Show BAPTIST CONSOLIDATION Committee front from fr m Two Churches Dis Discusses Discusses cusses Proposition A portion of the committees appoint appointed ed by b the East Side and First Baptist churches to consider r the advisability of consolidating the two churches met lest Jest night in tOte office of J J in the Eagle Ea le block and discussed the matter but took no definite action The points of on in the matter matt r were discussed pro and con by the com corn committees committees in an informal way The matter devolved d oled itself into a question of whether it was best b st for forthe forthe forthe the Baptist cause in this city to have one central and united church or two In different parts of the city as it now is Some thought better work could be bf done and more accomplished by b having one consolidated church in the central portion of the city and allow missions to build up In the city as it spreads out and builds up Others thought that more people could be reached and bet better better better ter work accomplished by b having two churches which could be more easily reached and more convenient to mem members members members bers in different portions of the city The Tile Question of which church hould should be c used as a n meeting place if the con consolidation consolidation were accomplished until a anew anew new church could be built was brought up un and occasioned considerable argument argument ment meat The representatives of the First church thought that that place was the only one that could be considered They wanted the East Side to come over and use their church for the union church until the building of a more more central one oneTo oneTo oneTo To this some of the East SIders ob objected objected objected saying that they would have ta to tomake t make all an the sacrifice and lose all the work they had built up while the First church would have to make maJ e no sacrifice Wand and lose nothing |