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Show MISCELLANEOUS. FOU J Furniture, & -0-.L; ' t- CL ';.S;'-- ! Building IRoofing Paper REFRIGERATORS, CUPBOARDS, DESKS, INVALID CHAIRS, I BENT WOOD SCHOOL- DESKS!. PARLOR BRACKETS, PARLOR SUITS, WINDOW BLINDS, WINDOW CORNICES, LACE CURTAINS, FEATHERS, It IIS V CAKIIIAOKS, Uair and Wire Mattrosses, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, Oo to H. DINWOODEY'S, 75, 77 & 79 First South Street, LEGAL NOTICE. In the Prelate Court in and for Summit Sum-mit County, Utah Territory. In tho mattor of tho H-tato ) of Isaac Decker, deceased. ) Notice to (he Creditors of the said Deceased: i LL PERSONS nAVING CLAIMS A Effainatthn pnicl iWfito are horeby ro-quired ro-quired lo exhibit thorn with tho nocos-aiiry nocos-aiiry vouchers, within ton months nftor tho first publication of this notice, to the undorfigfH'J. at tho residence of V U.tV, on First South street, between First anil Second Hist street?. Snlt Luke City. UUaKLK F. DEl'K BK. Kxucutor of tho lust will nud UMatuont of Is sine Dicker, Do., cased. Maygi, ISM. n"22 WILLIAM BJlEDEMEYfR1 MlNKNU, UONSliblUNU AN1) CIVIL Ktminoor, U. S. Mtnornl Surveyor fur Utah and Idaho. Atotarv P-ibllo Uoologioa examination, rei-orls on iui-jine inoiiortn-R, surreye iiiooj. reiirouls and onla, rind Buperictoide tbo ivurkinps or tbo aroo Preparo ouiuntoi and i lacs for openine nd workins uvnea. oxiiort cn inlnintt questions ques-tions bofuro iho courts. A Ua.ua 1 , O. ! ui 1157, Bait Lake oity. L't )'l APPLICATION FOR PATENT. NOTiOtf, No. -U2. BU.1ITBP ST1TK9 L-.3H OffiCE. Salt LaUo City, UUh. March SO, 1878. NOTICE Id I1EUKHY GIVEN. TU AT Matthias B. alluhi--i. whoso I'onLit'uco ddron is .-alt Lko city Dmli. has made ai'imoatiun for a patent ior oOo linear teet Of tho natum Lode nM Minirc eiwoi. situatod in Wei Moil:... M tiiiaK district. Ltnb Territory, and fully oowibed in the pltt and noidnoiei of official survey on tile in this office-. iho onorior boundaiios boms with luaRnetio variation 17" east, comuienoioR at the discovery point of said Haturn Ulaiiu or Lodtf. and runriL ihonoo BOUllHh4 west 400 foot. olooK iho com ro ltne of said olairu to a poioiootho cent:o of tbo cuiherly end of thoolaim: th-nce north 12 woit 1U feet to post Mo. I: ihocco south ii oast 'i'Mlee: to pose No. 2: tho boo tonb 4b" east li'-J i"tt to post No. 3; thoQce nonh 42" t 2U'1 lott ti post No 4; ttieuoo 9 mh 4.i" a i-t'O Ice-to aid io3t Nn, 1, nubrHOint: ilm uiacuvory OliilLU fiO liLCiir luoli, util O ftilti? 0Q8 nortbarysnd one sun hcrly iu:ir feet each' on 3Jid Lodo. toiutuorJy .hiU'.i iliu ' Kl-h'j" sec; io-i of aut SuLutu Lod aoil cnulniDiot: n uroa of t 75-. LU acres. Itodi mii pu-t .so 1. I nitcd Matta mineral mu-mont mu-mont No. 6 of siil mining d. 9' riot hoars inuto GO ' wost loot distant; abd from aaid discovery puiut a tuunol oears south li" la cast IN f"t distant. Tho noBroat known iocatione aro tbo liu rning Uojcow, ino Jor-dau Jor-dau fod tho J orsi-y mioiui clmma. I ciroct this ootico lu bo publishon for tbo futl period of sixty days in iho lt Lkk UiiLY U kr Id, a nowapapor publishod near- BiRB0UKLEWIs. , m30 Kegirter. LEGAL .NOTICE. j n chc rrobate Court within an'l for the County of Salt Lake, in the Territory of Utah. In the matter of the Kstato of Edwin R, Kirtley, Docoased. Notice and Order of Publication Jonathan O. Lioylo, tho eiecu-or of the eslato of Edwin K. Kirtloy, deceased, having rendered and presented fur seUio-menl seUio-menl and hied in Bail court ins linal RCcvuntiis Euoh executor of bis adminis- tralion of said estate, tKether with a report of tm administration ther of and a petition praying for a titi-l ieUlom-Mit of hU accounts as such exciHor.and the adjudication, adjustment and .-i-tlli-munl of the legacies monlioood in the will of gmd decoased, the approval and coniir malum ma-lum by tho court of lencios under said will already psid and duliverod. ud the further order and direction of said court as to tho adjustment and distribution oi oilier legaeioi mentioned in iid will, and for hii anal discharge as such executor: And the court up n vhe readme nd con d raii.m thereof, h -ving ti.cd nd ir-dored ir-dored tbe be.irmg thereof io take place at Iho Court Roomofaid P oatu Court, in the City and C- unty of Salt Lake, in tho Territory of Utah, on itonday, tbe 3d da of June, A. I). lbTS, at tbe hoL of 10 o'clock a.m. of that day. JSow, therefore, it u by said Court ordered lliMt all persons interested in the aid eitute or, ana uio jjw win ui, iur aid Edwin K Kirn.-y, OeoHsed. bo and appmr before the said l'robalo Court at tue place and on the dy and hour lust au.rts-.id, th-n and lliuro to contest the tail settlement of snid ac-ourW or th.-iranlirigot'i-aiJ peliuoti, if they stwtil o to do, and then a..d t.ioro stiow causrt, l anv tbey hnve. w y the prayer ot aid petition and relief aked for therein n.-uld cot bo grant-d. It is further ordered, tht a co('y ot this order be pub-li-hsd for four succ.j-bivo wek8 before the tfHid third day ol J u'.e, A.L. 17S, in the Salt Lakk Daily ceslo, a news-pir news-pir pri:iivd and uutmahod in said J1 -n-ity of bait Lake, in tbo Xerritory of fftob' E. SMITH l'robale Judge. filed April 13th, lT?. D BOCK. HOLT, Clerk of id Court. Tirritort or Utah, M CjUutt or Salt Lake. J ; I D. Botkholt, Clerk of the Probhte CJtrt i'i and for tbe Coui.ty of iU Like, in tho Territory of L" tah, d hereby ctjr.ily mat the iore,;oiDg is a fu.l, Luc aal correct copy ol U.der of the eaid Court iu the -aul mttler ol the Estate or lt' K Kin -y deceased, aa appear of record Lq iny oiliec. in witaers whereof, I have I herfin.tj set uif band and L 8 J- atli ied the seal of said I. ourt, 1 ) this thi-t- euth day of April, a.U. if'i. 90 D, BCKFIOT.T, BAKIMC SALT LAKE OUT, UTAH. Pald-np Capital C200.004 in t hoi Lied Capital Sl.000,000 Wk.n. OOOPKR, Prwrli-rat, , H.g.KLDKKD'lE.VioPr-tt,, Wk. JKNNiNUd, I JOHN 9IJAKP, DlrMUP ? Lirr: K. 1 OEO. U. CANNOV. L.a. MILUj.Cuhl.r. DEAL TV COLD DUtiT, COIN CXCHANCf Laod Warrantj, Cellag 8iip, eu. Collections iiuuU and prompi rvmiUeeU FOBJUOH EZCBAHQB KoB SlLl terest Paid on B&vIukb Deposlti McCORKlCSCO.. BANKERS, Salt Lake City, Utah. TRANSACT EVERY DE8CRIPTI0H CJ BANKIHO BUSINESS. Purchase Gold Dust, Coin and Bullion. PROMPT ATTENTION Q1VEH TO COLLECTIONS. Undertake the Purchase and Sale 0 blocks on Oommnunon, Advance on Ores, and BaBe Bullion con-ligned con-ligned to oar Order. Sell Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Trans-fers on points Bast and West and on the leading cities of JDarope. correspondents: New Yotk Importer's and Trader's Natl, ChioaBO-Oommercia National Bank. St. Louii State Savin' Aasooiatian. Umaha "niHha National Bank. Ban Cranoisooirlrit Nat. Gold Bank, mrl! T. R. JONES, BANKER, 8ALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, Dealer in Foreip anil DaEiic Mm, GOLD AND SILVER. Particular attention paid to buying; and Boiling Bond aad Stoaks. negotiating; Mort-jbjo Mort-jbjo i.oans an ' othar bosinej-i iranaaotioni Titles to -Toperty oxaimnod. Carjfal atlontion sivon to UolleotlonJ. Correspondents: Now York .....J. B CoIjatrCo aMFrn'.tt9...1 Bank of &liforni. AKoat lioine Mutual Insoranca Co. And WKBK GOAL. THE ONLY RELIABLE MARKET FQ8 LimP ftSSORTEO AND EGG CGU. Largo stock alwjty-" on hand, and full weight guaranteed Prices low, and special attention given Lo the wants of the public. Office, Descret Bank Block. - . n20 & GOULD, Agent : STEWART'S Celebrated BRUSHES, roa PAD,TSR0M --,WASHERa. H0R9KMHH Aao QehikaL Favllt Usa For Sa'e. Wholesale and lleUi!, by Z. C. M. I- tlrocery and Drug Dpartinonti, Mssn. Godbo, itta k Co., 9. P. Teasdol, Mefsra. Kimball k Lawranoe, Messrs. Day & Co. lensra. wtn- Janaiflci m oons, Cunning ton & Co. tiTBWAET BROS. 1 .CO.. ftj PitUborsb, Pa. Schuttler Wagons! The lightest draft and mo?t durablo Wagons in tho market. Timber the best and is thoroughly seasoned. All eizes of the newlv-improved i arm Spring Schuttlor Wagons constantly on hand. hv BncieysXaTTsrs and Reapers Strong, timplc and durable, all steel and iron except doubiotret-: and lonnuc. liavo Dttcnt adju3t:blo reels. Will do more and batter work than any othor machine ma-chine ot the same class. Wont far nhead of all competitors last season and witn the new improvements will positively give perfect BatisfacLion in every respect. Tbov ihre-h last and clean thoroughly. No other thryshtr can equal th- i. EAINES' EEADFRS re the leading head.... I the only rtnos wnich do their orl thocoughly. Funis Bradley My Eaj Rate, The itouteat, easiWt to operato and the most serviceable hay rake m an Ulac lured. I carry in strck a full line of U kindi ; of harming Implements and Tools, including in-cluding Steel and Chilled Plows, Core Planters, Garden Drills, Cultivators, otc.. etc ; also Araea' Portable Engines and Knowlee' bteam Pump. For all desired information call or addreas, CEO. A. LOWE, Half Block South of Thetre. ,u salt lake city, J. nn.1 Hxrrm A. F. Dot SMITH C: OOREKU8 rUVa EMIlNKKi'l ASI U.S. is j u.l Survoyoo. m vko a 5vcoilt7 .1 uHrtit Eiroiirair.iso , ui of MIN1H6 nsmiis ?or PsUfltt. AdTcru Cl.iau uJ o( Ondl No l.i K.Mt r-tni'H Mre.:. aal LJio '7 . t, 0. b 1. RAILROADS. OTAH WESTEKH RAILWAY Upometl by Trustees for Buidholion. On and iiz , TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1878, and ontfl farther notice, TTIB UTAH WR8TEKK RAILWAY trains will run at follow. Leara "alt Lake City at 7 a-m.. Arrive at Lakcpoint at 8 M a.m., Breakfast. Leave LMuoiat at S.6H a m , La at Half-way 'louaeat 010 a.Bt Loire t Tole at City t a; to. Arrive at Teriainus at it. Hi a m. Leave Terminus at 12 n. Lave Toeole Oity at I.35 p.m. Lave Hul I-way llouie at l.J pjn,. Arrive at Lakt tioiot at 1 40 p.m. Dinner Leave Lahepoint at A p.m.. Arrive at Salt Lake Oity at 8.30 p.m. EXCURSION TICKETS Will bo issoid to LAKEPOINT AND RETURN ' Every day (rood only on day of Ifiub, at f 1.25 lor Houod Trip. Children between 5 and 12 years of age, tioo. fcuDdny Trains run to Lake Point onl, leaving Silt Luke at 10 a.m.. arrive at Lake Point 11. 0 n,m-; returning ltjave Lm e Point at u.30 p.m., arrive at Salt Lake at b,&0 p m, W. W, KITER, Manager. PasEins; Places. 1VSEXED TRAINS WILL RUN DAILY, (Sundayi excepted,) Leaving Salt Lake Oity at 5:06 p. m.; and Ogaen at 5 a. m. 0- For all information concerning Kreigat or Passage, apply to JOHN SUA UP, J., Gen. Fr't& T'kt Agent. JOHN SHARP, Superintendent. Noe. 1 md 3 will be rtm daily, Nt. S, 4, 6 and 6 will be run daily SundayB excepted. For all information concerning Froijht or Passage, apply to JOHN SHARP, Superintendent. Jobs Sharp, Jr., Gen. Freight and Ticket AeenL fiio. 2 Pass' i Trains Leave Round Valley 7 20 a.m. Logan 11 15 " Brigham 40 p.m " Aiwre Ogden 4 15 K GiUn(?r A Salisriury'i Stage Line to and rVim Montana connects with Train at Round Valley. d28 Q. W. IHATCIIER, Snpt JOSLIN & PARK, 95 MAIN STREET, Call special attention to the fact that the prices of ffalite, Jewslry cai Silrerwarc Are greatly reduced. We are constantly adding to our stock in every department You art invited to examine the prices and rjuality. Fine Watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty. U13 WALKER BRO S Establislied 1859. DHALkBS IN EXCHANGE. COIN and BULLION Wo draw Exchange on the followinn Leading (JiLiea of fiuropo. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND London, Belfast, Dublin, lid in burs; aad UlasKow. SWITZERLAND, Bsla, Borne, Oooovj, Luorene, Lausaano iurioLi and Vuvo. FRANCE, Bordeaux, Biariti, Bayonne. Boulo-na llarra. Ljons and Parii. BELCIUM, Antwerp, Braaiels, LuAombori. HOLLAND, Amsterdam and Uottordam. NORWAY, Ckristiaala, Borgon. Throndbjom and btavat;er. SWEDEN, QofiOLiburg, Stockholm and Malmo. DENiVI ARK, ITALY, Floranoe. Osaoa. LBdhorn, Mltan. s .lu. Palarmo. K.m. TurU, V.nlo.. RUSSIA Sl P.ter.burt. SPAIN, Oadls, Uidrid and S.rlll., POHTUOAL, Liibua vii Uporto. AUSTRIA, Carlsbad, Pr.r... Ptb. Trita. Vl.aaa ( 8IDJ tUld ALL THE CERMA.1 STATES. AMEKICAX COKRBSP0XDEXIS: fj.w v.t J I"yor,!r!, and Trader. ew York -j Kalional Bank. ( Dnion Tni.i (Jo. Ch'caro ... Kirjt National Bank L-uii, Slale-avinv As.ocialinr. rniana; ... ii,i., M.ti..n.l Hani ... r. !.- Nati.mnold hank Fran. B'ir British North Amaric, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ANNOUNCEMENT! BR. SPilffHEY, Ol" ilie firm ui I'r. Sjiiuney & l'o., San Francisco. Cala., Will ftRaio visit this city on bia return from the East, and can be consulted at the SALT LAKE CITY, FKOM Saturday MorniuK. June Stli, UNTIL Sunday Jlorniiig, June 3011i. THE DOCTOR HAS VISITED THIS CITY EVERY SEASON FOR FIVE YtARS, AND HIS CURES HAVE PRODUCED ASTONISMINC RESULT?, AND CAINED FOR HINI MANY WARM FRIENDS- TREATS ALL CHRONIC AND SPECIAL DISEASES, DR. SPINNEY, well known as a founder of the Montreal (0. E.) Midioal cstituto, and la'o Prorio;or of tho SPINS BY VI LLE INc iUMARY, won Id most rospootfully inform in-form his patient and the afHictod gon orally, that ke itill centinues to treat Chronic and Private Diseases With unparalleled luocos;. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Romomb r, that procrastination la the thlei ofttmo.ao k COME AND BE HEALtDI It matters not what your troubles may be, oomo and let tho Dootor oiamino year cae. It will cost yon nothing; for consultation, 80 nloRsn call and satisfy yoursalvos whether tho Doctor understands tout cit. If ho can ouroycu ho will toll you so: if not. bo will not undoxtako a ouo unlosB ho is oonfidaat of eueotin a oure. YOUNG MEN, Who may be sufferine from tho effect ol youthful follioi or inaiscetion will do well to avail tbomsolves of this, tho greatest boon ever laid at the altar of sufionng humanity. DK. iPINNEY will guarantee to forfeit $500 for ovory oaso of weakness or disease ol any kind or oharaotor which ho undertakes and fails to oure. lie would therefore say to tho unfortunate ButTsrers who may road thU notioe. tnai you are treading upon dangerous ground whoa you longer delay in seeking tbo proper remony for your oomplamt You may be in tho brut stage; romumbor you are apiironohiog the Iut- If ou are bordering urton tho last, and are suilenng some or ail of its ill eQocts. remombor that il you uersist in proorastination the dme must ome whop tho must skillful physician oan rendoi you no iftflsiBt'iDco; wbon the door ot hopo will be closod against you; when no augel ofmorcj oan bring you rolef. In no ease has the dootor tailed of success. Then let not despair work upon your imagination, bat avail yourself your-self ot tbe banofioial results of his treatment before your coso is beyond the reach ofmod-'al ofmod-'al skill or before grim death hurrioi you tc a premature grave. MIDDLE-ACED MEN. There are many ortho age f thirty to ilxtj who are troublod with too Frequent evaoua-taon evaoua-taon of tho bladder, often aouomuanied by a slight i manioc or burning sensation, and a woiKening ol tbe si stem In a mannor the putioDt conno laccount for On examining the arinary geposits a ropy sediment will olten bo I and. and sometimes small particles ol album on will appear, or the color be ot a thin and aalkish hue. again changing to dark and torpid appoa.auoo There are many men who die of this aifflculty ignorant ol tbo oaar?e. which is (be seoond stago oi Bsminal waakneas. Dr. 8. will guarantoo a perfect oure in all such cases, and a healthy restoration of tbo genito-urinary organs. A U letters or communications strictly oon-Bdontial. oon-Bdontial. Alodioines, packed so as not to exeito curiosity, eont by Express, if fnli do-jcription do-jcription of cwo is i.ivon. OiEoo Hours 10 to 4 and 6 to 8. Bundaye from 10 to U a.m. Consultation Free. Thorough Thor-ough examination and advice. 86 Call or address UK. A. B. SPINNEY No. 11 Kearney street, San Francisco. OFFICE HOTTiras : FROM 9 TO 12 A. M.; 1 IO 4 AND 6 TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS FROM 0 TO 11 A. M. ONLY. coisrsTjijT'.Tiojsr fbeb. CHOICE SPRING GOODS. REDUCED PRICES! GREAT ATTRACTIONS! FULL VALUE GITAEANTEED. " DEMOBEST SPRIG PATTERNS!! JUST ARRIVED AT r 3D A. IT &z GO:a' EXTRAORDINARY- Eilort, nra being made by the people of tbia Territory to develoj and sualain home manulaolures, becauso Ibey realize that therein lies lb( couroe of prosperity. WONDERFUL Progrna might be gained in tbis direatina if all m.tuufaclurors iuUlat would place tboir goods in the market as attractive in appearance, and a oheap as Ihe imported articles. A hitherlo STUPENDOUS- Drawback to the sale of home-made flon'j mi; Shoes, for instance, has bcec tho use of poorly tanned leather, a.irl having them mado in a clumsy alovealy manner. Tbe ' IMMENSE Demand which has been created lor Voies'j celebrated home made bonlt and shoes is the direct result of using the best qualities of material, principally princi-pally Walker & Oatley'a stock, Bral-claaa workmanship, elegant styles and prices as low as the imported. B.uyers of boot and shoes, retail or whole sale, can demonstrate these facta by calling on At The Big Booi," 87 East Temple Sireet, SALT LAKE CITY. SINCE THE LARCE IN At the . Tea Pot Store 5. F. CULMER has more th :n doubled his business, This should be evidence eno,,,., , !, buyers S.ve M y l,y ,,, . , w,tb him,. Hi I IKST MOUTH KTICIJI T. NOTICE TV',C J'a'('"'of ii" n..,h ,.,, ,. !" of, He Ctak Xo,,l,en, " Company. ""' '-'Uln;,,! Y0l! A"K 11KKKI1Y XOTIKH,, hald and own.J n, v, I , "M,lr. Ollicoir- ,,e W,.,,;,..,; m,,,;",e'."1 m? tl Hurl lli..lr,ulU.,tVOu'il ! ' " ti, a raid C urt ,' lna eu t of V 'e'. ot Trust CJ. ,,y of Nuw Utali Nrtlicn, H,ilr,.,l (,, Ib , , 0. S. HILL, J-Clerk J-Clerk of Third DUlr ct Court April 24th, 1878 UUU T""lorf- FORWAROINC, ETC. UTAH Forwarding Company, (Incorporated nndor tho Law, of th. Tarritoryd Under Contract witli Railroatf Companies and Fast Freight Lines. WB WILL FOKWAKDQOODS TOIL, poiau In Utah an?3oath Kato. of l'rol.ht ri.on aad tunrt,iji, aD point. Knt aud W eit unrnni.Mi( a,Uo'l.dVnM Xld " "WbiM. oitioe opposite d. o. r. s. djpct balt LAt arry, ' Un 00.r.WilLACt,8uPt R. WAaaoci. n.McOoamoui R. WARNOCK & C0,r F0fifflBDIG AS'D COMMISSION Merchants. TfB WILL FORWARD JERCBAff. VV diio and Uachtoeryol all kiod) to any noint in damnum Utah and 8outhnt. em Nerada. Wo will advance Railroad j ttamitcn' Freiyht charges, will seloot. bamulfl, farnlih cortiticatos of wolsht and as eay, and 1Uiu and bullion ALL FREIGHTS FORWARDED WITH PROMPTNESS, endeavoring to seoars t6 the coniigrn-'o tho dolirorr of eoodsintti sbortost roasooablo tune and in the bwi pit, ai bio oonaition. Grain of all kinds for silo. Address all Com munioat ions to R. VARNOCK t CO., fl29 ORK. UTAE, PLUMBERS, ETC. DAVID JAMES. LICENJED PLUMBER, TIMES, Gas and Steam Fitter, Respectfully announces that lie lias if cured tho fluency fcr this Temtorjil W. 11. Warner's Low Pwure STEAM WARMINUPPWTO Uanufactuied under S. J . Gold'spatonte. Also nnTnin nnm nn TinDUlfiTii JULUO HUl iUft lUIUUbM. Persons wishing lo warm upChurchei Public BuildinRs, tilorea or Private resi-di'nccs resi-di'nccs by eillicr steam or hot air will find it to tb-ir interests to correspond with me on tbo subject. A full Jino of Plumberg, Gas atd Steam fitters' Goods kept in Stock. Kurosey's Pumps and Pump Eitiu on hand. OFFICE AND WORKSHOPS, West Temple Street Opponitfl Oity Mnut Marbat. SWEET NIF! Awarded higM m Ccn!rnnll Ei-ii Jbie linrinq nwiliti'.' nnrl rjrrlltnce a -il lutv-- - ttr c trUttg o.vi faronV,. Tit. tr.l l- ever mnflc. At ont Wuo drip tra-l.-nurV li tf Imitit!,-,! on Inferinr pooiin. rta thtt Jir"i,i ' on oven- pin. Sol, I by nil deslcn. Frwl f.r .:-. (ice, to C. A. Jacilso" A Co., Jlfri., I'ttcnharg, " : MANHOOD BESrOKED. DR. ISTEtNHART'S r- a i . . i r I I trP mm Ul m Is a Powerful and Efleiant Curs for ) Nervous and Physical Debility, Spermiij a torhea, SeiniaBj Weakness PrcmatarfO Decllna and Exhausted Vitality THE ESSENCE OF LIFE rspleaianttotakeand la free fiem "J lous drujrs: it Bivc tono to tho iJUtwK" cans and iiroosth to tho jN'erres- i THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Will stand the search of ivjoclifio tw1 nnd i rooommocded by tho mcltstiru sioiansa THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Is a pnre, nervous and nond'hlrx Ttsf'h It kivos tono to the norvcu bJ ,E I sjalcni and unrifios and enriohof it lAi" THE ESSENCE Ol" LIFE Is recommended and suaraotecd to ft-Noivous ft-Noivous WoabnoM. no matter Irco aauso or of how loni itacdlcs- THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Also cures Paralys, Lois of "7, disoa-os. whother of malo or fcnule. dobilitatins character. THE ESSENCE OF LIFE Will renovate and rurify the Nf U otcbeson thoSLin Frui lioof. fw-'.j., or Pimt.l.'S. nd Iraves iho ccwi-tI"-L cd tho skin smooth. Prloe IS ror Bottle, or four tjuantity for Sin Sort to anj dJ"!''II-rt, ?ure from observation uion recettt " or C. O. D- and to br hit, run " DK. KTEiall. 426 Kearnv tire 8AN FRANCIS-O Where U Loiters should bo ttir""6 OnVeVursTomfaro HI' r ' i S o'clnak eveninr-1- Sucdar. f r CAsuIUthta and Advice by Wtarff' 1 E. J. KICHAKDS- Surgeon and Phyc- OiTjc at tho Drrnr Stoe ;' M; KicbardsA C.. 13 Ea?t T-tnr-" l" yn a r;-;vc:c: cc:c:.- . WSffiW '"."1r',",f " w |