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Show SALT LAKtHOTELS. TAYLORS HOTEL OS IBS KBOPSAN TLAS, Rooms 50c. lo $1.00 Pr Day. $5 per Week. -nihi CUTLKtt. Proprltort P ' 110 T0SEND HOUSE, IBE LEADING HOTEUF UTAH. JAXTOWNSBND, Promoter.. VALLEY- HOUSE. CrrHl Blu"u iu '"'' Mill Ui Times. ,i,,J ,idm, lr Jny....?l -V) to 2 00 p, do. psr week.. 8 (10 to 10 00 d:.S,s,P(.rJy -to 100 . .daul & aK.ios TIilLCHARD'i'' HOUSE. tornUbei all the JimYenior-es of FIEST-CLASS HOTEL, Restaurant and Lodging, -ALoO SL'-KlN.iritb nhoice Wines ud Liquor . RnOMS fnrniehud and unfurnished, tot&vh Street, oppoaito Wlkor Bro.'fl. jjij S- W 1MCHAUD & CO. OVERLAND CHOUSE, MAIN STREET, ' SALT LAKE CITY. M Class Accomodation for Ladies an! GenUemen. R.m. ... iiu . ff" ;5 bn par VmV v 'JoOto ol Board cot Woak - - 3 c Mouli ' cents. Barb.r hop and Unndrrco-iDocted with the Unto, 'lood Hoadin. Room. Eastern, oa-larj oa-larj aod Local Newapkveri. oafl HEMHY BRUNTQS, Proprietor. OCDEN MOTELS. BE-OPENED, THE Ogden House, Well known throughout the United States as a FIRST-CLASS-HOTEL, Ii now open for lb") aaeommodation of UieUrIIog public, buy tag boo re-Corn ifhed ind Thorough) Heaovattd, BOARD BY TUBVAY OR WEEK. Jarrines ready it toy hour, for pleasure parties tuUgdsnC&ns-oa an I other lotarost. ingplaoos. FreohaoKto and from the (Je- UNION DEPOT HOTEL AltD . R-1LROA0 DINING HALL, OODEN, i.TAHi ; tttaMed twlUilratuj Flaubrw, Juflotion oi b'. P. iod 0. P- llailxoads. SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS. I Grand Hotel .. . MukeUNiw Montgomery A ecad StrseU. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. C . JOHNSON A Co,, Proprietors. ST. LOUIS HOTELS. SOUTHERN HOTEL! fronting onltb,5tb, tod Walnut Sts., HAINT LOUIS. MO. MVBILLB, WARNKK Co., ProD"!- THE BOOTllKRsf HOTEL Is first-class in ill its appointment Its tablos are at all limwiupnliod in too greatest fibundanoo witn ill Ihe delicacies the markets allow. Itn clerks and employes are all polite and atteo-tirs atteo-tirs to the wants of tho natstt of the hotel. There la an improved Elevator leading from the first Boor to the upper one. Kailroad and Steamboat Ticket Ouioos, newt etand, and Western Union Tolearaph Grace in rotunda of the hotel, . . noo OMAHA HOTEL. GRAND CENTRAL,. HOTEL, Omaha, Neb. . rpE LARGEST and finest hotel J. betwoen Chicago and Ban Eranolsoo, OPENED. OCT. 1, lbTi GEO. 'I UJiALL, rr'oprelor. oc29 GRAND ANNOUNCEMENT. FINE DISPLAY OF CONFECTIONERY, BEST AND CHEAPEST GOODS, - r AT H. WALLACES' First Sffafh St, Salt Laic City. DRUGS, PAINTS. SOAPS. M00RE,FIELD4C0. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, General Healere . DRUGS & CHEMICALS, OF ALL KINDS, An ! a Ltirss Btoo't ol PATENT MEDICINES, Consisting of American, Freneb,1JSnltsh und Uertnan Preparations. PERFUMERIES, In (jreat Varely. Lubin's Gonuiuu ExtmnU, Coudray's, Coalite';, Loundenborg's, And a general ftssortmrnit ot PRENCH, ENULISH and GEJtMAN. TOILET ARTICLES. l-'ine Toilet Sets, Powdar Boree, llaid Mirrors, Punsentf, Ivory Hair Brashes, Toilet Powders, Shell Ombi, tiaahet Do. SPONGES. Surgeon's FineTurkey, B"i' MwiiterrajiBaDf Oarriave, etc. FINE SOAPS. Lubin's anortod odere. Coudrayi. Coif aU'i aaaorted. White Castile. Baiberfl, Barin's, Sharing, Etfl-. oto BRUSHES. JIaLr, Nail, Tooth. phr-e. Cloth, White Wajh. Paint, Etc A Large Assortment of j TRUSSES, BRACES, and ' . FEMALE rfOPFORTKB. SUNDRIES. Turkiah Baih To veil,' Flosh Glovei. F:esh Brushes, HusLia Loilh-jr l'j;ket Uo).-. Match Boxer, Tooth Pioks (all kinds'. Card Caaer, Siwnge Bugs, Drettiog Cases, Pocket Flasks, Combs of every description Thermometers, Etc., eto. PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES Collier Lead (strictly pure). Southern Load strictly pure. Raw and Boilod Linseed Oil, Varnishes of all kinds. Colors In UU and Varnish , Whale Oil, f perm Oil, Neat's Foot OH, Uljvo Oil, Etj., etc. PHYSICI&NS' PRESCRIPTIONS A S.c:iatit!. Preiicriptioni corapounilL-d at all hours, Day or Hight, by a Cmp3tcat Druggist. BY MAIL FILLED Pricey Low-TERMS Low-TERMS CASH; 5 ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW. JOHN Jb THOMAS FITCH, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT Law. 3 i.i Broodiviiy, Now Xork. l'arti-oolar l'arti-oolar attention given to arplications for fatonts.l'nr laiDini ground and othur business oforothoU.a. Land Ullico at Washington. D- C. ,17 ' M. THOMPSON, (Author of "The Digest of tho Laws of the District of Columbia,") ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at LAW' (Office in M. Thompson's Law Building.) Build-ing.) 7110 Street, opposito Indian Bureau, W ajthiniton, D.C Practices in all the Courts of ibeDiBtriot of Columbia: U. Supromo Court, Court of Claims, Southern Claims and International Cl&'ois Commireions, (Jovern-montsl (Jovern-montsl Depart oj on La, Qonoral Land Office. and devotes attention to Indian Dorredation Claim. Kofers to the Judges, Membors of tho Bar, IJopartiuonlal Othcials, Bankers, Morchnnt? and Businosj .Men ot tho District of Columbia, and will gladly give spooial re-ferenoos re-ferenoos ii domed. m20 C, W. nitMRHTT. SBO. E. WHlTHkl. BENNETT A WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, OFFICE OVER D. Oronig's atoro, Mais atroet Silt Lake OiLj'. fo30 C. C. CLEMENTS, (Late U- S. Surveyor General for Utah), i -L AND-- ; MINING ATTORNEY, Papers fur Patonts and Advorso Claims 1 carotully proparod.and patents prooured. O-nci Ov;r White MoCorniok's Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah. fb WHEDON & SPICER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. PARTICULAR attention eivon to ejciiniiniog Litlo.- of mines and othor real ostato. Office, Room No. 1 Urooab'ck Block,8econd South Streot. D. P. Whodon, I WoIIj Spicer, Late Registur in V. 9. Commisflioner BankrU).toy. and binary Public. h7 Ii. . fSELBT. M. A. CASTHS. PERLEY &. CARTER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OFFICE OVER First National Bank, East Toinplostroet dl7 ' A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. OFFICE, NO. 5, ! J Kimball's Block, First South stroot, : Salt Lake City. o21 ORO. VKItAKLB SMITH 8. J. JOKA980N SMITH & JONASSON, A TTORNEYSA COUNSELORS AT LAW, j Main Street, Snlt Lake City; two doors eouth of Salt Lake JJoufo. N B. A Notary alwoja Ln the office. aug2 U08KA STUtlT THEOLlORH BUR J! KIT KB STOUT & BURMESTER, i -TnRNEYS-AT-LAW, OBice on Mam trcot. nearly opposite the Tribune (bi. .?ll LakuCit, Utah. a0 ilfl. b PUPBTCAD. It. K1KKFATRIOX. HEMPSTEAD &. KIRKPATRICK, ATTORN KYS-AT-LAW, MAIN STREET, Ot-pcito W-lls t'argo Jr Co., Salt Lake Citv. alO M EDIGALt SEYIVlOgH B. YOUNG, OUVSICIAN AND SUREON. 11K5ID-X 11K5ID-X onoo. 12th Ward, half blook aouib of Bishop tharp. OfBoo in front of Seventies liall, half blook south of Theatre, W J. D.THOMPSON. M. D., OFFICE FIRST DOOR SOUTH LAMB A Co-'s Drug Storo, East Tomplo Stroot Resides at Walker llouso. s23 MINING ENGINEERS, ETC. W. B RED EM E Y E R , MIXIXCI, CIVIL AMD COt(SULTlN(i Entrincor,, Dopnty LT, S. siiDOial Surveyor. Sur-veyor. I'articiilttr aitcntion paid p uiidcr-gronnd uiidcr-gronnd survujH. Office : KimbaU Block, hoomNo. 8. First Suu:h Street. ol2 N.M- MAXWELL, W.Ut C. 1IENDRIE, Lundon, England, JiU-Siipi. San rHnoinoo. FiajaUlI Mine, Utah. Cal. MAXWELL, HENDRIE &, CO. ffiinins & IcIanicalEapGsrj, LONDON, ENC. And SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. U. S. A. Brahh Omciw - Suit Lake City, Utah, Deavr, Colorado, Arepropar-d to inspect, survey and value Mints, undertake thoir managomont, furnish fur-nish specifications, drawings and estimates esti-mates for all clasos of mininti . Machinery, and for all donptions of work in connection with miniag, Cuoola and tie-vorboratory tie-vorboratory Furnaoos, Crushing Mills, iteporta carefully made on Mints. aS : E. B. WILDER, MINING ENU1NEER A.-JD U. S. Mineral surveyor. Surveys for Pat-ems, Pat-ems, and maps of underground work logs acouratoly made. AdarojS, P. O. lioio.i WELLS SPICER, JI 1 INO ENGINEER, Salt Lake City, Utah, WILL osam'ne mines, mike reports. maps, pints and diuiirame of mined, and lur-nish lur-nish roliabie abstracts of title. Ofice in Groesbeck,s Block. M ill CEO. 'M. BOUTELLE. CIVIL ENGINEER, U.S. MINERAL SURVEYOR. OlSco in tho building occupied by , the 6ur-,r 6ur-,r U.r.l'5 odico, OPIOJito the owoaojd House. Salt Lake City. Qa JiMkFarMlKTiJtriAU, HIDltAULIC ASD CrVII. ENGINlSEa, Bid LAND SUKVEVOK. rnriAH HACHF, COUNTY. Minerol olaiiua aurreyed. ol" "M. T. BURGESS, Ciyil Engineer Aiil U. S. Mineral SurTeyor, Will prep.ro the nocoM.rr P.pora and Di. ir.malorr.teotaalidl'rotosu. Offloo in Bolldijiioooapled by Surrey tlraer.l. SPORTSMEN'S SUPPLIES. "BIG. GUN" STORE. HACUE BROTHERS, Imuortera of .od Dcie" In Suns, Pistols, Ammunition Ann Remington Sporting Rifles OH SALJS. Xi0 bcrt t" UBfl' WINES, LIQUORS ANO BEER! JOHN BOULTER Formerlv of Kddfn' saloon, bo not loft tho citv, but has ftnr'etl bus muss for biiosolf threo doors north of U-rt. Land twice audtwo doom south of Eddies' old stand. a20 STEVENS & CO., Wholesale anil Retail Stationers OlTer tho new edition of CUAS1DEKS' BNCTCLOPjEDiA Bound in library Stylo, "36.50, Beit and chonpot Eno7clona;dift oyer pub lis bod in Atnorlaa. fl FOR SALE ON HmSONABLE TERMS CL1FT HOUSE BILLIARD TABLES AND COOKIXU BAS8K, mil Enquire .t Walker no use. EtJOVAL. MADAM DAVIS, of tho Bonond Ward, h Keoioved to tho roar of i SQL'ISES' BARBER SI101', Main street, where pbo will bo pleased to sea hor form or friouda and can bo consulted on business of tbo past, pronoot and future (15 NORMAL AND ACADEMICAL SCHOOL. MORGAN COLLEGE BUILDING, Up Stairs. Iii'lrui'tion siv-en in tho common and hi ah or Fnirii'b branoI.es, Lutin and t rcnoh. Terms modoriite. j LUNA bSBLL PoULSON, Principal ! MR, GEORGE W, OLCOTT, I OF THE ESIiiHS STATUS. "if permanently located in this city, and desires to inform tho j,uilij ihat bo is pro-1 pro-1 ored to do 1.11 kinds of 1'iAIX AND ORNAMENTAL PAISTIM, GRAINING & GLAZING, AT MODERATE RATES, BXHo trill a'.di mnlo cUima'.t! and lake SPRING FAS HIONS SOW .lit HIVED. Grand Opening .T MRS. COLEBROOK'S Temple of Fashion. Faltcrii TriiiiM Eats and Bonnets, Of tht! Lutpst Modes from Paris, New "York and tiiui Francisco. (iros tirain and S'uijred Ifibbons, In all Hhadus, Oat rich Fcutbcn, Lace Polls, Hriiselri Nets, .Flowers, Laces, Etc., etc. A ni'-d asoortiuunt of very Cheap Trimmed HATS, AND SUJVH1I A DliW , MAIN STREET. 1021 Xj i Hvl: :e AT TUB PIONEER PERPETUAL KILNS CAN'XOT BE EXCELLED. Ibe WHITEST ncd EeH CEMENT IN 0 Li mo ovor burnt. . uOl at 1'rircn to dfy Cvmpitition. EIGHTY POUNDS ! To the bushel : weinbed on the premises. Delivered to all ram of tho city and any poiotalonn tbo railroid. Snooial ratoi to iloalou and contractors. Torm., U 0. D. Pure LiinoftnnQ for II using orm io ary i,unntity, cu'hod if desirod, furnished oa shortest notice. dtlress: pascoe & SONS, p. 0. Box.ot;!, SALT LAKE CITV. Kilns rear of Warm SDriug Smoltini Wa- RESTAURANT. WATSON'S DELMONICO RESTAURANT AND SALOON, NO. 86, FIRST SOUTH ST.' Half block Watt of Emporium Corner, SALT LAKE CITY. A Parlor Home of Elotranoe and Luxury in Style uneurpassod West ot tho UookT Mountain!. LOWER DINING SALOON ; conduotod on the popular SAN VRAN0IB00 PLAN, choose from an extensive BILL OF FARE, AND PAY FOR ONLY WHAT YOU 0KD11K. FULL MEALS, Serreu In the LADIES' DININ8 SALOON AT MODERATE PKICE3. FRESH OYSTERS. FISH ANO GUME CONSTANTLY ON HAND. BAR "ROOM Furnished la most RcchercheStyie-a Retreat ol PALATIAL MAUNIITICKNCE, Supnliod with Cnoluost Bnindu of Wines, I Llioora and Ctgarf, and whoro only an be bund thocoluljrateil brands Ol' Uoldon and Toa lUttio I Whiskiot. Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. SPRING TRADE OF 18 7 4. a'HB IlETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT 07 Z. C. M. I. Have opened and now display dis-play an imusually largs and elegant Stock of Ladies spring and suraiuer goods of all classes. Elegant lines of plain and Fancy Dress materials 'and Dress Trimmings. A lull stock of the -most popular styles of spring and pnmrncr SrinwlH nvpu. offered in the west. Silks and Ribbons in all the most fashionable shades from foreign and domestic looms. No effort has been spared in our preparations for the trade of this season, and our patrons in town and country can feel assured that unsurpassed unsur-passed facilities have enabled us to anticipate every want. We are also determined to give our customers the advantage in prico dorived from our ability to handle these goods in large quantities, and tu purchase them wherever and whenever when-ever they can be bought most favorably; favor-ably; all lines of merchandise for thie department having been carefully selected se-lected by our resident buyer in Nefl York. . Patrons ordering mcrehandist through messengers or the mails car rely upon having their orders a! I faithfully executed and upon the saint I terms as though they were personal present. W H. HOOPER, BUJT. ml? SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. h. II. KKWTOH MOERIB HEWTOIT. NEWTON ERO'S & CO., IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE GEOCESS 119 and 121 Front Stroot, Sah Frakcisco, Pay especial attention to Snl t Lako Ci!y trnrlc. 1'riou ic'woa in Coia or Currency ti drairnrt .J ESTABLISHED IN 1851. O, VJiNAIlD, Manufacturer of tho ORIGINAL CHARTRES' COFFEE And H kinds ufSnirM and California Mudt&rd. to A 827 FRONT ST.. bet. J aoiison & Pacific S AN FR ANCISCO. A. . J . O R I F F IT Hi Daalor in all kinds of PICKLED AND HMOKED SALMON AND HERRINGS, 208 WASHINGTON STHEJST, between Front and Davis. All kindH of Driod, Smoked and Pick led Fish ftonitantly on bund. U S. P. HOLDEN, General Coiiiissm .Merchant AND MERCH AN DISE BROKER, No. 321 Front St, SAN FRANCISCO. Merchandise and Produce of all kinds bought and Buld on Uimruiaaiua. JAB. OTIS. W. A MAXOMDBAY. P. VM4.1C0 HUHi. MACONDRAY & CO., Shipping and Comniiaaion Merchants Importers ol CHINA AND JAPAN TEAS, And all Descriptions ot Straits produoo, mi 205 SANSOIYIE STREET, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Agents for tho Yung-Uo Insurance Assocla-tlnn Assocla-tlnn of ShanghnL 1 ".'., (sFr.. '"S."i. J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manutocturers of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, 318 and 220 Sansome-sL, San Fbacieco, f9 No. 18 Warren-st.. New Yoatr. EINSTEIN BROS. & CO., Muiuraot3ror3 and Importers of BOOTS, SHOES, FfflDINQS, &c.,4c. 29 and 31 B1TTEBY STUEET, II BAN FRANOISUO, CAL. 'WOOLEN GOODS. ' - s AGENCY OF TIIS Stockton Woolen Mills, 63 NEW MONTGOMERY ST., BAN FBAHCISCO. Bluiketa, Fl.nueta, eto.. Rt wholosule to suit. Horae Bl.akeluis u SitooiulU. SUt L.ka Triado SoUoitod. GEO. M. MAIN, Agent. J. 8. JOKES. G. W. CHESLEY & CO., Imporlora and Wholesale Dealers in Fine fVines and Liquors, Solo Prop rioUra of . CUNDUItANGO BITTEES, il4 Front Street, San Francisco. 51 Front Street, Sacramento. Jl Castle Bro's. wcMiiown Brani JAPAN TEAS, I FOR BALE AT 1 Z. C, M. I. Grocery Dept. - j W. H. HOOPER. Stint. Cutting &. Co,, World-Heno-Tncd Pnokora of Cali-forni Cali-forni Fruits, Jellies, Janus, Vegetables, Vege-tables, ot. Cutting & Co.'s, California Fruits; for Sale by ol Firs'- Olasn rtroo"rc. Cutting & Co.'s Canned Salmon a Dolijioujt Artleb Cutting & Co.'s California Poaches racked la Syrui in 2lb. Cui. Cutting & Co.'s Jellies and Prose ires are made from Genuine Fruits and Whito Heltnod Busar, Cutting Co.'s Oregon Champagne Cidar Is a Good-Wholesome Good-Wholesome Bevorago. CUTTING & CO., OPFlCli; AD SALESROOM, 415 Front Street, Saa Francisco ANGORA GOATS. FOR SALE AT AUCTION SALE rOSITIVL, ON WEDNESDAY. MAY (1,1871, at Two o'clock m to-, I will 0r--r at Public Sato, to tho hlirhost biildor, seventy head of full-blooded full-blooded Auc'tra Ooati.iiuiiortod directly fron; Asia Miliar by thi-ir otvnur, Mn. A. huty-cbidoa. huty-cbidoa. I have f-r aalo Aldorney, Jcrsrv utio Ajr'biro C'ntllo; bo, Silau.in nml Siianijh Merino tiheon 'A tlio uurn-;t brood. Toruis Gr.-h. in United SUtaa Kold onin. Ibaerameiito, March Gth, 1S7I. mU ROBT. BECti. BUSINESS CARDS. tiBofiT TJUBiiiEsa Cabdb Inserted in thU column, under thoir roenoctivo headings, at 23 cents per line por wouk, or 75 cents per liae per month. This is an excellent opportunity for miscellaneous dooiors and mechanic tc placo thoir business prominently before ihe imblio at a very small cost. TENTS A WACON COVERS. Til CURTIS, Agent .id Sonlh, opposite Com-1. Com-1. . innrcinl St. Tents from U SDO. VA JOHN BOLSElt'S Sail Lnft, East Tempi Stroot, tbroo doors of V aliior llro.'s. TenU from Sl'J upwards. Iyl2 BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS JAMES DWYER, il East Tomple P treet, Dealer in Blank Books, School Booki and Kino French Stationery. lt& FURNITURE. DIN WOOD EY, Nob. 31 Enst TempU . S:rcotand7o 1st South SlroeL jea BAKERS. GLOHBBAKEltY: fresh pies, buns.eakw bread, dolivored in all parts of the city ovory morning. 010 BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. WJ. TJOOPEU. No. 57 Commercial . Stroot. Boots and Shoos mado to order BANKING.' NATIONAL BANK i oy SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL IMI.OM AETHOXlillO CAP IT Alt. --.-1,K Wit H- BOOPER. President, x U.S. E-LDKJtSJJGK, Vioa Pree iiKlOLIAM YntfiNG, I u.- jpwrKfiS, VDireetort JOHN 6HARPJ 1 L aIiJLS, Cashier, J mai, ra tiold Dust, Coin, KichiDge, land WArrants, College Scrip, etc. COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY REMITTED. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. Iotoroat Paid on SAVINGS 1 EPOS IIS n3 First National Bank of Utah 8AI.T LAKE CITY. 3m 8p.ol.l Adv.rti3.rn.nt on Third P.C mfi . HALT LAKH CITY NATIONAL BANK, Authorised Capital, - $500,000' B M. Di'HELL, Preidint. Attorciyi. OoBHUPOnDaUTTC. niwviintr,-! National Park Bank. awyuRF"lDonn- Laws Co. BOSTON. ..Natiocdl Bani of North America. Ame-rica. oUlCAGO...Third National Bank. St. LOU id. ..Third National iiank, OMAHA. ..Omaha National Banfe. SAN FKANCJCO...waUontU Gold Bank and Trust Co. LONiON...Jay Cook, MoOollooh A Co, a. w. whjtb. h, a. jf ooaniox. WHITE & McCORHiCK, (SuoocssorB to A W. WUte A CcJ Bait Tehpli-et., 3 .lt Liu Oitt. Doalora in Gold Dust, Coin and Bullion Exchange on ail the principal cities o the United States and jJurope, rartioa'ar attonticn Iron to Collections and proceods remitted at ctnent rate of Km change on day of p&ymonta OTO. M. WHITNEY. Attorney. COKBEBPOUDCITB ' Bank of California, . Han Franc is ce Laidiiw ic Co.,igln.Bank of Cala. Now York Childa A Prinoa Chicago St. Louis Omaha National Bank - , ,,...,, Omaha SALT LAKE CITY BOILERWORKS B01LER8.01 ALL KHIVA, UPRIGHT.LOCONOTIVE OR STATIONERY Ms4o .nd Ropedrod,! , SKOKE -STACKS AND TANKS Built tc order, and Bneot-Iron work prompt Is done. BOy DOOliS FOR VAULTS OB tAFES, s And Iron bhuttors of ovory description made Boilers and fluos bought or tkon in part liavment tor work. Orders by mail or tolegraph will reeelf tnunediate atteaiion. torn Hr,nN a ca s 1 . MINING SUPPLIES. NOTICE SlOlT.DOimi&Co, Aro the Asonts in TJtah Territory for the skli -rniy Piclts. Picks stampod "J Wright," . ur "J. Wrijtht, ostro. ' comina through an thor source area bofras nni inferior article Mypioks uro pointed with an extra quantttr? ifbcst ca.it stool, and are the Origin) Waflhoe Piok, Datod Judy 23, J. WKIGDT, Son FraacUco- A!no Tealrn In IROX, STEELTOVES.TLNWARS MININO TOOLS, WROUGHT TVTERS, Pino and all kinds of Fitting for FurnacM and I tiaiiiv'aixe:. BVJHDEN'S UORSR AND MULE SQ0E& BLACKSMITH TOOLS. BEASS GOODS, KUBBFJi G00D9. Elavo ft nell-aprsintocl Shop, and ars prepared pre-pared to io all kinds of SHEET IRON ANDTINWORKi Prompt1; and at rason.bl raw. No. 93 East Temple. Main Street. i - FOR SALE 1 The Furnitnpo and Lease Twelve Rooms ONE AND A HALF BLOCKS FRO (lodbo'a cornor. Item of houno the Iowa inihociiy. Alostdwiroble location for pr v ui ii bonrditiK iimi-J in oa!t Lake. Addrea P, 0, box uui. Salt Lake City. ulU |