Show FINANCE ROAD Angeles Ang les Salt SuIt Lake Di Directors Directors Directors rectors Go ifo to New Nm York YorkI I BONDS WILL V ILL BE PLACED 4 L SEVERAL MILLION MI LION DOLLARS DOL RS WORTH TO BE DISPOSED OF Before leaving Utah the incorporatOrs of the Los Angeles Salt Lake JAke rod decided to Dec S in New York The meeting will wili be the most moat Import jt yet held as the project is to be financed fina at that time It is believed that several million dollars worth of bonds will wilt be disposed of at the New York meeting which will be attended by b all the direct ors era Including the Utah members of or the board The rhe leading spirits of the Los Angeles Salt Lake railroad including the visit visiting visiting visitIng ing St Sit Louis Louts magnates and ard Perry Heath finished their dUCK hunt on Bear river ricer yesterday morning and have s scattered to towards towards wards home The visitors went east eft t from Ogden having finished up their business In this city but ut Thomas S Kerns Jg t f David a Keith K I E Calvin Colonel Holmes Thomas Pitt W VP P and Judge Bartch Hartch reached home wifely safely to tell teU the story of the terrific onslaught Mr Kearns male made ma le most frank and fatal tatal admissions concerning conce ning the hunt Why Perry Heath and Pitt did an au anthe authe the killing said he the rest of us were not in it at ill all ll This being the case ease the politician and his Salt Lake colleague colle gu must have had some pretty lively billiards as fully ro representatives i or of the tha feathered tribe tumbled into the game bags bag of the th party And there an accident a l ent on the en entire entire entire tire trip although Kearn earns and Keith Bartch and Bemis Bernis and the ammu ammunition zillion occupied the same boat beat all nil the way down the river The visitors were delight delighted ed with the tho scenery along the Bear and sunrise at Corinne and seemed never to tire of the sport Los Angeles Cal CuI Nov 26 William A Clark will leave here tomorrow for or the east oost to remain until the first of the year eal when he will return to Montana to further urther his Interests In the senatorial l con eon contest contest test In the state legislature It is stated here that within three weeks the property of the Terminal rail railroad railroad railroad road will be to the Los Ange Angelas Angeles Angelea lea las Salt Lake Railway company Sev Several Several eral oral new locomotives and much additional rolling stock has been ordered and there Is every evidence that the work on eq the new road to Salt Lake will b be commenced comme ed shortly and prosecuted with great vigor |