Show I MEANING OF OF MILLIONS This is the age of millions and an mil millionaires millionaires A few centuries ago a o people thought in hundreds of thousands but now one thinks in millions says the English Mechanic and World of Science It If one studies political economy finance astronomy the atomic theory the age of the earth the vibrations of heat waves bacteriology or even the water supply of or towns one must think in mil millions millions millions lions for each generation of mankind must be trained to think on a higher scale than the preceding generation in order to make progress If the national expenditure exp taxes tares and rates continue to increase annually In Inthe Inthe inthe the future as they have done in the past the people of future generations will nill think in billions or In millions of ot millions 1 f In the th United States of ot America and andin andin andin in France people already speak of bil billions billions billions lions but a billion In these countries means a thousand millions One million persons collected together in a crowd with an allowance of ot three square feet per person would cover an anarea anarea anarea area of ot 88 acres acre say 70 acres or could be contained In a square having sides yards ards long or If U one allows eighteen Inches per person standing shoulder to shoulder people would extend a 2841 miles mUes or from London to The population of oC the county count of Lon London London London don amounts to and md allowing eighteen inches per person standing shoulder to shoulder it would form tonn a aluman human luman human wall vali miles long bong or the whole population could be placed on an anarea anarea anarea area of ot 07 square mile or on a square having sides of of a mile New York Tork has a population of which would cover an area of of ot a square mile which Is equivalent to toa toa toa a square having sides of a mile long ong i Paris contains persons who could be accommodated comfortably on of ofa a square mile or by of ofa ofa ofa a mile mU and the people of Berlin number souls s who would cover cov ran an area of of ot a square mile niUe and could be i contained In ina a square having haying sides of a mile In length I x The population of ot the United King Kingdom Kingdom dom consists of about persons and if an area of ot three ee square re feet be allowed for each ea h person perso a to stand on this great crowd could be accommodated accommodated accommodated dated on an area of ot square miles equal to a square of by miles or If I standing shoulder sh ulder to shoulder would form a 3 human n wall miles In n length which would wo ld extend halfway round the earth at the equator One million on cubic yards of excavation excavations Js Is s equivalent to a cube having haYing sides yards ards long l ng or It may nl y be he represented by bya b ba a bank of earth measuring one yard square d miles mil sin In length The excavation In the construction of the he Manchester ship canal amounted to of t cubic yards ards of which 12 consisted of ot red sandstone s rock The total tic of could be depleted depicted d dby by y a n wall hil of material m teri l one one yard Jard square and miles In length as the cir clr circumference circumference of the earth at the equator equators Is s about miles mUes this wall of excavated rated ted material would be sufficient to form farm a girdle round the world or It might mi be represented by a cube of ma material erial tenial having sides yards lond One million tons of ot rock allowing fourteen cubic feet to the ton can be by bya a cube having sides about 41 feet In length In the United States the coal raised per annum totals 35 tons which are equal to a Ube cube havin sides yards ards long lon and in Germany the quan quantity quantity Ity raised Is tons equivalent to o a cube with sides yards ards in length One million building bricks if f piled plied carefully together so as to form a cube could be contained In one whose sides were vere feet or say 40 feet long al allowing allowing lowing sixteen bricks to the cubic foot laid aid without mortar or bricks can be depicted depleted by a wall six feet high nine Inches thick and 26 miles Jong long longIn In connection with ith the study of as astronomy astrOnomy It is difficult to ta realize the meaning of millions of miles but some idea flea may ma be gathered from the th time that hat would be taken by b an express train rain or the shot snot front from a cannon to cover celestial spaces The distance of o the earth from the sun is about miles mUes and light traveling raveling at the rate of miles per perse second se o In traverses this distance In n Si 8 minutes but buta a railway train go gong goIng mg Ing ng at a speed of o ninety miles per hour would Jake ke ike rs to reach the sun The circumference rence of ot the ellipse form torm lag Ing ng the orbit of the earth parth round roun the sun suns sunIE lis IE s about miles mils In length and anda a the earth covers this distance In days traveling at the rate of miles an or 1098 miles per min minute mm ute or nearly 1100 times as fast as a atrain atrain atrain train going at one mile per 1 r minute Therefore a train traveling at this speed would require nearly 1100 years to accomplish the journey round d the earths orbit The velocity of a rifle bullet is about 2130 feet per second or miles mlles per minute and that of the projectile weighing pounds froma from ing gun Is about feet teet per second or thirtyfour miles mUes per minute so that the velocity of the earth is times as fast as the latter latte latterA i A million gallons ganon of ot water weighing I ten pounds per gallon Is It equivalent to tons and allowing cubic feet to the ton this will be equal to a a cube of water wa r having sides 44 feet In length or to a iI reservoir 1267 feet square and ten feet fOet f et deep The quantity o ot water used annually for fires In the county of London amounts to gallons equivalent to tons Of Is drawn direct from rivers canals and ana docks and the remainder from the wa water 3 ter ten mains the total of Is equal to a cube having sides Eld 1 1 feet t t square The total amount a of f water wat r used an annually annually in the county of London for all purposes is gallons galbon equal In bulk to a cube having sides sloes nearly 1527 feet long or to a reservoir yards ards square quare and ten feet deep dep p The amount of ot consumed at n In lri the United Kingdom Is as foli fol follows lows Wine equal to gallons r s represented volume by a cube having sides ides feet t et long beer b r equal equa to 1270 1 iO gallops equivalent to a cube with sides feet teet In length and spir spirits spirIts its equal eq al to gallons which w would forma fonna form a cube with sides feet square One million blood corpuscles which are each about Inch In diameter if laid in a a row row touchIng one another would cover a distance of ot twentysix tW fo t fest t and bacteria which are about inch In and inch in diameter If laid lengthwise end to end would extend toA to 1 distance nce of ot 1666 feet but If laid side by side they would o ld be feet ett bong bongA A gramme gramm of street mud which is equivalent to a small cube of earth hay haying ha hahl lug ing hl sides Inch In length contains about bacteria la which if Jf placed In a line side by side would cover coyer a al length of 2594 feet and anda a gramme gram me of earth from a cultivated field will contain about bac ba bateria term terla which It laid side by side would extend a distance of Jeet teet In the Alpine mountains mo no bacteria were found In cubic centimeters centimeters ers era of air which is equivalent In size to a cube of seven se n feet sides but bit in the theair theair theair air of ot the streets of Paris were vere found in the same same volume of or air while in the rain water Avater of Paris P bacteria were found und in a cube having sides seven feet fe t in length This Is equivalent to about aho t bacteria I to one cubic Inch |