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Show The Sliver Dollars. New York, 29 The Ettning Post says Secretary Sherman, up to this time, has not found a way to isgi e the two million of standard dollars coined each mouth, but ie confident he will succeed in doing so. In conversation con-versation with a Post correppondent, he Baid: "We will not issue them at centres of trade where they will be returned (or customs duties, but will distribute them throughout the country. coun-try. I cannot say exactly bow thia will be done, but the amount author- j ned by law will be put out." Treasurer Treas-urer Gilfillan says be cannot see how sil' er dollars are to be put into circulation circu-lation until congress amende the existing law and authorizes the treas ury department to pay out of the silver profit fund the cost of transportation trans-portation of silver dollars to any point in the country. |