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Show THE HOLDERT FAMILY. TWO A I f INU1KA. Pcven yearn Hn Alfred lTolbert waa happily marriml, and until uUnil n year n;o Ihe 11 11 llnrt household was its harmonious an the tiiPrAl run ol fiimiheH. Tho interruption lt tins slitte of allairn ntn-eara In have been canned by ono I aiiy Wanl, who not only made the aeiUAinttnce of Mr. Ilnlhert, but Kt into Iho hud hahit ot writing letters to him, of which thn following, which waa read iu eourl yo-lardny, is a omoplo douieatio die-iutber; die-iutber; HitOt'Ki.vs, Kehruary 0, lS7.ri. t't-ir Frrd My own ilrnr, awcet pet, honey, during;, I havn nol fur-f;olteii fur-f;olteii you. 1 can never fornel you. I love you, dear, and thn ronton J ilid I not come, the doctor was coming mid I I could not come nut. I Do not (irieve, dear, f will not for yet you, pet. I know il la hurt) to be parti d. dear, but an aonn an you pet work I will 0 wherever you want me. If it wns In morrow, I would po. 1 know, dear, I proniini'd you would le tliere, hut hud to Mtay hiitne, on Mccnitnt nf the doctor, dear. Hny, deitr, tin not neiid any more ivf.'s hy bova, for I ih) not wanl Mist Fk to know that I ro with yon. Mold her I h id nothing to do with you. K, ud it by the letter -man, dear, Tor I told Mirnt l'i"k 1 whi done with yon, ami thai'a the reition I send Unit word, (lud blesa your heart, I inn ulintwt heart broken mvi'idf. Peitr, I tm very slelt, and will meH you nt Fulton I'eiry nt 'J o'clock (n morrow, with out fail. Watl there till I eome, and il yon re nol then at tint time will wait iinhl you conic. I will never ivo you up un lino earth, dear. 1 can never gel nnnlherl Fred. I love you, deur, and I never t;o to bed without 1 cry myself aaleep. I hope. I will be with you soon, dear, and be called your hltle wile, and yon my baby, dear. Do not torse t lo meet me, dear, without fail. God bleufl you my baby; a kid and a hug for you dear. You are never out of my mind, pet, never. I think of you all the time, my own sweet pet, honey, darling pet, love, dear. From your truly Daisy, Your wife and darling. Daist Wakd, which will be soon Daisy Holberl. To which it seems ihree dayi afterwards after-wards the head of the Holbert iamily replied aa Oilowa: Brooklyn, February 23, 1873. Mj Dear Pet Wi fe: I received your letter, and waa Burpriwd to hear you had given me up when everything waa so bright for both of us. Where will you find a man who will do for you as I have done, and lhat loves you aa I do. I am ever willing lo make you my wife lo-morrow, if you wish. Now, look at it, what is your life going to be to you in a year or so from now? But I will never jit ou up ou luij as mere us uiup of blood in my poor body. I will have you, if I we my life, fur my life is worth nothing to me now, and I shall Irate no stone unturned until I shall make Aga Fik eulT r for wnat she has done 10 me, fur I know the is itl the bottom ol it oil tor her own :n. Uul I shall get cvvtt with her tie fore lung, even if 1 Ioc my inc. I do not care one cent for my life now; you will see how much 1 love you, my own pet. I never will behove' lhat you will give me up. No, never, for I wdl not M you. You know wYU I told jo-i, that 1 wnuki die al your leet, and I hare regutertd an oath in heaven before my Liod lhat 1 wiit t-e even wr.h Ih-jeO U:at have tried to separate us, and I iil keep my word, so help me Lnd. And Iu u 1 do strike, il will lo hard, (or wimt it life wilhoiit )ouT Nothing. And 1 will not rr;-l d.ty ur ninl mud I '. f lare witii lier, and tun I w:.i d.e t. ipj y. I wi.i ftrike wuvn fhe leant Clf'U, but ttlial I stl-tll CO I na.i do w;lli i n Uw on n.y i.'!'. l 1 kii' w ; wu are nit.) 1. tr I lifarltd iu t- i; te me up. I a;n fTng t work in my o 1 piice next week, and 1 vt ry do!..ir I k: t 1 tli div..',t. t,( j,.:n my tnd. and I Ki i 4in it Mt nure ai tl.rre ta a ti 'l in h'-aten. Ami ai lor V'ti, my " I, I ni'ter u:i lor'l yon. L y.j mink I ai.l - ii-mil to U ca-t ( :l t:os w.iy wiu n I lisve given up every tliuift tor y- tiT No, never. I will l-..io y . i to ttu t n l of the w.ld if ni-ccary. My wife hat it m divorce. di-vorce. S r till ii I w' Wi lm-d.tv; an, Vou i"e. I am a Ircr man, and n. 'thing 'th-ing to ine kv txil you and you I fliall have, for, oh liol! I love you. I in ul m1 ytai. Mwl me to niorniw at the Fulton Ferry, N' w York side, at J uU k. Fn.uu your own, own, yes, all your own and broken bear ltd bubDtl tliat lovra y-ni a) much. Fnn. An is usual iu auch cc the time came when one ol l tie p.trlira had lo It II the olner llial amcide was meditated, medi-tated, and this lime il wis Alfred, wlio tt.r the ur(nie of this cornw-' cornw-' iv ndnico choe lo call himsell , "Kroh" and tins 11 the neat way in f winch he doc it: ScptemW'r My Drut. DriK, Dkvr. I'mk I. mi K Pti.-v: W lien you read tins' I will li no more, and 1 will tv out , of rouble, and you can Iv happy j with some one cUe, but you will never j find one that loea yoti ait well a 1 do; tut in vcr mind. I hope you wiil be happy, nnd you will lorel ad , aUut nie in a few data and the only : favor I will nk of you m that what-) ever I leave behind me you will j claim ami keep in remcmhranco (( 1 me. As that 13 all I ahall ever a-k of you in Ihis world, and perhaps we will meet in tho ne I worM, and I j hone llicre wo will b hftiM'V. So ntiw ptod by, my dear tittle Daisy ami wi e that would have been had 1 live,!. From your true and devoled bua-band, bua-band, Fusii. Il was auch letters as these, and iho fact lhat Mr. Htillvrt Irft v happy liouie at No. S.l Slate street, Hrooklyn, nntl went anny to Niw York In live with D uy Ward, thai chusinI Mrs. llolhcrt to bale Alfrttl bilor Justice Wtlah, f Brooklyn, yenterdav, who, upon hem 111 1; t !e fnfta iu thn cntp, tleerectl (h:il Alfnul shoultl pay to his wile $ a we. k peudiiiK the refill! of a suit tor divorce which she has pint Im-uuu. and that he should stand eominilled until lie iMiiltl tiud two auretica in the sum of $ hHI for the luithlul priioimance rl the sunn-, New Voik II "?., |