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Show BUSINESS CARDS. q j 4 Hi? oJ in aay uaA taoka. Addr, livja Jl ffhmnrlh, I'.U. b-'x tuJl BOOKSELLERS STATIONERS STEVEN 3 A. CO , MATN'SrKKST. Nil XT. TO V'KP KRAI. Court Houia. carry a full Uvk o( Lal, Comaiarvial dJ iU Staiicoaiv. alto Sohov'l Book and Soiool malarial. Blank. B.mW a iwitlLv and ,r t-l 4Ulitr. I'nn-trtaaiM'lLiii& I'nn-trtaaiM'lLiii& iook, ato. U JAMES PWYSR. 1 Tawrta itra Pair to 11 a Uo-Li. Soiool bookr tad Vina FraiKth :itioory. JJ3 FURNITURE. HD1SWOOPSY. Jioa. T, 77 ud 7t , . In Sooli StrC )- DRUCCISTS, DENTISTRY, ETC EDWIN TAGGART. PHAHMACEDT1ST& DRUGGIST Jfo. 117 Main Stiwt, SALT LAKE CITY. rrsrlpUon CTAiI1t Cmro.ndd. Nf(lit or Day. ialo - DR- w- CS.LDER. DE1TTIST 0ncK, MAIN- STREET, l ASATfU DRUG STORE. MOORE, CLEMENTS 4 CO.. Wholw&IeJial Ratail DRUGGISTS Salt Lakt City, Utah. A fall tin. of Erorriit-, Sundries, Fancy Goods Fine Soaps, Perfumeries bhushes, .tc.. JLSO PALST3. OILS. YARNISHE?, N.B. Ti.i by Mul ivlitd. , BANKINC. Salt Lab City Mol Bart OF UTAH. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL,. S500.000 PAID TJP CAPITAL, SI 00. 000 : SURPLUS TUSD STO.OOO I B.M.PcRBLL. J06KTH M BURKST! Prwndeal, CJi;er, ! Attorn, HE31PSTKAD A li.itvKPATRIi.K- TV" I Lb RSCIVB DBPOSrTS. OPEN M imua.miit Ce::ctk&s, Bur d Sail Ki.-ii: acd Bullion. Loaa Motej. id !!- La:;er cf Credit arai'abla liromij: tha Uaiii 5ut and Saroea. Baaros Natknal bank of XonA Am ric-i Cseo liird SauoaaJ Baa. St. Loca-Tiird Nauoo-al Bak. Oxaha Omi Naiil Bis. di fmcaco 2 an wail liuid Buk tad Tran Compary. Lo-toi MeOulteck 1 Co. Money dpci:U tor oar eradit with oar Lczdcn. Naw York. Chi.-aco. rt. Loan ud Eu frtaasco eerrai pociesa will b pail at ihxa Bax a: r.at cf Iaiarafaie Iranian ar Bi:i ct gicaajj-. da DESEBET NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Ptid-ap CapiUJ . S 200, 00 J AaUuviisd Capital $1,000,000 Wm. H. HOOPER, Pratidant, - H.a.ILDKEDK. YiePmt BR1GH AM YOl.Nii. I Wn. jb.vnisgs, VDiractan JuHN 5UARP. i F. LITTLS, L. 8. iliLLd,Chi, J DUX IS COLD DUST, COIN EXCHANGE Lui Wtrruti, CtUagv Scrip, tte. Ooileeticna made ami promptly remitted. Fouisx Kxcjllxqi Fob Sal. Interest FI4 on Sat Lug IXposlu. A. v. Tm v. . H'Mixirs WHITE t McCORNICK, (SaeMmn to A. W. VThita A Co.) Mt Temple it., Suit Lake City. DEALERS HI Gold Dust, Coin and Bullion Exchange on all the principal cilice ol the United Stales and Ktirope. Futlentw tlttion fiTem to Collct!ooj u PWk1j rasi:tBd at carraci rat of Kj ob dr at puis an t. KialAf Stock) Bought and Sold oi Comausioo. Oouaruiimi Buk of CaJlfornia, . 8 in Prajiciia Ludlaw k C..A(tt.Bknk of Cala. N.w York Cmmfiril Mtuol Bui ,.L"liicf a Bxwim barlor Auociailoa SL Louii Uuki aUoni Uuk UmaA A Ttcj.it 0K0. K. WniTNBT. ItaouM 1. GLAZIER A Co., B- T. Joins, PrwUcnt. Joim 6ajtf ja Vice-PrriJnt. J. T. Little, Treuuror. Forwarding Company, (lcorporatJ timlar tha Law ot tha Tartuory.; Under Contract with Railroad Companies and Fast Freight Lines. ri WILL FORWARD (7O0DS TO ALL IT aolau ia L'uh aod Soothm Narada. Tk buJUur, iimpiiDf acd ahipiuof af ORE uj BULLlU.N a ipactaltj- Kataa of Kraiht fi'n acd cuarantMd to all poinu lut mud WmL 0!i adTaocaa oiada ImptriihabU arUelaa. ornci oppoflm u. c. r. e. dxtot, SALT LAJCE CITY. fcto. T. WALL.U K, fiapl. ItoM GROCERIES. ETC. TO LOVERS OK GOOD TEA. We wish to call partirular at-tontiou at-tontiou to our celebrated mixture mix-ture of CHOICE TEAS. All our Teas are of the (luest tirade, but this Tea iu particular par-ticular we can coutideutlv recommend recom-mend for its jreat strength, purity ud tue flavor. All nlw once try it want it ugaiu. Ask for " DAVIS' HlXTl liK" aud try it once, yon will be sure to purchase more. G. W. DAVIS. T110MSEN & LYSBE1U? Raair da.it from lli,-rTia, ORANGES, LIMES, AM) LEMONS. Tbj kep a full took Utah Fruits and Vegetables, POULTRY nd K I - 1 1 fu'iiry a.iif & iirwri'. af H'' jj.c iind AVfan Stores o, 13 A 8-, First onlh Sf.f SALT LAKS CITY BARGA1S,BARGA1S! DEALERS AND FAMILIES Will do well to call, u :l Intend Closing Dot Mr Entire Stock ot MERCHANDISE & S1CEE FUMES I Between now and the 1st of Oot j ober, bavin i; rented my prt-ui-I iser to vacate at tiiat dato. GOODS AT YOUR OWN PRICE. No. 90 EAST TEMPLE ST. DANIEL GREEMC. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. J0SLI & l'AHK Keep tho B-.-it Stolc in tha Waal cf ' SILVEiWARB, DIAMOSPS. Of Jlkiadi. wbi.-h they are filliof Mlhe tacn Kt-oDibia i'ric.!- Oil flJ exsibe lira jc ii. yen l. "a hi. t. b fultei. East Temple St., Salt Lake City. iyl BLACKSMITHINC. AA0T11ER STRIKE ! ! .:V. HOPPER Has OJ-nmrntfrt Striking in Mi (Xf Shops, Imotrn ts the Railroad Sh'-ps, 8KC0XD SOl'TU STREET, Whera ho wiH be plcasd to e hi old friends &nii lalroni and their Uajli. Tho Buiineis will ba carried on in all iti Branehet, and none but Competent Mon cmpliv.d. ami CRA1N AND PRODUCE. ATTENTION, FARMERS ! jSTEW crop. GEO, OmLDEN ia paying tha HIGHEST PRICE, IN CASH, For all kinds of " G JRi .A. X IT, AND FILLINO Rest Brands of I L01R AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE FIGURES. He liajuit received a lino ajortm.-iU i f all I, i mis of GRASS SEEDS, Timothy, Eed Top, White and Red Clover, etc. UT Girp Vim a call at the old UaJ opi-ila WVlla, Fargo & Co'e, 1776-B.3.CENN,.?L..i(187e a local ma.vaokk aj BSC rip- TK'N SoLICtToK wanie.1 in SALT 1, iKU el TV, atnl trj Cut. l'4n aoj Cnnij in Utah. lor ihe CKN rSSNML OAZETTB. with the lari m lllus;.-tod Monialj is iho I DllJ SllU . MX K-KiMXT KNMRAVINilS, rortniof a eomi'lete view ,.fiho Cer.teoa lal Kihibu un B .ilJinff, Hrc-jnJs pJ ari'T. achei. oi-t ai hty ih b leoa by (ho vimor in 1 ST . aro 1 1 vn --h abcri lior. sua of rirv-mc. rirv-mc. Sli.T ar.l : u."J lochei . A i crru itcnl ut jtion. ti II' t. iJi a wotk. AJdri, two wcoWi. itb rtium mmn. IE.NTKNM.VL ilAZRTTff. K.xm i, hl CbiMaui Mrst. 1'hiliiielrbi. I'a Far Proipcctu-1, Journal!, at a , aaclof a li cant. FOR GOOD AND CHEAP JOB PRINTING 0.0 TO THK 'llF.lUUt" JOB PKPARTMKXT iJeo. W. Cio.nr.LL. a U. B.?8TT. J. THE ISTKIW "VICTOR" LIGHT RUNNING! NQISELESSi A LOCK-STITCH MACHINE of rrf.'ct mechanijm and Mich fimpio cm struct ion thnl Delicate I, mho can IH Til K COARSKST WORK, witll 'Ul tj1!111-' ard without rciuiriiift ni.vhniuoftl fkill. A Revolutiou in Scwini MacMics Has neon wrought wherever tho '"V IGTOI" Has boon ii.trodticod. Th- Onlv HcliaVe 7'aki The Vn'j Hdf-t'Cttniij AVo ' The On! i iVfvVci CtHlcrbrauter H aitarhmcFls tar Uonurr all widjhf), KrlhPB i-il-irC. Kitil.r.-id.nnc. t.'rairS. riickttii. Hriain. Ihn.hni, :orcn 1 nm-mnc. nm-mnc. Kufllhc rurTi.o iUlhrnii tan. ivchirio a b.rd a ir. ctiay.h l pnlVcl qJ eajilj DiUd to ine mu'lina. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. CKOCKWKLL BA63 KTT, llan'l -iaH 1M South Street SaliUko Cwj. "H Z. C. ifl. I. We III pay lh IIU.HIT MAKItl i I'UM i: in AMI or Ml IC II iMHSI for Hie lolloint kintU uf IHtll'D Fill IT, and, on bclnj; noli-liotl, noli-liotl, III rail nl the on ncrS rcNlilcuoc and r ere Me it w ltli out eliaiKC l Pl.KI.Fn A l I i i: i: I. F I I F .M il F. a rit i i o rs a n vi. i ti s. i JT A" OKUEK TO MAKE nOOX FOX FALL S HIl'M K ATS, WE AttF. OFFER. iiy te Itrjttt Slock of O'eaei jl Mt idiiu'ue tier In !;.'..' Wst of Chicaqo, at wrv cl.tt mnrjint, c-Aprmnj i.n ;r.' S-tmner Prtnt, Fr.-at-s, Linen u-ij Grdit Suiting, At pat a J.tulrej, Carded A! picas t Pipu, iK-noiie aud F.nt Gtug'.jmrt ChenoU, CKtci.:; .Strict, D'nimt, Hu.-k in a.7 crjort, Ttfkm jt, M't'KfJ Goods, Sheet inos, Vinrj.'irs id all Gra ift, FUt and K-M CamKrics, (,jlr ir.ji our uual Full Lines f .vuuns, i-.'-lud.nj mjiy X-r'l.'ifs rar!y teen in this market. A vk.t.jmncet orient oj CtrpeU-i an I fp'lstcry G Bunds and Blind T rimmtn Ah immense S.' -A Groceries, Hir,hcie, G'.isi an I memtr-m-, F- tcder, Fust, Mineri Snpies, Ajri.-u!turd Irtptement.", etc. Svte Agents ia I "i.i.h for ihe crleWuted ,! j.h ' .r Hj-i--ns, Me take pUajurt in referring those tc.'to icish to buy, (t plrties r.'iwm io dr supplied, as to f.'ts class of govts J-- ly u. and '-ur irn, Ie of duing business. H. B. CLAWSON, Suporiiitendeut. Mauled, lu any quantity, large or small. IV II W IT. OATS. Illlil.KY, (OIU, K(i(!S, nuns & WOOL, fur uliii'h the 1IM.1II.ST M lllliKT l'HH K 1 1.1. RE 1MII. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. WM. HAYDON, ATTORN KY - VT.I.A IV. Off.-., i.m. l.to lirni of H.y.ion ,fc 'iilcliri.t. room. No. S and V. L'OQEOr il.ildios. B.it L.l. Citr. ilt C. 11. llomptto.d. Uu&ilton Ll.ab! llKlir.NTKAU .f; . 11I.K. A-ttoi-neys nt Law. SALT LAKB CITY. UTAU TKR. ). C. W. SPAULDINC. ATTORNKY AT LAW. OKVICK IN Cllft Uu.fl. oi itur. .IS C. C. CLEMENTS, (Lata U. 8. Burrayor Ouaral for Utah), Land & Minino Attorney, l'airi fr Pataoti and Adrerao CUimi caxaiullj propared.aaa pataou proonrad. Ornoa. Al Watatoh Vrug Store, BaM Laka City. I'tah. MINING ENGINEERS, ETC. CLAYTON A COUCH, 1N1NU KN'iM v KKKS, Or KICK OTBK Jl .Vi Uid Siraat, bait Lake City. P.O. Oua, 1. I . CEO. M. BOUTELLE. CIVIL ENGINEER U. S. MINERAL SURVEYOR. Offlea In tha bulldins ouptd by tha Bnr-fejor Bnr-fejor Unrl'i olliea, apixiiUe thaXownfend Uouia, Salt Lake Oily. d3 JAMK8 a. VART1XKAU, I I YDHAVLIC AND CIVIL RNG1NKKR. II and LAN D SURVKVOK, LOGAN, CACHE COUNT 7. Mineral claim urreTed. olO W. BREDEMEYER, iSTotary Public1 CoESDlllri and Civil Enpra,1 1ND U. S. MINERAL SURVEYOR. Work tne plana and animate for minci nd ituiro eiucnt famisheili will uioriD teml taeomablKhmenl and rorkin ol oiinos ThenDeontratloD of ore a ipecial'y, Ajrnt for th Humboldt Company (rranu-t'a (rranu-t'a Ivircr) ol mtntnj and eon ooir'tint taah iorir.) For plana nd infor-'alion aVy al tny ofBoe. Ni. Irtund IT kimball lilcvk, and P. 0. U('x 11S7. I am prerarod to Uko contract I on tunnolr ' X and tba linking of thaitr, d NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO MEH-CHAIJT TAILORS, COMMERCIAL STREET, near First South Street, Have just roceivcil the-ir Fall and Winlor Sltx-k of FIN"E CLOTHS, ESliLIPH AN'D FRENCH SUITIXU9, FANCY CASSIMERES AN'D VESTLXCS. all of the latest styles and uuexeellcd in qualitv-. Wlrk Gt"AR.vXTtKD in quality and lit. Patronage Respectfully Solicited. sep!7 Doore, Windows, Blinds, I Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Etc. I Etc. SIERRA NEVADA LUMBER ASSGCIATXN. Vood Pumps and AVatcr Pipes. Office aud Yard, Half-Bloek South cf Depot. S. ,T. TYnST Supt THE KIND OF Boots and Shoes EVERVBODY SHOULD WEAR Ace the liaiulsoino, durable, easy-tlttiii"; and rcasonablc-iiricctl arlitlos made by Hie UOKK- lNG.Mi-s oo-orF.i:.vnvi: association, at the Town Clock Store. s Main Street. REPAIRING DONE. Leather, Findings and Kit at Moderate Eates. S. P. CROMPTON, Supt. KOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, THE LEADING HOTEL OF UTAH. CENTRALLY LOCATED IK SALT LAKE CITY, A i!ur.liiijj finest view; of (urTOimdir.g Mouutam ct-i.ery a.n.1 Gr.-nl .:t J.hk--, anj nutjin a !Vw minuL-a wait yf U. lalM.-rna.tie, Mun-uin, '1 (t.-,trt-, etc. Gtiem if ll.ii il 'n o will fr.d tho T.t..- juai to tl..' K.rtl-Ci H...u of Sn rui,L'ii. o. Bj tl.f-v an-ujiln-J with all tl.:il ctt Lu ,r.. ;;r,.l in Ihetaiifor-oia Ihetaiifor-oia U artel at waii a tbai ..f L Lab. ( u coiuluefil ttnethas a J'JftST-''LA J'JftST-''LA 'S JOL'.Si: ut rttry -'trti.'ti-tr. au(i TAYLOR'S HOTEL, oyh Taylor a cutlzhs stobe, salt lake city, ft Till Eest Place far Visitors to ttc City TO STAY AT. Tlllt IU.1CI.KS AKK KKlSUiULB, Hi-i..m from fA'U. to $I.vi pr day. Bward, - - jl,iJ " TAYLOR & CUTLER, PROP'S. VALLEY HOUSE. 3reat Itt"darlln In Price to Hall Uie Times. Bo-d nd room, per day....?l 60 U- t CO Sii.gle me Is 50 Sl!.K-i; Ltlf riO Scijt-e ivtiii, l-t day 7.) j 1 ci7 DAliL i SOKENSON. THE SALT LAKE HOUSE FIRST-CLASS FARE, aud SE00XD-CL.VS5 TRICE. Those u-A( e:.u!d crn.iy OmfurlaUe Hotel Life can find it at t.ie Sill I.-tie Heme. MALSH 4 GREE.NEWALD, l I'rorri.'.on. STOVES, IRON, TIN, ETC. VV. HARRISON, MASTFACTCKKS of Tin, SLi33t Iran, & Ccpjsr Wort Dealer in STaVES, Etc., pKsPECTFri.UY infonc tii Trids It ad the 1'uMie ibai ha ha opectd cut in hii New in! Comaio joiis t-vre. one tic or Sou tti o: Coajtiititua B-i.aine. Ua makea SKLF-L VBKLI.Wi VRl'lT CASS a Srialty. Uaans. SI.JJ rr dcien; two tjasrts, il.itj pir tioieo. For Good Work and Prices to tttit ihe Times, Deries Competition. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Castle Ero's. well-tnowii Brand 07 JAPAN TEAS, FOB 8ALJ AT Z. C. M. I, Grocery Dept al H. B. CLAWSON.Sm.t. PAINTING. PAINTING ! W. V. MORRIS, - Practical House Painter BOTU PLAIN JtOKXiMKMAL, Qt'ARANTKRS TO GIVE SATISFACTION Uf TRICE AN'D QrAITTY. &.op in Alltt; opposite Wills, Fargo & Go's office. N.B. Sieui and all kinds of Graining Marti line, Oildinc ad S i ffO Taiaticg den 6 for the Trade, and per cnt$a Uuwed. BIS NOTARIES PUBLIC Casba sui'i'lied n'ltc HERALD OFFICE BILLS OF SALE, POWERS OF ATrOUXEY, MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM AN'D WARRANTEE DEEPS, BONDS, MINING PEKHS, ruOTKTSA PROTEST NOTICES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, By Single Copies: or the Hundred. llircels of flue htm i're.1, auortcil, a .w.-i.i K.itef. OrJv'ri by Mi.it irvtMtl; diet. |