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Show The Reformed Episcopal counoi', Friday, at Newark, after a lively I Qiscusaion, adopted a resolution ad ! vising against public balls, theotres and horse races. Count SchouvalofTarrived at Berlir-, Friday, from Friederichsruhe. Uoi visited Count Von Bulow, secretary of the state for the foreign office, and left for 8t. Peter0burg. The Pierce mini, located noar Lead city, Dakota territory, and which is an t xteasion nf the Homestake No 1, wiinsold, Friday, by 8. R Gwin to California parties for $60,000. The Turkish minister at Athei I notified the refigees Irom the in-BUrgent in-BUrgent provinces thai they havo full liberty to return to their homes, the iultan having granted them amnesty. The permanent exhibition at Philadelphia, Phila-delphia, which has been olosed It r Borne time past to allow for a thorough renovation, reopened to the public on Friday, with appropriate ceremonies. Since Friday there is more activity on bjard tho fimbria at Ellsworth, Me. In tho afternoon the revenue cutler Uaijh McVullnch came into Ssuthwest harbor and promptly sent a boat to the Cimbria, which returned the call. The president has conferred the following persons : United States maishala Gustav Schnilgor of Iowj fir Wyoming territory; C. S. Chase ol Wisconsin for Idaho territory. Norman Nor-man Buck of Minnesota to be United Siates attorney lor Idaho territory; Wm. M. Burwell for register of the land office at New Orleans; Commo dore Robert H. Wymin to be reai admiral. |