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Show I Ih litest styles and beat material in Clothing and tbe newest fashions f gnd neateBt designs in Gents' Fur-niahirjg Fur-niahirjg Goods are to be found at our establishment in the Wusatca Building, Build-ing, which we are selling at less I prices than any other Clothing house I in the territory. Come and see our ' Summer Suits, made at our own i manufactory in New York. I my8 L. Goldbebg ifc Co. Police Court. In thia court, yesterday, one pinit was relieved of a V for a straight drunk. Fhesb Trout at Prioe &. Co's. al7 Choioi Sugar Cured HAM3 at G. F. Brook's. my REFRIGERATORS AT H. DIN-WOODEY'S. DIN-WOODEY'S. al4 ' WATER PIPES LAID to order by HEE.3CH & ELLERBECK, Old I Constitution Building. al6 Bullion. Tbe bullion received at the Union Pacific express office was Irom the following places: Ontario two bare, J2.969.02; Germania two bars, $3,-, $3,-, 000; Frisco one bar. $1,192.02. YOUTHS', BOYri' AND CHILDREN'S CHIL-DREN'S SUIT'S, AT ALL PRICES AND BTYLE9, AT al4 BIEGEL BRO'S. IFou THE beat varieties of TOP and SPRING BUGGIES go to L. B MATTI30N, at ihe Blue Front, hall I block south of theatre. a24 ' Reunion Rail. The ladies of tbe relief aooiety of ' the 17th ward will give a ball in tbe schoolhouse on Thursday eveniog, May 9ln. The proceeds are to, be applied ap-plied towards (urnidbing the ball. HORSE FOR SALE. Fine Grey Saddle Mare, CHEAP. Apply to Carl Asmussen, opposite Herald office. my7 Cohn Bros', iB the place to purcbaso your Parasols. It is the Cheapest Store in the city lor everything in tbe Dry Qooda line. niy6 PIONEER l'OULI'RY BTOBE. ' L General Groceries and Provisions, Freah Buiter and Egs a epccialty. Fruit and Vegetables. No. 84 First South St. Goods delivered promptly. I 2G W. O. Bowbino. PARTIES WHO WANT TO BOR ROW MONEY at a low rate, or having bouses to rent or wishing to ' purchase city properly or farms, will j make money by cousultiog FRED. ANDERSON. Ho gives tho bet ol reference. Soe him.', a25 81!ED3I SEEDSI GRASS, Garden Gar-den and FLOWER Seed for Bale, wholesale and retail, by John Reading i & Co., at "Seara Bro'B," two doors south of Z. C. M. I., Salt Lake City. Country storca supplied on libera terms. Dividend Deflated. Dksebkt National Bank, Salt Lake City, May Tib, 1S78. A semi-annual dividend oi 6 per cent, upon the Capital S:o:k of this Bank, has this day been declared, ' payable on demand. myS L. S. UiLl-S. Cashier BEE R Wagenor'i 5 CENTS bcor on A draught at GLASS the 1 MILWAUKEE MEEK SALOOX. alG Noah as a Mnu'iau-There Mnu'iau-There ia no mention in sacrxi history his-tory lliAt Noah played ou the piano, and consequently many may be skeptical ou that poiut, but it they are let them pay a visit to Mr. Daynca' music store, where ifho cannot can-not ehow them the ninno saved from the wreck of iho ark it ia not to be found anywhere. REMNANTS OF THE LATE NEW YORK FIRE AT REGGEL'S Auction and Commission House, 85 ofain Street. Carloads of Calico, Dreas Goods, Silks, Ladies' Hosiery, etc., received irom the late nre in New York City, where our agent contracted con-tracted for same. Part of these goods are slightly damaged by water. We will ofler daily tbe above lot at Public Auction; also the latest novelties in Summer Clothing for men's, boys' and youths' wear, which we will ofler at our Reduced Prices. Those wishing wish-ing bargains, we would invite them to inspect our goods and pricer, Auction daily at Louis Reggel's, 5 Main Street. my4 Louis Regoel, Auctioneer. Hoot and Shoe Making-W. Making-W. J. HOOPER, opposite theatre, makes, repairs and sells BOOTS and SHOES al the LOWEST RULING I'UICES. He will guarantee all hi work and ma trial. nlW p Who Wants to "Rear?" "1 want U ha an e.liMr, Around tlie straols lo rear, A nilkT" o d nolo-htMk in my hand A Ifuber b'aind my ear." The above was picked up on the street yp;tprday. We will inlorra the writer that if he can stand to be kicked, dubbed and shut, make column article out ol a b;x line item, report a sermon one hour and a piii' fight thn next, attend high lonwi wedding with lh knowledge (hat h would not have hern there had noi the irnJeri ipo' to see an article about the Waul. fill bride and tumuy groom tn t c nox wjii. sit ten min 1 u:rs in :w ihe.il e and give a good critique of lue t-niire performance, and do ' a1, tn uy other pleasant thing-". -If p.ihlnhing lota of news wlun fir. ui scircly any to he hd. he w .li i e f :tu shed with a Dote booK und a F.er and be permitted lo "rear" to his heart's content. AUCTION SALE Positive closing out of a LiRGE STOCK of BOOTS AND SHOES and GENERAL MERCHANDISE, MER-CHANDISE, to commence on Mon day, May o, and continue DAlLi UNTIL CLOSED OUT. Sales to commence at 10.30 a.m., at No. 29 Main Street, opposite Heuald Office. No Reserve. J. K. TRUMBO, AUCTIONEER. my5 Pearls, Rubies, Precious Stones, Aid all kindB ot Jewelry, at SwaDer Bros., Manufacturing Jewelers, two doors below God he's drug store. al4 ORDERS for the SALT LAKE CITY BREWERY BEER will be promptly attended to- if addressed to Salt Lake City Brewery, or left at the Brewery, or with Hill & Graves, Wasatch Saloon; or with Youngberg & Schade, Scandinavian Saloon, 8alt Lake City. Cash Paid at all times for Good Barley delivered at the Brewery. a3 All kinds of WATER, GAS and STEAM fitting done by Heescb tt Ellerbeck, Old Constitution Building. a28 . WKhavea FINK SELEC ITON of Cbeviftt, Percale and While Linen Shirts. L. Goldberg &. Co. my2 Queries. O.d Gent" What's the matter, boys ?" Tom "Jack's been swearing at us." Old G. "John, what'er you swearing swear-ing at 'em for ?" John "The d n fools won't g to meeting with me." First Citizen "Where are all these carriages coming IromT" Second Citizeu "Ihe graveyard, I guess." p. C "What makes you think 80 ?'' 8. C They're all ruaning mccb." Coh.S Bkos. Btill maintain their well earned reputation ol keeping the Largest as well as Cheapest Stock or all kinds ot Embroideries and Laces. my 5 MILCH COWS Any person in want of a Good Milch Cow can be iuiied by applying lo John Winrgar, Herald Office. . njyl MsDA WATER BOTTLES. Notice is hereby given that all soda bottles in this city and ndj.icent towns tbtl h.ve not Parsons' name blown in tli.-m, belong to the firm of landen & Deuhalur. Bottle and junk dealers Ar heruhy not, tied that wo shall prosecute pereons buying. Bel;ing or ' ;iit:e lhe:u. a? thJ-y are i;ur private pr-vrry. ni j 5 Marshes- & Denqalter. T.K iroRiAL :ckip taken at the Pr vj Woolen M n.- Agency, Old jCuu-uttitioD Luiti. .ng!, iu exchange for C' ths, Jeans, F.am f-le. Yarn Ludi.i.ier home-made goods oj 1 Frst j Tne co d weather of Monday night : cAueed some of ths lender garden "bW li put on a black and sombre !WlT, in sme pirts of the city, yes-li yes-li rday, but it is thought no serious damage has been done. I FOE If you wish to travol by thf CELCAQO shortest, quicfeost,oldost,6M( AND and the safest route between IHE EAST. Omaha and Chicago, you muBt buyyour tickets via tho Chicago and Northwestern Railway. Its fares are as low as the lowest. Pullman Palace Hotel Dining and bleeping t-ars are run on its through express trains. The celebrated Pullman Hotel Cars are run by this line and by thiB line alone, between Omaha and Chicago. All coupon ticket agents sell t!c';eta via this route, Buy t e3 by no otb routa, 1 Grain, Food, Seeds. Wm. B. Folsom & Co., 78 First South Street, keep a full supply of Grain, Feed, Groceries, and Farm and Garden Seeds constantly on hand. Give them a call. nl6 We abe prepared to outfit houses from cellar to garret. Furniture and house goods of all kinci. 8 12 Babratt Bbos. FASHION ABLE CLOTHING Tue largest and bcBt Boleolion of Summer Sum-mer Clothing at my2 L. Goldberg & Co'u. An Astonishing Fact. A large proportion of the American people are to-day dying from tbe effects of Dyspipsia or disordered liver. The result of these diseaaee upon the masses of intelligent and valuable people is most alarming, making life actually a burden instead Of a pleasant exit-tenco of enjoyment and uselulness as it ought to be. There is no good reason lor ima, 11 you will only throw aeide prejudice and skepticism, lake Ihe advire ol Drugeists and your friend, and try one botile oi Ukren'b August Flowke Your upeedy relief is certain. Millions Mill-ions ol boitk'suf this medicine have been iven away lo try its virtues, with satisfactory reau'ts in every case. You can buy a sample battle lor 10 tn trv. Three dtwee will relieve the worst cases. Positively bo id by ull Druggists on the western cunti nent. 1 mil PAPER f WALL PAPER! STAMP COLD, PLAIN AND EMBOSSED BHOZ. SATINS ...... n.Aftsire IB TU( 1 T ST DESIGNS- ALSO A COMPACTS COM-PACTS LINE OF HOUSE FU-NlSHINC, FU-NlSHINC, AT Z. C. M. I. CARP&T DEPARTMENT. 1 iiiO'.iilig iiUMUrSs. Mirers. HtUcr Brotnew, WctOf bu-ioes- has eo Ute!y iucreaaad as u demand a larger sU-re, are ahout to move into the building known aa me "Saddle Rock," wherein asborttime they will be located to Bupply sportiuk; men, ridemen and fihermen witu no(xl outfits at reasonable prices. They mnd to have a shooting gallery in their new premises. a2o PURE MOl'NlAi.N icE at Ihe old Ciawson Ice Dtpot, between Deseret Bank and Tiiealre. Dodge A Cliwsos, al2 Proprietors. Hvmcaeal. Mr. Charles 3. Burton, bou of Gen. R. T. Burton, and MiaS Julia Y'uuug, daughter of the late President Brig-ham Brig-ham Young, were married yesterday, Hon. D. H. Wells officiating. Tne Heuald cHVrd its virm congratula ti jns to tne youug couple, aud wishta they may enj jy a long life of happiness happi-ness and prosperity. Cohn Btos. odtr ihe Largest Stock of Lidiea' R ?udy M-ids Suits ever brought to this city, from $1.50 up wards. " 11150 Household Goods Wanted Cash Don't sell your household gocxJ;-and gocxJ;-and traps until you consult John Cranef'west of Theatre. He payB tbt highest cash price. nl Gold and Silver Given Away Or nniuutuctured by Swauer Broa., jewelera, in exchange for Currency, two doore below Godbe'a drug store. al4 GENTLEMEN desiring to purchase a Stylish Summer Suit cau save 25 per ceut. by calling at my2 L. Goldbehq & Co's. PERSONAL. John A. Kimball of this city was at tbe Inter-Ocean, Cueyenue, on Friday. Bishop John Sharp left yesterday morning fir New York. Hia dauyh ter, Micas Jvauette, accompanied him LeGiand Young, E-q , also lef Tuesday morning lor Mew Yurk. WOOLI WO OVIl jB Tba Prvo MBnufactu'loR t W Cooit'y ore still in bo fiolii. J Np iH W'uuL. CftBh drancoV J mil 1 ramtonaibl ' wool nr 4. or wool Shipped on Coin aiiiion. 7 A tio Btook of WooUd I Ooodi alwava on hand. M WodI 6aoka and Iwinotobov bd on i'il"-atiun to M f Jij) Uuss. nui.'t, Provo, W .or to J. " V LtR. a (ont. 4 Halt Lake City. EGG 1 Lrii: MILK I'l Will Tho InimiiBb'o Aukr& iUwirny wh. ovpr 11 yrg "K'' crr"-l"il bo niucn ux-ci'moni ux-ci'moni by csUblijt inj; n "Jit ' JIoui wh n all filhora wo 0 rt-lli'ig at bn.t, re Q"w rndtf wiih boltir lac.i.iti-a Lhn-. ever before 10 di p n-f to tbeir i-um-rous cusloirmr and the tL i rsty public all tu. mo'l modern conlinn b"v-rri(fCB, in prm iicul mann-T a cily Bark-epftr o exireriorce can do. 'I '-at liavu tnti linoul Unr i th city, und tlsi) tbe nhoicuai so lectcd stock f Liquors and Ci((ar, al thf '"CCiDfcT.L," JS'o. 35 first rontli Stre t. a t( MALQUIST & PUZEY Olive Strict, on d.vr Wml of liaia Wagon Depot, Bklsiniilis ail WapMsra. RE WBSGKS BftDE TO CRjER. All K ik ia or ltKra.iRiso Done. HORSESHOEING IN THE BEST STt Lt. Work Wnrrai.'...'d. QatarrH IS IT CURABLE? " """it CAN BE CURED. JT can be rrcd. rif-r l - nt dor.ll actjt !t. The A COMPLICATED CASE. GerAlemrn. Mr r.ise is hrir m- fjH.iws : I hnvu iho to i.- t up L-rjii'tiLn - hi 11. o ltliT : io cvt ir! i:i iioal b, f rr Jc.'iild Bi,T- Pi,C l'f i' V'i ''"i ri" - ,:" vi'tl ol die i'lii-ajLtoi, UCU 14." ' L. it.' LAVTEEXCE. T . 3 3 1 tv ' ; . T . xuorsea oy a rrorameni un?g"ist, T lirr.'l".- CL'Miry Hint Mr. l..iwr.iii-f iHircli-r-d llu- KAmru. (.'i r.t ff me. umi ir.'in Mr.,.- l V.vac Mio l':ui.ltr I.:- .-.-. 1 Svlivvc hli tt.U- "Fnci.:anti"'ua.' l " I'a"'tU j'as. P. DETlllV. Encli pncVsgo conlaliis iv. Sasiford' Improved Ii.h.thav in in. ;iiid mil lilr.-tiDu. ii i-;- hi nil ca,s. Vrlcc. $1. Foii.i-- :,.,,..,;,. ,,ii Iftll drtn'-ls ami dttU-r il.ro-j.-l.om l'iiiti-il si:1ll--1. ..H'!.U-. WKTKs A' lMTTKU, utrtJ AnoiiUiiu.l V1.1,-1 Jinifct-n, Huston, Ms-i. VOLTAIC PLASTER An Elcctro-Oalvanlo Buttery cotuMnod with it highly Mi'dlcatoit fetrt'iifft Inn I jig I'lastcr, runuinRthL- Im-mi rlI.'C lor luiua and uchcd lu i Uo World of Jllt-dicim:. REFERENCES. Dr. E. M. Hiker. Monlgomrrr. O. H.ii;.-lt Lirwl-. Km., Mllforj. IK L Mr. J. A. Tur:.;,'. Ml'IhijIiU, Tt-uu. 1 im.C,o..ch, K-U..O-HI-KO. Kmh. Dr. Willard Collins. l!m krh..rt. Mt. ' O. TV. UHrkk, Km.. Ml. StiTlinc O. ! Mrs. Kll'i Yuunir. CuinlirKlirf, Mima. Francia lla!;cr, Ks-q.. Clitrliiiial I. U. Mra. ,1. M. IluUliiiOn, E Orrlnuioti, Me. I K. El:1v( rlrk, " Intli lifiiJi nl" OUico X Y I Mm. i:il?;,I. InilBold. Ilutiit:. III. (ice. liniv, )(., .MuiulcMlo, Minn. I frs. Ch".. K.'miuls, Wni.ctliull. 111. ' W. II. 11. McKiiwv, Morrow. O. ,Mr-. i:. J.. Sl.-iii-.'Fort Vyi'. lud. Vir... Si'i.iiis, M.L.Hsui-.vHk-. ILv. Mrs. V.. lln-di'll. t-i. l,oii;;. Mo. Jiortn:n;r Lv"ii. -g.. Sn:. Ki .inrlsi-o, Cl Aii.i Imiiilroda ol utln.i. COLLINSVOLTAIC PLASTERS Cure win ii nil o'lier ix'tiinii, f..il. ini & of M-lc-rs d.l'.UIn- fio.iio jiri.mi.-r.lu ruics wucn nil oilier nm.Mios inrl ben trk-d v.Siiiom t.u-(..f- Will bd llliltlc-l fl L t'lI COITi'M deuce IllW bflinrt irdeflred. For the cure oi l.:i,c 1! -v k ic'id wtfiikiicnes i).-cull:ir io le.i:inteij. Colli nb1 V.n taio I'i.Af.TKi:a urn bupcrlor Lo all otlnT tsifnial He rnrernl loo.dl lor Collins" Voltatc rr.vsr:n il'OTTI'U. rrVfV'loll'-rV:,':-!'' ' " ''' CARTKR, KVAXS &C0. Closing Out Ai COST. - OWTN'O TO THE TNCKKARISfl DULL Tjruos. wntaave dteidorl lo rst'ro Irom bm'mets, and ahml from Luis cute close out our rDHro tuck of Gouda conaiBlins of 5 000 lbs. Plug Tobacco, i.uuu tnewmg ioouao, 1.500 " Smoking Tobacco, 100,006 Cigars, Pipes, Notiona and Smokers' Article in General. A full line in ninck of RTFI E3, SHOTGUNS. PISTOLS. AMMUNITION, AMMUNI-TION, FISHING TACKLE, Etc., Ml of which must bo olosed oat Immt dl- Doalerg i ' uonora1 tro lavitrd loo11 and Diinilua lioodn Ld I ricoi he'oro uikiaa h.ir uurebn-a. my7 (kstablishbd 18o4.) A. J. TAYSUM, Plain and Ornavuntal PLASTERER Crtlcimiuinc, Whitewoahiag and Coloring done. CORNICES ANDciNTER PIECES A SPECIALTY. Bunt of Ref-tronco' f iroi. ird rsicfi-t .ffios-lilKKB DOOR8 W FIST r" Ttl&ArKK. will rocoWo prompt atton-tion. atton-tion. Jountry ordars lolicitod. ' ANN OUNCE MEIMT To the LADIES KBOM k -TT" TTT A m TT Unviog rem vod Into ray NEW STORE OPPOSITE THE SALT LAKE fLUSE, whi h r dutr-d my bo"'p" c.n-il'-Tsbly nod aiii'M u.b to acil vuryLLit. ia iliO lino oi Dry Goods AUD FANCY GOODS heineuilr Hi. to iv money thce du 1 luiui .a io buy your L'y Q udn t eilWAKl STOKE, Oi poiito rftlt Llia Done, 8. L. Cily. mH THOMAS TAYLOR IXV1TKS Confersnce Frinds and Visitors To inppct his stock ol CKXKIUL. MEKCHANUISK COS.-InTISO OF DRY GOODS! Groceries, nnnTO P;mrP MiTC P t DC DUilln, D:.yi3, n ,1 a u.rj, Kto., Kto., Which he ia fully cMermippd shftll be d w (p Livine Prices ill Admit, N. B. CoCI3 Dn.lVFD TO AU ' ' Paht!" of tiii City. 2 I One Million Pounds till WW IM AT OJ.ILLTi.ljL & wU. D. i We have just rec-ivid orders irom Bcvpr.il of thf ;-i;e' Ettrn Mn-ufclurer Mn-ufclurer tor Wool, and are now .ready to c.intr-i u-r . -nV.er stti or market pr'ce. I V iil advAiice fifty per cent, on the 'v.O'.:-j. . - " and wilipy the Highest Mrktt Price in CASH. i:U prUWt'nj Will ULJ 1. .O H.Vll .ui.ui...; tu v-- .'- . contracting. H'ix.( Sacks FarniMJ. S!.r-p Shian fnr S.ih. SIK.iKL i CO . Up town office at Siesel Bro's, Cor. 1st Snulti nd 31 Wist Su., SS Main Street. ' Ner Hb 11. pal. SINCE THE LARGE IR, IE H) TT GTIOUST IN PRICES At tbe TeaPotStore G. F. CULM ER has more than doubled his business. Tbld should be evidence enough tht oloao buyers Save Money by tradir with hi in. - ::5 nitsT sottii stki i t. . EXTRAORDINARY Eflb.(a ore being mude by the people of this Territory to develop and BUBtain honVb manufactures, because Lhey realize that theroin hca tbe cource ol prosperity. WONDERFUL ProRrtaa miclit be gained in thia direction if all niAimfactururd in U tub would place their goocU in the market aa altractivo in appear incc, and a cheap as tbe imported articles. A hitherto STUPENDOUS Drawback lo tbe ealeol home-made Bouts and Shots, for iiiHUnce, ban boi-n the U66 of poorly tanned leather, and having tnuui made in a clumsy, slovenly manner. The irvmiEfoisE Demand which has barn crc;itoJ tor Ri.irc' ocMtM homn-iv.il. h. and shoeB is tlie liircct result or mine, tlie. hi-n'. qnnli'ma it nn1 - .1 t-nni-i pally Walker &0klry'a lwk, firat-claaa amikmanyhni. .' -i -n l-1. unit prices as low as the iniporled. llnyers 01 noon am. m i.iniin unuie-sale, unuie-sale, can demonstrate tiiese facts hy calling on At " Tlie Big Boot," 87 East Tonipli; Stivt-t, 8ALT LAKF CITY. CHOICE SPRING GOODS. REDUCED PRICES! GREAT ATTRACTIONS! DEMOREST SPRING PATTERNS!! JUST ARRIVED AT 3 TDjyr &z co. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JUOI U T t H t 1 I A U miilcto Niw Stuck "f Vim French, English and American Cassimeres DUG01ULS, K'RSEYS, CHEVIOTS, Thibets. Worsteds. &c. '"JmIv Fir.t-cli.il. Wurb liinisd on', lit mr i hmtinl. STJlOMBFliCJ, ,lr, (11 MAIN riTUH-.l. C. P. "liWBERT , Msnufactun-r ud Dcalor id $ d- ::-f ? H HMl l UK hLAHS, KK-i I'rirrj lo Smt th' Tiwi. j FIFTH STREET. OCDEN ! Next dvr wf-sl of Junction 0.!ice. NEW ADVERTtSEWFNTS. I t.'ii t l Vhri't' In ihe VroUnle r.niH for S.ill hih: Couiif;, I '(oh Tn n!". B Iho UftKor Of 10 W ill itl'J 'JVftlS tucni 'pf W I M.J A M V. JOJ1NH. Drrnionl. T AI'I'KAl'INU T" 'HIH cm ,-. I' JiV 1 t'i 'n llnij reoon'i'l ui,d (It, , ),, (j. t , rnnolt, t-oi.t.-r. iiti.J ,u , .h I,-,.. J ,-ii ,-ii tn of il" Inii h.i no lii.tinhtnt i illl-im M . J.ihn-. (J.voomI r-rnn, ,vt m ..,,1... u, -Ii r.--i OFla.) Il.n i, , ..... mil i tb h oo. Jut, , nl ,, , . ,,f 'no r?al 'U!i- nl l-i or.-'iM ,j 1-. r) Din ll---Lre tt, ill- i.tnil,, i.ij J. i,. . UD'hnt ktaTn-t tli n. r.-n-nl a-, J ,, -i -6.. a. d nt,Mivt .f Hi- I,,, I,. "ir n , nr, . i.otr hli.n tli nl I'ri'i-Miaa ..,i.it. al ;..oitr. Sm.it. I -j, th i '' tt tlay'.i Mm, ,. l7". al in .-(..rlt in ih.i ii.tritih f .ai.i .lay, t l 'itr.M,n,n),L ,.v(1 wj,v pinontor ar -1 hml u, anil t tnu i i-f b- ! aitLate til tbadncaotJMlliiili'" Dacnrr- ,., o ... I rr,Vr ..f tfc. t,t.Jr l, ,,(,l. h .1 1-..- Ir, .U,r.. V. .lH,. I II, ,-, ., , If II V lUf'M. I,!...,,-!, W ,.,,1 1 .(l-.j , -a -J air id' hii.it. Z II 'r i. I- .Iu-Ir fur Ball Lake (,uut,i, 1 t h. (. I. II- rl -ill. Intk .f I I'm,,i..b . , rt -I v I !." 1-, h ..t -l,i. (..,,! th i. it f t- hr a tr u- at. 'I e-.r'e t ... , , an ..r.l-r J ii I r ' '''1 til.f.jj Ji,,ti tL ,, t". ,l .r ..ha t- ( i,un nri in y hai.d a-.il tl ... ! , , , :, i f;..l...ta Linn, I,,, tjB, Mar, ." I). Ii''f'hl(' l,l. -.t. I't-i.-i. ' ...,,t E. N. FRESHMAN & BROS., Advertising Agents, I Sli W. FoorlliSt, C1N( 1NXATI, Are auth'Tli-'l 1" ia-lti- ariratlla- d.hU l-f tl.i- i-ai.fi. V-iir,i,f forniilTiai-l f(. n;,i. i-..r ,s, I Ha.-!.(i ttl -latOI t- " A Wftin'' MtL JI. |