Show REPUBLICAN LANDSLIDE IN AND COUNTY ticket lJ Sweeps County Count by Pluralities Ranging From to Ame ote a Big Disappointment to That Pacy Party Knight Leads His Ticket and Burbidge Makes Good GoodRun Run Time Tile Republicans swept the county by byan b ban byan an unexpected un x te te landslide electing every evry county count candidate on the ticket by from to and electing electing the candidates for f r city judges fudges Justice of the peace pece and constable by from 1000 i to t 1500 15 major majori i T vote yote In the tle city was about abut 1400 11 less Jess than tha a year e r ago and the Republican vote yote in the city wa was nearly more than a year er ago Even Een the most sanguine of the Republican Republican lican leaders newer never anticipated such a weeping sweeping swe victory their highest claims caim having haviar been 2000 plurality in the county The Th Democratic vote In the te county was W larger arger than anticipated th the Democrats Democrat getting 1424 4 for Knight Kight and 46 4 for Burbidge In the city and polling over 1000 10 votes vote In the county count districts districtS outside the city In Salt Lake City et a total of over 27 7 0 votes otes were w edat and In the county count outside of the city cl nearly were polled Taft att carried cardo the city by Spry by b 3 00 over oer Knight and nd W over oer overstreet overStreet street streit Knight Kight leads the Democratic county and state ste ticket by b about 1000 30 and Spry runs nuns about 1 behind his i picket The Republican county candidates carried the city by from 1200 12 to t 1 11 X over the Americans The surprising feature of the result Is the falling off oft of the American vote yote In the city and the remarkable gains of the Republicans in the city ct Among the things thing that contributed to it was the fact tact that a large number of voters oter without respect r to party cast cat their ballots for tor forJohn forJohn John S Bransford a a year ago and these returned to the Republican and Demo Democratic Demo cratic parties partes this year The he saloon vote yote which has as hitherto always alwa been with the Americans went wet with the Republicans this time because of the abandonment te of or ofa a k prohibition plank which had haI been pro proposed pro propOsed posed for tor the Republican platform A large number of Mormons were moved move to the Republican party p ry by b the te attack Ot Pt Frank Frank J Cannon on the Mormon lonon leaders leader The rbi effective tit Republican organization hun as i contrasted with nith wIh the ap apIn laek ot effOrt on th leJo J Dart of tn the also aIded the i Rep In spite of the th most ot desperate efforts of tf f Republican e to induce the Democrats to vote ot the Republican lican Ican ticket Heket the t e returns show sho that the Mormon Mormon Democrats were wre true to the party pa rt for t r the Democratic vote ot on county ticket Is only about 1000 10 less leas than tan it was as two years year ago while Knight Knigh gets getz g ts about i 1000 10 votes In the county more marc than Powers received two years ears ago Many y o ot of th thousand who left lef the te Democratic party pantY pat this tills year probably were Gente Demo Democrats Democrats Democrate crate who voted the American ticket t ket as asa asa a protest against the attempt of the church leaders to interfere in the politics p of or the state slate In view of the assertions made by the party leaders of the Americans and the Republicans warning the voters oter to beware of ot Intimidation at the te voting places place the election electon was remarkably quiet t tand and there was nothing to indicate that there tere was wa any an necessity for tor the appoint appointment appointment appointment ment of ot the 20 24 special deputy deput sheriffs and nd the 23 2 special policemen to guard gard the poll pon polling polling ing places places Neither was there thera anything anything in the rr re T returns turns to justify the charges chare of o collusion between the Americans and the lemo The result in Salt Bl Lake county shows that 1000 10 Republicans Republica and 2000 20 Americans voted for Knight but the fact that Street ran 1000 t of oC Knight In Salt Lake Lae City shows show conclusively tut there was wa no deal of oC any an land whereby the Americans were to withdraw their vote ote for tor Street and give it i to Knight In return for tor Democratic ge votes te for the te American county lunt ticket If I such stick a adeal adeal deal deat were attempted attempt d It is evident front from the returns that neither party part carried out Us Its is part of or the bargain Continued on Page 2 J LANDSLIDE IN CITY AND COUNTY Continued Contin ed From Page 1 ATTRIBUTE VICTORY TO ORGANIZATION The leaders readers of oC the Republican party forty in Salt Lake take county rejoicing over oer their vie vic victory tory tOl had little to say as to the results which obtained the victory except that many stated that the overwhelming ma maj majority j was W s due to lo the speech of oC Frank J S Cannon threatening the leaders lenders of oC the Mormon t church hUTCh with exile or Imprison Imprisonment ment meat The Republican leaders attribute the large vote largely to the th completeness of oC the t e Republican n county organization Ben T Lloyd Llord chairman of the Demo Democratic Democratic cratic committee stated that the small Democratic vote was entirety entirely due du duto to fie te Influence of oC the leaders of o the dominant church who commanded their people to eE rt the Ule Democratic party part and vote for fat the Republican county ticket tI ket Mr Lloyd Llod showed that the Republican county organization had hat upon ullon Its payroll roll 1500 men mon for or the last l st three weeks and nd asks where the Republican Rep managers rs In Inthe Inthe the county secured the money mony mon y with which to meet met this payroll which must have amounted to O per day While Chairman of C the Am r ican party ratty would make no statement ex except except that he lie conceded tile the county tot to e Republicans the th leaders lenders of the Amerl can cun party part were free tree In stating that the they had not believed it possible that the Re Republican publican workers could hrIn brin out the vote which was polled In the city They say sa that all at available voters some of ot whom had never before cast a ballot and arid some Iome of whom were carried to the polls In In Invalid Invalid Invalid valid chairs were voted ot d The loss In the American vote ote in the city was waS also charged to the fact that the campaign had been in the hands h of oC an amateur and that McGInty had been com corn completely complete outgeneraled by the Republican campaign managers The American leaders also say that an attempt was made to conduct the campaign without sufficient funds It is a fact that it was necessary to raise by subscription In order to hold the parade of oC last Saturday night and the Ameri Amen American AmerIcan can machine has been cramped for funds throughout the entire campaign ac according a according cording to members of oC the party part The large vote ote known to have been polled by the saloon sal on element for Cor the Re Republican RepUblican publican ticket is attributed to the fact that the saloon and brewery contingent has come to a definite understanding with the Republican powers fearing to have Democratic or American legislators elected on account of ot threatened local option enactments In the legislature of oC the state The small American vote polled Is la also attributed to the fact that many of the American voters subordinated the county to the national ticket and desir deem ing lag to vote vot for tor Taft TaCt voted the whole Re Republican Republican publican ticket lest their votes should be lost through some mistake in an attempt to scratch the ticket |