS BIlLS President MOSES lOSES THATCHER THA Vice President Pre H H S g YOUNG Cashier CashierS E 1 S HILLS Assistant Cashier Ca TJ U S DEPOSITORY Deseret National Bank Salt Lake City Utah I CAPITAL I SURPLUS Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Capital Fully Paid WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS SALT LAKE TA CITY UTAH Established 1859 Incorporated MM OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS I M K H WALKER President t THOMAS WEIR Vice President L H IL FARNSWoRTH F RTH Cashier Ca ler J O 0 HOWARD Assistant A Cashier CUbler JOHI H WALKER W Aest Cashier H I Q G W FERRY Transact a General Banking Bus Business lIess Sate Safe Deposit Boxes Bo J For Por Rent Reat TU TIlE STATE STAT BANK OF UTAH Ii Corner Main Xain and South Temple Streets Salt Lake City I JOSEPH F i SMITH President WILLIAM B PRESTON Vie Vice President CHARLES B S BURTON Cashier HENRY HENRT T 1 t Cashier Ier GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts Solicited Special attention attel to country trade Correspondence Invited Dr J B KEYSOR DENTAL PARLORS 1 Iff 14 S Mate Main St StOver StOver StOver Over Davis Da Tb Shoe SkIM Store Slots z Fifteen yeara years continuous practice tice in Salt Halt Lake Laic Good Set of Teeth for Amalgam or r Silver S vcr HW Gold fillings t nW 1150 and a u Teeth cleaned d n Solid gold crown Bridge work per teeth 9 09 0 Crew Crawn anti and Bridge WOl k a S Office Omee Gp Sunday from 18 if a ii w te S I Sa Ip a p m r w H B WINDSOR ESTABLISHED ISN General Insurance and Adjusting 66 88 WEST SECOND SOUTH for tOr forthe Ben Of Patrons We have bave a hIgh hick class stock at et 8 liQuors for tor medicinal use We have Kota gota KOt license lic B e te to sell this l class of Ko de and our easterners g win winget get act t good values value for tor their monea mon j mer Whisky Isky Cognac Brandy and all alt high class wines can be bought bou bt here Our stock of high grade rade grad cigars is le unexcelled and suitable for tor Zo ab all smokers A C Druggist Main Street Established hed 1841 1541 Offices The Oldest and Largest R G DUN fc CO cCO BUST RUST General Manager Utah Idaho and Wyoming Offices in Progress building Salt Lake City McCORNICK Co BANKERS BAN ERS SPILT SALT T LAKE CITY elTY UTAH S HULBERT HUMBERT BROS TRUNKS NEW HEW LUCE WRIST BAGS JUST fIST RECEIVED MAIN MAUT Adjoining Kenyon Hotel t 1 Boston Dental Parlors S S 8 Main MaIr St iti 1 We make a specialty of Gold Grows Crows and Teeth without plates All work done painlessly p ly aal a 9 by experienced Specialists specialist Why pay others other large tees fans for far dental tal work when you can rt get the MIlt hint for far the theLM following low prices Full Set tf If Teeth T k Bk Gold Crowns Cr Bridge work per er tooth SM LM Gold Fillings and ae lop ip Silver Fillings v Painless Extracting Ex 30 10 THE HIGHEST OF 0 D N AT THE LOWEST PRICES IS 18 OUR MOTTO glen given with all work Lady attendant a Hours Houn I a to 8 a Sunday 8 Id lOL Boston Dental Parlors J 2 SOUTH MAIN Time Table I I 1 r rI I Feb i 1903 I From Ogden Ode Portland Butte San Sast Francisco sad and Omaha a a m front From Ogden and Intermediate 10 a 50 Ogden Cache Valley Va Chicago At St Louis ittia Omaha Denver DetTer and aDO intermediate points paints ll p m mF From F Ogden Chicago St t Louts Loufa Lou EaI City Omaha Denver Denv and u San Sm Francisco 4 p m aD Prom Ogden O Valley o lib n Fru t os p Per Far Ogden Omaha Chicane Denver Den Kansas City Cit and It Louis 10 a m For Ogden Portland Butts Butte Bel Ret Belena Belen ena ens San Sua Francisco Francasco sad and inter intermediate Intermediate f mediate points ponta Ml S a L m an anfor For oJea Oman Omana ein Denver l City St and Sa p m mor For or Osden Cache Valley VUey flea Den Denver ver Kansas City Omaha St lit Louto Ie and to p nu Ut For Fee hrH Ogden Cache rb Valley Butte Bun Helene Helena Portland SaD Ban fret Kraa chico aad and a L m an mT anT T a SCHUMACHER Act Traffic Mgr C CD D B IS E EyELEt BURLET G O P a T A 13 D S 2 L SENOR SP S SA A Q G P a T A CIty ticket wee e ML iii Mate street Tele Tel Pl ML 4 g TIME TABLE Sas SOR Pedro Its Silt Salt R R Ct 1 DEPART 1 From OrKen Short Lute Line Depot Salt Bait Lake Lak City For Provo Prove Lehl LeW Fairfield aA Homer at t We N M for tor and Ud inter intel intermediate mediate points on Sanpete 1 ate m Valley railway I For Beach Bosch Tenets T Stockton Eureka r and aad Silver sa City via ria Learn Lean L cutoff a S For Provo Prove Jerk Lehi Le l Jua Juab Froe and intermediate I LZ 15 4 g poInts I p ARRIVE Front From Provo Promo American Fork LaId Lehi Juab Scab Milford Frisco and aDd intermediate 35 o M I bI I Frost From Promo Prevo v Lebl Lebi Mercur and Sanpete Valley 55 S 5 I railway points point M p pI I From Prom Silver City Mammoth i Eureka Stockton Tenets Tooele 1 I and Garfield Beach Bech BeachALL p pALL pALL ALL TRAINS DAILY Direct stage for lor alt all mining dIstricts to In Utah w d Nevada City T Ticket ck t OMee Ioe SU Mali Street T Telephone For or nail U e sn or Ot address agents Salt Lake Route J T L t MORU I t General Ge eral Passenger p Agent t GRAN liE Ri w CURRENT TIME TABLE In Effect June JUDe une 1906 LEA VE SALT LA orrT J Ne N iFor For Grand Orand Den DG Denver v ver v and points east S I anu No l For Fo Provo Grand Jose Junc Junction tion Uon and aDd points east t 2 pm No 4 For Provo Prove Grand June Junc Junction tion ant and points east JI pm No 10 For BI usher Heber Lehl Lehi Provo Mantl Manti Marts Marys Marysvale vale and nd intermediate points IM 1 W am nm No For Provo Pa Eureka and Intermediate points pm No U For Ogden Daden and aDd nfl all Inter inlet Intermediate mediate points p pm Io S For Ogden and aDd the west p pm m Wo Woo 1 For Ogden Osden and nd the pm No o For Ogden and the west eat lid it LID nm 4 No For Park City Cit and anet all intermediate points as 15 nm Lm ARRIVE SALT LATE GUT OTY No 12 From and ad an II in intermediate Ie i termed late points Katti alII am amNo No 6 From Provo Pros Grawl JUlIO Juan Junction tion Uon and the east nm t No 1 From hon Grand GraM Junction and the east I pi piNo No From Provo Grand June JUDe 1 f tion tIou and the east na p No From Pr Frees Prevo vo Heber Beber Marysvale M va and aDd Inter luter Intermediate Intermediate I mediate points to p m mNo No 6 From Ogden sad and the west went am nm tto No S From Ogden and ad the west pm No 4 From Ogden Oden and aad the west a M pm No 7 From 1 Eureka Provo and intermediate points Me 1050 am nm No Ner l Fro Park Perk City pm PERFECT OAR GAB SERVICE Ticket stiles office Hi West W Second Boutt street strett p pL L A Gen As Pass Pam Dept Jept TRAINS THINS Tl DAILY BETWEEN SALT LAKE CITY AND THE EAST I W 41 No Ho Change of Cars Care jJ THE OVERLAND ROUTE All The Way 4 EQUIPMENT S or tax Cats Ballet and Ate Oars nl Cans ansala ii carte M Car Chair Cars Can et etc Be sure sate h ew r Ticket re j over ovet the UNION PACIFIC famished on application to too toi OD m i Main St It |