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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. The l'residcnt returned to Washington Washing-ton on Thursday from Harrisburg. Steamship Silvia from New York took out $'J40,000 silver bars on Tuesday. Tues-day. Mrs. Mary Louisa Wilson, daughter of tho late James Brooks, died in New I'ork on Thursday. Body of E. J. Gasterson found at Stewart's Point, Cata, Ho was drowned tho lyth of May. Alden B. Staokwcll is reported to have rci-igncd the presidency of tho Atlantic & Pacific railroad. Boiler in Steven's shingle mill, East Saginaw, Mich., exploded. Duo man killed; four or livo injured fataliy. Mill utterly dcmoliahcd. llorso disoaso has rouulicd tho Brooklyn City railroad stables, and fears exist thai the disease will again bcoomo general in that city. E. 1). Stanton, one of the oldest members of the New York stock exchange, ex-change, formerly partner of Daniel Drew, is dead. Pneumonia. Trial in Now York of "Johnny the Greek," tho leading thief of tho country, coun-try, had to bo postponed in conse-qucnoo conse-qucnoo of tho absence of witnesses. Twelve bids for government gold in Now York, ou Thursday, amoanling to ovcrtwoi.nda half millions at 17, 03 to JH, 42. One million sold at J IS, 40 to US, 42. The San' Francisco police ouWedncE-day ouWedncE-day night mado an extended raid on tho Chinatown houses of ill fame and oapturcd 5G of their number who arc now in prison, Disturbances occurred 1 a few days ago in the harbor at Madrid on board tho Spanish frigates Viotoria and Al-mania, Al-mania, but the leaders being arrested order was restored. The New York Tribune advises that $15,000 or $20,000 be collected in that oityto assist in placing beyond possibility possi-bility of want the widow of general Canhy, who died penniless. Numerous aooidcnls at Derby race on Wodnesduy, caused by the running away of horses, falling of stands, and prcssuro of the orowd. Three persons killed and several severoly injured. In the Connecticut State senate, judfcc 0. S. Seymour was elected chief justice, to succeed chief justice Jiutlcr resigned, and judge John D. Park ulnctcd to succeed judgo Seymour. Tho horno disoase which visited the vicinity of New iork, last fall, has reappeared re-appeared at the stables of the Coney , Island car lino, Brooklyn. Seventy i horses aro now sick, and thoro havo been two fatal case?. JohnG. Gorisonan, Indian agent, telegraphs to Washington that to the best of his knowledge and belief that not one of tho Yankton Indians has left the reservation to join the hostile Indians on the Upper Missouri. Jay Gould is said to beabout leaving New i'ork for the west to participate in the election of directors of tho Chicago Chi-cago and Northwestern railroad company. com-pany. The bulk of tho stock is said to bo hold by Jay Gould, Horaca P. Clark, Augustus Schell, and their allien. al-lien. Startle was driven to a road wagon on the I'lceiwoad course, Wednesday, and mado tho first quarter in thirty-four thirty-four aud a half seconds, and the second quarter in thirty-three and a quarter, tho fastest half milo ever trotted to roai wagon by any horso except Dexter. |