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Show I S'oreiuu Notes. i Madrid, 10. Newspapers state that nine senators trom Cuba do not posBes the qualifiction s required by I Ihe constitution. The minister of the colonies will investigate. The arch bishop of Santiago de- Cuba has been , elected a senator Irom that province. Tho mail train between Madrid aud I Cadiz was thrown ofl tho track aud tbe mail car for Cuba smashed. Six 'persons were killed and several in- : jured. Home, 10, Tbe Italian govern ment has recommended to Chili and Bolivia an international arbitration. I Berlin, 10. Besides the corvette-ordered corvette-ordered lo 6-iil from Brazil lo Valparaiso, Val-paraiso, a German guuboat will be permanently stationed in the Chilian waters. From the posilion of afUira no guarantee can be given lhat Val paraieo will bo sale from the attack of the hostile fleet, but it may be hoped the belligerents will not violate the international law by bombarding on open seaport. |