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Show PirsonaL. We hail the pleasure of an interview last night with Gcn.. A. L Page, president and superintendent superin-tendent of the Bullionville and Picche railroad. The general has lately returned re-turned fiom the east, where he purchased pur-chased tho iron aud locomotives. Since his return he made a hurried visit to San Francisco, also in the interest of his line. The B. & P. railroad iB eighteen miles long, and is expected to be finished by the new year. Messrs. Gordon & Murray, of this oity, have the forwarding of the iron, looomo-tives, looomo-tives, etc, seven hundred .tons, of which fifry tons aro here and two hundred hun-dred aud fifty more on the road. 1 General Page expects to leave for Pioche on Tuesday. |