Show I I P I SQUARE if S i j ii i 9 I I f I t t r I t I is what you get with Shoes These shoes fit exactly into the ideal so many have looked for forand forand forand and never found Davis Shoes combine j d with a moderate price the perfection n of style fit and durability The work of the best shoemakers in America experts whose work is never any anything anything anything thing but the BEST BESTAll BESTAll BESTAll All styles and all popular leathers for man woman or child DAvis SHOE SHO CO Good Printing porter Co 66 W So SoS S Salt Lake Photo Supply Co Finishing HZ South Main 1 Attention There arc some grocery stores selling you ou Imitation Butternut Bread See that hat our blue label is on every loaf It Its Itis ItIs is s not genuine without Superior Bak BakIng lug Ing ig Co Loose Leaf Devices Co 66 60 W WI V So I BLANK BOOK MAKING Co 66 W So SoT T Ask your grocer for tor Royal Nut Bread The Crown Label is on every oat oaf i J TEAS p to be good must be beI I m pure uncolored and andt t pleasing to the taste IL You will always be sat satisfied satisfied satisfied by using Teas leas T 1 t y y y y y v v vt t t ts s y Y h V Y Y h f V v v v t J i Your account is respect s v v X j i fully solicited on the most 3 liberal basis consistent with v v Absolute Security for your X funds X XA A 4 t X i Capital X b s sI ss S I X s 2 J S Cosgriff President John JohnJ X j jJ i J Daly Vice President W P Pf PV i is f V s Noble Vice President Pr Ident H P Ps Y s Clark Cashier X f z f Cherry Cherr Juice Joke Cough Syrup Will Stop That Cough Right Quick Large bottle 25 cents enough to keep away the cough in the family for or years The Busy Corner SMITH DRUG CO Open All Night Order Phones x b v i BV BY THE TIlE i vi i WA i is i V s 1 t t it about time to have hae your yourS S eyes tested and glasses made that y s I 1 5 will help you to retain perfect y t ts s sight Ight Don Dont t wait walt until the holiday i s f frush s rush but do It now Eyes tested s ss Ii t s free for glasses s i V Rushmer i v v I Maker of Perfect Eyeglasses y x Both Phones 1763 73 West 1st let So f v v yx J I i ESTABLISHED 1864 i iJ ii J ii 4 i 4 i ONE PC TO ALL NEVER UNDERSOLD UN I i I 1 I I Record Breaking Sales SalesI i ii 41 I II I With Wit eco d Prices I i I roday forTo F ay I I t TODAY TODAY i 7 G and 8 c Outing Outino flannels at c a Yard i 1000 yards Outing Flannel in pink and white blue and white gray and white checks and stripes patterns suitable for night gowns and quilting purposes value and 8 for one day daya a at TODAY i 12 c and Kimono land i and Waist flannelettes i at 8 a Yard J double double fold and single 5 fold fleeced Flannelettes In a fine tine line lino of colorings copies of for foreign foreign eign styles very choice holce for waist J Ings childrens dresses kimonos and house gown gowns dots stripes plaids and Persian and Japanese t effects value 12 c and andT T for one day yard ft TODAY i Blankets ati at i a Pair rali X EXTRA LARGE SOFT GRAY 4 BED BLANKETS warranted all i wool pretty borders bound edges I size weigh five pounds measure inches value i e for one day at t nr pair ro i TODAY i Bed Sheets at Each rach Hemmed bleached and ready rea for use 2 yards long and 2 yards wide vide regular for tor one day da at each r C i TODAY Pillow rillow Casing Casino at ata 16 c a Yard Yar Yari 1000 yards bleached Pillow Casing i 4 45 Inches wide the best quality made regular for 16 1 i l lone one day at yard t TODAY I Bed Spreads adS at 2 These Bed Spreads are white satin and Marseilles weave floral and geometrical GC signs extra large size measure inches regu regular regular lar 4 for one day at t i each TODAY i and White Checked White Pin Striped Dimities s white 4 English Long Cloths and white t Indian for one i iday i r I day at yard ya WC t TODAY i Curtain at lie lic a Yard i 4 Another 30 o pieces of the best Cur Curtain Curtain tain thin full yard wide in hi ini 4 dots figures and geometrical de designs designs i 4 signs regular 16 for tor 11 i i i ione i t one day at yard C ft a TODAY 4 4 Towels at t L Each j Towels o Turkish t Bath Towels o v t hemmed linen Huck towels and 4 knotted fringed Damask towels 4 all large sizes for one 4 day days at each lC 12 C TODAY I Turnover Collars i Up Tip to values at lOc 9 I Ladies Ladles embroidered turnover col cal collars collars callam lars lam with scalloped or hemstitched edge and Mexican Mex can drawn work turnover collars In a variety of i patterns best 20 values allies in today sale price 10 C 9 9 TODAY i Ladies Lilies Neckwear Sale i Up Un to SOc values at Ladles Ladie newest styles neckwear in including eluding fine lace stock collars 4 fancy fanc stock collars Yabos lace fronts and fancy bows all best and grades to days sale fale price 20 C TODAY i 9 Souvenir Match i 2 9 9 Safes 9 Greatest values at i 9 2 Souvenir match safes with shield 9 of Mormon temple come in gun gunmetal T metal or oxidized silver slIver excellent 9 values on sale today for 25 C i TODAY 9 Corset Sale J I 2 0 values for SOc f Ladies Ladles Coutil Corsets in long or J medium shapes all sizes quail qualities T ties hard to duplicate for less o othan 2 than perfect fit fin 50 5 2 ting models at t C TODAY Ci t i Knitted Corset 1 I 9 9 Covers tye i I quality for J Ladies Ladles white knitted corset covers Jersey Jeney ribbed all alt sizes In a splendid heavy fleeced quality i worth each on sale today on only at 25 C TODAY i Ladies adies Union Suits U Best values for i Ladies pure white Jersey ribbed 4 fleeced union suits all sizes in inthe Inthe 4 the best grade on jQ sale today only at 59 c 2 TODAY 0 G Boys rants Pants Sale 9 7 to values value a at i t l TODAY TOD Y i e i Long tong i ivel I Kimonos Ki JUC of these handsome flannel flannelette 9 i l ette long kimonos patterns are of 9 q j very vel pretty stock designs trimmed 4 I around neck and down front with I I material of ground color predominating i I I ing shades are light blue cardinal cardinalI 2 and navy nav for today 98 C Ci I only 2 A a 2 i TODAY u i i I 22 to 45 ladies adies i i I I I Ta Suits IE e a 15 1595 IJ 95 II i i i t 75 sample suits in stripes plaids and t check cheek effects In worsteds cheviots 9 broadcloth and fancy mixtures post positively this falls models di i tf 2 5 95 o your choice JA 41 i it AlteratiOns ns Free of i it I Charge i t 2 0 9 9 e 4 44 e id ida I a C Christmas Christma Wines We have made special effort to secure a fine line of wines for our Christmas trade and have not failed Candies Our candy department is com corn complete complete both in home made and imported goods and they are ar handled in such a way vay as to tobe tJ tobe be always fresh GOD DRUG CO Phones No LAKEi Three nights and TONIGHT I matinee starting I I Henry B Harris and John Cort pro pre pr present sent the distinguished emotional actress FLORENCE ROBERTS in ZIRA A ABy By Henry Miller and J S Hartley Manners As 8 played for one year ear at the Princess Theatre New York Prices Evening So to Matinee to J t A iii THEATRE THE m I ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE ALL WEEK CUffle Berzac Benac and Maud James and Sadie Leonard and Co CoEmma CoEmma CoEmma Emma Francis and Arabs George Austin Moore Tivoli Quartette Allen Wightman Orchestra Every evening excel Sunday 81 Box seat Matinee Dally Daily except Sunday and Monday SOc lOc Box seat I Grand Theatre Direction Pelton C W IV V Anderson Res lIes Mgr TONIGHT The best western play ever written The Cow Puncher Matinee Wednesday p m Same popular prices Starting Thursday Evening Richards Pringle Georgia Min Minstrels Minstrels Mm I lyric Theatre It he Direction Sullivan and Considine ALL THIS TillS WEEK The Moore Stock Company Presents Presenta the Thrilling Melodrama A MOTHERS I DEVOTION Prices 10 20 and 30 0 cents Curtain sharp harp Matinees Saturday and Wednesday at AUDITORIUM RICHARDS ST ROLLER RINK SPECIAL NOTICE Commencing Monday November 25 S SA A New Nev Scale of Prices will be in effect at the Auditoriums on Richards St Salt Lake Lak City and Grant St Ogden Ladles Ladies will be ad admitted admitted admitted free at all sessions Gentlemen will be admitted for tor 10 cents Moving pictures and other attractions of high quality will wUl be furnished as usual IF YOU HAVE NEED OF A TRUSS Candles Candies It is very important Cigars and that you OU have ono one Fountain that Is made proper properly Drinks ly and fits properly at f this ls We Ve have trusses that store are made on correct I are the principles and we cap can kind particular par cu I ar fit you perfectly We e people also carry crutches enjoy supports etc Phones ESC Halliday Drug Co Between n Salt Lake Lako and Orpheum Theatres Utah Dental Co RELIABLE DENTISTS 34 Main Salt Lake City Branch offices Ogden Logan Brig Brigham Brigham Brigham ham Provo Park City Guarantees Guarantee good at either office BUY ACME QUALITY PAINTS AT CASTLETON BROS Second Avenue I T 1 J TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tab lets Druggists refund money If it tails falls to cure E W V GROVES signature sl Is Ison Ison I Ion on each box |