Show PLAN A GOOD ONE ON E Rev Dr Joseph Krauskopf a Jewish rabbi of Philadelphia believes that men should be fitted for citizenship as as they are fitted for trades or callings in life He suggests that the lives and deeds of great patriots be held up before the children from their earliest years so s that a spirit of patriotism and emula emulation emulation emulation tion might be kindled within the young pupils and kept alive This would be followed by more advanced training in patriotism in the high schools where the constitution of the United States J pi might be taken up and studied st died to great advantage In the universities the rabbi rabbiT T I would have the students make a study of municipal problems t It Is unquestionably true that the children of this land are not trained as 1 they should be on the question of citi citizenship c citizenship ti and the duty each and every voter owes owe to his city county state and the nation at large If they had been so trained in the past we should have less corruption in high places and the newspapers would not be filled with accounts of how two or or three score of councilmen and former councilmen of Pittsburg rushed Into court and con confessed confessed essed to having received bribes or how the members of the New York leis legis legislature 1 lature received money from insurance bridge and other companies for their votes on certain bills bUls The patriotic cit citizen citI i izen izon zen would neither give nor accept a n i 1 bribe There are several houseclean T I Ings In progress in this country at the I present time and when whon they are com corn completed completed the population of the prisons will willi i t be ba Increased while many persons who escape conviction or are given Immunity Immunity I for turning states evidence will willbe willbe be disgraced for life Let us train the I children so that when it comes their turn to take part In public affairs their I I love of country and patriotism will en enable enable J able them to avoid all snares and pit pitfalls pitfalls falls fallz |