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Show FOREIGN. EUROPEAN NOTES. QUESTIONS OF IMPORTANCE. London, 7. A St. Petersburg correspondent cor-respondent baa reason to believe that quesiiona of the very highest importance import-ance will be practically decided in the course of next week; meanwhile the public desire for a peaceful solution is increasing. gortscbakoff's sejccessob. A Vienna correspondent aays ; Although Al-though it ia thought that Count Schouvalofl's visit to St. Pertereburg ia merely for a short lime, it ia believed be-lieved to be inJcoonectiou with im porta nt negotiations. Should he succeed suc-ceed in bringing about a solution he will likely be looked upon aB having q-mlified himself as a successor to Prince Gorlschakufl. It is believed the p'axt will avoid appointing Princa Gortschakotl'B successor aa long as possible. VSACS ASSURED. New York, 7. A Herald's London St. Petersburg correspondent telegraphs tele-graphs that tbe empress of Russia announced in the baIou of the cziro-witch cziro-witch on Sunday that an understand ing with England iB now certain to be reached and peace was assured. Baron Jomine rnaie the same announcement on the evening of the same day to the guests in his own house. It adds great weight to the statement to know that the baron now in reality chancellor of the Russian Rus-sian empire, having entirely replaced Prince Gortchakofi since hia illness. GRECIAN INSURGENTS, Athens, 7. The British consuls have induced the insurgent leaders in Macedonia to accept the same terms aa the Thessaliana. Volunteers will retain their arms and return to Greece on board a British man-of-war or by laud. The native insurgents will retain their arms and return to their hoaieB. MORE ATROCITIES. Belgrade, 7. The Servians have established a strong military pot at Kuatendit, on the Mitrovnza and Salnnica railway. Nine thousand Mohammedan arnauts are posted on the mountains to impede communication communica-tion with old Servia by the frequent raids they make and commit great atrocities on Servian villages. A foroe will immediately be uent -against them. |