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Show 1 THK KEUKO HACK. ! I'nuhbafli on tlm I'ttM I rese nt uud 1 Lit lire. I Nashville, 9. Governor Pinch-back, Pinch-back, chairman of the committee on address in the labor convention, matio a repurt to-night, setting forth that in tiftteu yeara of emancipation tho ! negro race bad made material advancement, dee pile Ibe obstacles of unrequited labor, oppression of poverty and ignorance, tne intolerant t-pirit ot Iho men who to-day control the south, the abolition of free speech in many localities, universal pro-crip-tion in the schoolroom and church, the jury box and otlicial puiiiiou. Under such disadvantages they cannot eipect lo rice to the dignity of true manhood. Wajjus are low at beet, but paid iu scrip wilh uo purchase of pywer, or admit ot nu bettering of the present hard conditions. 'J. he race in the cortii are not wholly exempt from caste distiuutieus, and are excluded ex-cluded from trade and the workshop. Education id the lever to tho necessary advauUgt-a in most northern etatea. I hey ihen-Joro require a national ttLicational system with equal advantages, advan-tages, tbo Baruo to bo euatained by ealee of public lauds. They view the political condition of the race with apprehension. Murder, violence and intimidation havustilled the protecting ballot. The present emigration demands de-mands di-iiberate consideration. It 1 9 the TL-eult of no idle curioeity or desire lo evade labor, but from the autici nation of serfdom that seems impending- If their labor cannot be renpeclcd iu Iho eoulu the only aller-nalivo aller-nalivo is emigration, but ibey prefer lo remain south if possible. They heartily eudorne the National Emigration Emigra-tion Hoeiely, recently organized iu Washington. They believe such tfJorts as inaugurated by tbe planters at the Vteksburg convention may yet establish friendly relations and settle all troubles. They recommend lo tbe colored race morality, temperance, economy, acquiai tiou of laud and agricultural education, and to lorce their way in ihe prolusions, literature, litera-ture, science and ait, as being material and certain aids to advancement. advance-ment. The report alludes to tbe record re-cord Nashville, 10. The conference adjourned at 1 o'clock this morning, alter adopting the emigration report and revolving to raise $500 to prosecute the jubilee singers, the civil rights suit ol culorcd meu in the revolution and rebellion, and demands trealmest in accord witti their rights of citizenship thus acquired and since then richly merited. The crisis is reached in the Malory of the raca and now it is a question of recognition or extinction, protcctinn or death. Piuchback, iuan address, predicted the nomination of Grant, Er-Con-gress Riney, alluding to the Vicks-burg Vicks-burg convention, said the negroes would no longer trust the promises of southern whiteB wbich bad always been broken. A report was read from the committee on emigration. It loaves the queation with the conven-' conven-' tion to decide whether or not southern south-ern colored people have better reason 1 to goorBt'y. The whole country is waiting for a verdict from the convention. |