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Show AND hTII.L TUB CIRCUi, The attrac'jou" of the mMiaerie apd 1 circus drew together two more ira-meno ira-meno auJieocea yesterday, and al-thou;:h al-thou;:h it rained heavily lat oitht, the larse pavilion wa fi !ed to repletion. In the aft-irooon ono of the yonog lady trapeze perform cm made the uuil daylight avo(. to th: top of the paTil-iun paTil-iun ou the tight ror( the feat being fiomewbat p-jriloui a.-4 there wa$ a heavy wiud blowing. The afiernooD eDleria ament Jw even more attractive attrac-tive than that of the evening previous, all the performers apparent:? throwing throw-ing greater spirit and animation into it, and everything pacing off in good style, with the cnjp'.ioo of tho accident acci-dent unfortunately befalling the lady trapeziste, noticed at greater length in another part of those columns. While the excellence of tho human perform-era'is perform-era'is unqQ-isiioceJ, tho dogs, lioas and other trained animals excite woq der and admira'.io:i. The scene with the dogs ii etpcclaliy a novel and amiuing one, aud would lead one to imagine that the canine reasoning Dowers, under proper cultivation, are n"t to be growled at, but eurpaea con slderable of what U, by courtesy, Btyied intellect in somo hombrc?. The menagerie of itself, b well worth a visit, especially to thoo whose lives have been passed in these mountaio valleys, and who have never had the opportunity of seeing the largo zoological zoo-logical collections io tho leading cities of America or Europe. The scenes in tho arena ire far above average, and the performances display that ability, dash and attractiveness which make the leading traveling circuses cir-cuses a source of pleasure to old and youog wherever the touts are pitched. Two performances will bo given today, to-day, and two more to-morrow, the last being the closing odcs here. |