Show WHICH H BOSS BOSSIn In pretty much every little insurgent activity the question is rather a choice between bosses than an effort for en enfranchisement enfranchisement enfranchisement from all bosses And the most hopeful insurgent in the world knows his cause will win no victory without organization and discipline di direction direction direction and obedience And he knows that without these factors it will never remain in control even after the de desired desired desired sired position has been achieved That is Illustrated in every recurrence of the uncontrolled But it had a peculiar expression in that Albany situation last week when the defenders of the grafters worked themselves up to fever heat beat in their ef effort effort effort fort to compel obedience to their commands com commands commands mands and then yelled like sin at ate the suggestion of Senator Root that they abandon their bad course and adopt a amore amore amore more more frank and candid one They demanded obedience from all the country members of the state commit committee tee But they resented any implication of allegiance to the national organization tion or to representatives of at the party in the nation And in the very noisiest of their th ir clam clamor or against federal interference they th y insisted on their own right to interfere The effect of their course is seen in ina Ina ina a hurt to the Republican party The presence of some scoundrels there is es established established It would be better for tor the state leaders to take orders than to con continue continue continue giving them The party the state and the nation all aU are damaged by the survival of the old bosses at Albany |