Show I I DEMOCRATS OF OP IOWA I Hold Convention Select Delegates and Adopt a Platform I I Des Moines la Ta May S The Democratic state stale convention selected for delegates at large to the Kansas City convention Cato Sells of Vinton Charles A Walsh of Ot Ottumwa Ottumwa Ottumwa John S Murphy of Dubuque George Baker of Davenport Dav The proceedings were characterized characterize t by br harmony throughout and the convention was the largest held by the Democrats of this state In recent years nearly 1000 delegates being present The prevailing sentiment nt was overwhelmingly for tor Bryan and the delegates were instructed to vote as a unit for him at Kansas City In the framing of the platform the themore themore themore more conservative element prevailed The Chicago platform Is endorsed and the gold standard denounced but the ratio of IS 16 to 1 does not appear in the resolutions resolutions resolutions The selection ot of John S Murphy editor of the Dubuque Telegraph was a concession to the radical advocates of free silver Temporary Chairman Jeremiah B Sulli Sullivan Sullivan van received tremendous applause in re me response response to his denunciation of trusts and imperialism and his endorsement of Will lam lain Jennings Bryan for tor president No Nowhere Nowhere Nowhere where in his speech did he mention 13 15 to L He said in part The declaration of independence an announced announced flounced at Chicago In will never nover die dieThe dieThe The Democratic party stands for bimetallism and ever will It is opposed to a aI money trust as much as It is to a sugar Qt I tie The trusts must KO io 1 antI and there Is but butone butone butone one party that can and will Win accomplish It and that is the Democratic party We Ve cannot not hope the Republican party will crush the trusts Do you expect a father to cast oft off his most obedient son Imperialism and trusts are one They mean a consolida consolidation tion Uon and woe to the common people when they are united Imperialism cannot be bea a a success without a standing army A standing army bodes no good to a i free people if maintained it will wUl lead TO 00 but butone butone butone one end dictatorship We cannot have colonies under our system of government We cannot C hold territory In any other capacity Cuba Porto Rico and the Philippines are to be become become become come a part of the United States are they not If they are then say so It If they are not then the people of this country are In bondage and the flag of the republic floats over staves Cato Sells and Charles A Walsh had no appreciable opposition for delegates at large The contest for the other otner two places on the delegation was spirited and close lose resulting in the selection o ot of Mur Murphy Murphy Murphy phy and Baker Frederick B K White candidate for gov nov governor governor in 1897 1297 and 1829 1899 who had been strongly urged for delegate withdrew his name and earnestly advised the nomina nomination nomination nomination tion of Murphy The convention adopted a resolution offered by Former Congressman Walter alter Butler providing that the delegates con contribute contribute contribute tribute to a fund in aid of the Boers o rs Following Is the platform adopted Reaffirms unqualified allegiance to the principles set forth In the Democratic na national national national platform adopted at Chicago in 1896 recognizing William J Bryan as greatest living exponent of thes these principles and demand his nomination as the standard bearer of Democracy It opposes the single gold standard de denounces denounces denounces trusts and combinations in re restraint restraint restraint of trade tra e and the protective policy of the Republican party upon which it alleges they are founded deplores the adoption of ot the recent Porto Rico meas mona measure measure ure uie as a violation of American pledges and of the constitution and a stain upon American honor condemns what It calls cans the imperialistic policy of this UtIS adminis administration a mintS extends sympathy to the South Sou h African republics and favors the elec olec election election tion of United States senators by direct vote of the people |