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Show COAXED TO DEATH. In a small town in Franco, sweet "'most clean of men by the cou.cr!p-ion, cou.cr!p-ion, a criminal waa confined in the tie prison, under sentence of dea h for tomo terrible ollji-.. . perhaps. co,np!icJtedwu11eSU1er pub.icanism. He was to bo behead dl and tho maire, whose" house , loS down on the prison court where tha I guillotine waa to stxnd, rcscl.ed ,r, mate the occasion -a hu!e ft-to . nS invited gucsls from ,ue countrv .auuly friend, aud relatioraSmT gentrous preparations lo en7,r, L ibem. IbeaflairwastocomeTat higu noon. Tne d.v ,K i auspiciou.iy; the guest, aieniWrfb he best oi spirits; all seemed in good train, when, to tte dismay VZ worthy mayor, he was informed that the prisoner refused the communion, 1 and positively duclinod to ba put out of tho world. There were only two men in cbargfj of the jail an old turnkey and his young assistant-while assistant-while lhe criminal was a powerful, formidable tellow, as strong as a lion ; and as savage as a wild boar of Ardennes. It lacked scarcely an ; hour of midday; there was nothing ' lelt but to persuade him l& be guillotined, guillo-tined, and the maire waa the man 1 Iq do it. He waited on the rebellious recusant, and with great urbanity 1 and condescension, reminded him 1 that his hour had almost come, and that it was time he was stirring him- self with the proper preparations. The prisoner replied that Monsieur was very good, but that ha was not 1 thinking of making any change; hit had got used to his quarters, and rather liked a retired life. "Parbleu! monsieur, it is not a question of life, but tout an contraire. You are setting yourself, by your stupid contumacy, in the way of law and order. See you, I have pledged my word that you shall go ofl at midi precisely, and my honor would be compromised by any failure in the programme. Besides, your cell is needed lor another criminal, nearly as great as great as you, and must be vacated. What says monsieur?" "I prefer to stay 1 object in fact I decliue." 11 Dame! and such preparationtt All in the best style. The executioner execu-tioner is Monsieur do Lyon cousin in tho third degree to the famous Monsieur do Paria, and a vsry pitas ant gentleman. You surely will not keep him waiting! The gullotine is ail ready, . It has been newly puintcd, and is worth seeing. I! the window were not so high wo could have a , view of it from here. It stands in. i tho contra of the court, in a nfcv sunny spot. You do not look well, Monsieur it will do you good to take i the air and a little exercise. The wind is a trifle sharp, and suggests rheums in the head and ncuraliMiv i- but if you will stuff cotton in your t. oars " f "Mercy! I am very well as lam." r "But, Monsieur, think what an opportunity to distinguish yourself I You havo already the reputation o( - being a bravo man, and the most a respectable people in the town and my relations from the country are . come to see how well you can finish i your career. You sui ely cannot have . the heart to disappoint all the world. I Come, say your prayers, like a good , Christian, and make your toilet; the i turnkey will lend you a clean blouse and in thj meanwhile I will send you , a good, hreakfaat from my own kitchen a fine dish ot Mtewi hare, with mushrooms mousieurl" "Thanks, Mouaier, hut mushrooms do not agree with me." "Ah, then, a bif'stcck, with onions, aud a bottle of wine. After that, you will march out like a hero, between two frcrcs, and find everybody glad to see you. The littlo that is unpleasant about the affair will soon he over, you know. Of course, you would have to go a little later, for we would fetch : the gendarmes; but I am a peaceable man, and would choose to avoid can. dal and tho use of forco, and am a punctual man, and my honor, is pledged remember, my hcaor!" Of COUrae. thfi nnnr follow suoded ate, drank, jnd said his prayers than went, though a lililo sullenly, out into th'j court, whom he wa3 duly decapitated. Kew York limes. |