Show THINK ACCIDENTS C S ABE ait HEREDITARY Kansas City Star S r rIs Is it to accident hereditary The t Woodmen o pi uc kiLt a fIt af s staf a at Rock Island Islan HI Th this week discussed the question and by consultation with viti the tile mortuary department satisfied saU fied the theOf Of Officers Officers that the theory is a correct corret corre One John Jih Sullivan of Kansas who wh at attended tended ded the th meeting says sn the ma e examiners look with disfavor on cants casts for e whose relatives have ave di died did d b because cause of accidents A man whose father or brother brot was killed in an accident is looked upon as asa asa a si greater eater risk k than A man whose hose near have escaped accidents a If IC one has lost his life by acci accident accident accident dent the risk according to the information lion Hon given Riven by Mr Sullivan is as bad badat badas as at though the man had lost a like num number number number ber of relatives because of consumption The insurance men dont accept a any ity vague theory that an evil genius pur pursues p r sues men to the third mind and fourth get gen generation but look for other causes The theory is not new but the statistics compiled bear it out so strongly that Sullivan believes a new step will be QC betaken betaken taken by insurance companies in class classing lag Jog accident risks on the basis of these thee ions The theory is that most people who are lire killed by accidents are incautious They are ale either dare devils who dont care care what they do or careless people who dont take the trouble to find out when their lives are in danger anger Here eie Is where heredity comes in inA InA inA A man walks in front of a street car ear carand carand and gets run over Looking back over the list of his ancestors the mortuary officials officiate find that his grandfather i ivI vas s skilled killed by felling a tree the wrong way wa r rand and not getting ont out of reach or that thata a team ran away awa with his uncle and broke his neck by throwing him out of the waon wa n The evidence in support of this the theory theory theory ory is remarkable Sullivan n said The order tries to go beck back Into a mans his history history tory fout four generations and when a aman man dies by accident it finds as a rule that some sone of his ancestors died the same way wa Men who follow hazardous oc occupations occupations occupations almost alm always have ances ancestors ancestors tors torn who did not have the average amount of caution The statistics as compiled by our mortuary department seem to me to be unanswerable and they go to show that a large share of accidents must have hae been partly due to the dare devil disposition of the in injured injured man or to his general careless carelessness ness nessI I I have heard beard this theory before but nver saw sa its correctness demonstrated before I remember member a suit where there was a serious question whether a aman man who had shot himself in his room alone had done so by accident or with suicidal suicidal dal intent An old doctor traced this mans family back three generations and found no case ease of death or serious injury due to accident and on that and that alone atone he based the conclusion conclusion sion slon that the man meant to commit suicide I thought the doctor was a crank but the evidence at the department of our order showed Showe that be lie had some reason for his oon eon ten on 1 |