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Show Potatoes. Potatoes are d-:w very scarce and corre?pond:rjIy dear. Th prospects, to alt jppr inre, nrt; ir it the present pre-sent eeoon wiil produce no greater tropa, and there is a decided likelihood likeli-hood of there being even lees. The idea Beems prevalent a:uong cur farmc-ra tl-.at everybody else is goiug to lay iu a large pupply, and as a natural consequence they oniy plar.t j : enough for private purpcuer. Tbia 'will result ioa necessity fjr importa tion instead of exportaiion, as is our custom. There alwajB haa been and probably will be for eome lime to come, a lively demand for Utah potatoes, and to day we are told thai 7-jc, per bushel can be obtained for them in tbia city from parties who purchase them for exportation Had a wise course been pursued in tbie respect, and tbe "ground apples" been laid away in good quantities, considerable money could be brought into the territory through exportation. The potatoe crop should become one of ou: staple productions, and the beat quality rliould be used, as that is alwaj the cheapest. This scarcity, though probably not so great, has been experienced ex-perienced here for some years during the spring, when potatoes have always commanded a high price, and it has even been profitable to purchaee them for export at a figure which we are very reluctant to give for home use, deeming it almost a luxury, and which is certainly unnecessary if our farmers would look (o their own interests and thoie of the territory. In regard to the beat methods for raising potatoes and the finest quality of seed, the Hesald's agricultural department is opeo to cor respond en is whereby an interchange of ideas on this and kindred la pic will result iu mutual good. We invite correa .pondence. |