Show j NEW COMPANIES FOR OGDEN I j lf and d Biscuit Pile File 44 Articles of Incorporation p ii i J i to have hae another manufacturing f ing III try In the nature of a cracker cra and ai bi hi uit factory factor f or The Th corporation I which fil filid l Its it articles of incorporation t i y with fth Secretary of State hate James Jamen JamesT T Hammond will be known as w the Ogden octen ral r A company compan It will alil hove have havea hovea t a of or 11 GOO divided Into no li liat at u II par lar Sr value alue of SO tiO cents cen each The Tho of fU rs will be George Georae A Craig Crate 1 r nH nt M Myrtillo Sha Shea vice president r C E Hoffman secretary V Th The Itah tah State Journal company shih hit h proposes to establish e a paper in Int t l In the near future also al o filed its Ita ItaI I pcr of o incorporation yesterday with 11 lh H a r t ta r of or state it has a capital Mock tk f or f r n W divided Into 1 OW shares I at u a n tr 1 r value of to Ii each The officers If iro nn Frank J T Cannon president WH wu V Browning vice president p ent Ewin EwinA A J u secretary ry and aDd |