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Show Vol mire! Anniversary. The Exlilbiiluu. Paris, 28. Government refuses to sanction any oift door ceremonies on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary anni-versary of the de ith of Voltaire. The celebration will take plica in the tiaiety theatre next Thursday. A meeting will be held over which Vic tor Huo will preside. The opening address will be delivered by Spalier, meoiber of ttie chamber of deputies. A discourae by Deschaocl will follow. Theodore Debauville will read a poem and Vic:or Hugo close the proceedings proceed-ings with a speech. The number of persons admitted to the exhibition on the payment of oue franc each, on Sunday last, was 10;t,L3S. Dilring the first week of the exhibition there were 201,600; second week, 2-32,400, and third week, 302,400. - |