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Show IJeneflt fur tli New Tahoruiiflc. Wo lorn that u in 'mutiny programme pro-gramme is in con mpt!io: 1" r nfA t Tucsthy night's c-tert '.-Mmr:, ' m the theatre. In addition to thii pfjpulur temperance drama em i He J " 1" n Nights in a Bar-room," there will bo a grand olio to complete the entertainment, entertain-ment, which will include choice- selections selec-tions by the Glee club and comic siugera. The particulars will appear in programme form iu due time. The tabernacle committee suggest that, with a view of making this effort a financial Bucccsa, tho young men's and ladies' mutual improvement mectiuga, that take place on Tuesday nih be changed to another evening, to give all the members an opportunity oppor-tunity of aidiug towards the completion comple-tion of that building. |