Show OW INDIANA LOST CITIZEN Erca escapade that caused youth to turn his thoughts toward the wild and woolly region harry coonse coons ranchman and real vate r taip expert in the far northwest ret mod to indianapolis from his hom i or amme after an absence of four teea yi it Is not widely known 01 rt mr coonse when n boy of ir in 1 tod in bi bianc inc tec n li ncr ci ca a i avery wagon ot of L S ayres co started and ended his big dry roods goods cai r 0 iii o nn in unusual and interesting maew r harry out of his first months waxes wages ind 1 nd bought a rifle and a box of eni one evening in park avenue tile li delivery man went into a house with a package leaving harry on the drivers sent scat in charge of what was common at that time a texas mustang well broken but still worth watching instead of holding the lines harry spent the interim handling bandling a new rifle As often happens the gurs gun was discharged and the bullet struck lie ie mustang harry made one grab for or the lines missed tumbled off the 1 cat and the wagon disappeared disappear eI down the street strewing packages in its path At afcan Can the next morning tile hors c and wagon were found in the pleasant run bottoms near the place whore where the furnaces of the citizens gas company now stand harry had already resigned indianapolis news |