Show NOTICE OF assessment bountiful irrigation company compa ay principal place of business ban ticul utah 41 4 notice is hereby given tha abs tbs at a meeting of the directo direct oi chead held august 17 1918 assessing assess inq were made as follows tr pw share on the capital capi tal stock of pe incorporation in cc orpo ration and fp ecial ses egri on F denvich bait Lat gatei oth of which 8 I 1 c s s Is are now due and paya payable t to omo howard choward it at the De deserea gos cos store woods jaros cros h any stock lapo which these assessments 1 haild unpaid on the f ath day of pt t bar 1918 will be delinquent a ay advertised for sale at publia pub auction chiou and unless payment is awe a before will be sold gold on the tf day of oct 1918 to pay deli nt assessments together withee with e cost of advertising and a nd emp e of sale sal S C HOWARD 2528 25 0 28 5 the above assessment extended to the th ath th d ar october 1918 ST by ordea order of t ard of directors 2930 29 30 S OWARD HOWARD secy |