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Show WOMAN'S FUTURE DIARY. Monday Just as I had settled my ncusehold work lor the day I was (ailed away lo serve en a jury, ard had lo remain in the luw court uniil the eveniDg. TueEday Some riots having taken place in our ne-igbborhced, was forced 10 act special constable. Parade the :ti eeta all day long in a state of constant con-stant ftl.rm. WedDeeday Ru-Cfiivrd a letter from my friend bufiie, who Iihr heard thai ibe militia is to becalltd Mil. Visited her, sr.d dUcovc ifd ihnt Ihu wt,nn n, as citizenp, are uct l:nl 1c iu rni tinry service. Tbur&doy Had lu nittnd an in quest aa a oroner's jut man. A vt 1 y unpleaeant duty, iudtf-.d, aa il wns held upon a man who had commim d a most horrible t-uicide. Fiiday Having failed to obey th orders ol a county judge, was locket up in p:ienu for contempt. I owe this 8crnpe to the extra valance ol my ' husband a man who will buy hats and coals, nud will not work tor cur living. Saturday In deep liihuldlion. the governor of the jail is a female, and, as a mailer of course, favors the male prisoners. Ae-ktd lur a book, and was fur nibbed with a work upon Roman law. Cried mytelf to sleep; over a passage which tu!d me that i.n one could obtain the privitaijei of a citizpn without accepting a citixen'c duties and responsibilities. O, v.hj Jid I give up the privileges of a weman for the mieeriua of a mock man. |