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Show MIXIXW SUMMARY. Little Cottonwood for Week Until tig September 21t. ! THE WINSOtt UTAH S. M. CO. ' I This company is a recent organ iza-' j tion, and owns the group of mines formerly for-merly owned and worked by Wall, Walker, Chadbournn and others. Pour developed and ore-yielding mines constitute con-stitute the group. Of these the most westerly is the LAST CHANCE Upon which an incline has been sunk 100 feet following tho eastern face of a lode office ore standing almost perpendicular per-pendicular and having a direction a little oast of north. At the bottom of the incline the Jode looks well, although al-though its course is somewhat broken. Near to and parallel with it is tho HIAWATHA With an incline down 115 feet. Tho oourec of this incline also follows the face of the lode, but along its line ecv-eral ecv-eral bights of high grade ore havo been excavated, and also considerable quantities quan-tities have been taken from the main lode. Both of these mines are now being worked, but althoughin honnnz i, only a small amount of ore is being taken from them, not because a much larger amount might not be readily extracted, ex-tracted, but as a tunnel to work both mines is nearly completed, it is more economical to await its completion, than to attempt systematic and extensive exten-sive development from tho bottoms of tho inclines. The next mine, east-wardly east-wardly of the group is the 1I0NTEZ0.MA, which has yielded a large amount of excellent ore. The incline is sunk to a depth of about 200 feet, following an irregular vein of ore nearly to its bottom. bot-tom. Its general direction is a little more east of north than the first mentioned men-tioned mines. The lode is very irregular irreg-ular or zigzaggy, although preserving aUolerably even general direction, and although thus disturbed and altcrna ting from a vein of several feet to a few inches, in its course, its continuity continu-ity is never lost. About twenty feet from the bottom the dip of the lode increases in-creases while the dip of the incline decreases, de-creases, and hence the two diverge. The further development of the mine is awaiting the construction of a branch, from the main tunnel by which the series of mines are in future to be worked. The SAVAGE Is the chief and last of these mines. Tho oid shaft has been tapped by the main tunnel through which as we have snid the series of mines will be worked. This tunnel reached the shaft at about 200 feet from its mouth and has been continued some fifty or sixty feet farther far-ther and is still being pushed ahead. Two winzes are being sunk from the tunnel level, beyond the old shall, on veins of ore, and a branch tunnel follows fol-lows a vein of ore, somewhat irregularly, irregular-ly, in the direction of tho Montezuma Several drifts also disclose fine bodies of ore. Near the point where tho shaft is intersected by the tunnel, there seems to be a ganclia of rich lodes, but here as in the Montezuma, although the vieos are much disturbed in detail, the general lay of tho main lode is quite regular and preserves a uniform direction. The ore averages richer than any on the hill, and the quantity in sight, and in prospect beyond the peradventure of giving out is enormous. en-ormous. The company have nearly near-ly completed a fine boarding house at the mouth of the tunnel which is connected by a short track with the oid tram-way. They are also building a large ore house at the foot of the tram-way. Three hundred tons of ore is on haiid, which is being freighted freight-ed to m arket as rapidly as possible. VICTOHIA AND IMPERIAL TUNNEL AND M1NINU COMPANY. This company own the Aictoria tuu-oel tuu-oel which is in 210 feet and being run day and night, and U intended as the working base and outlet for the AAY MAT, ALICE, AND EXCELSlOE mines. The shaft of the first named mine is down fifty feet, following all the way a vein which at the bottom of the shaft is six feet in width, and carries car-ries a lode of very fine ore about thirty inches in thickness. The incline on the Alice is 130 feet in depth, dipping towards the centre of the hill, and having hav-ing a vein of high-grade ore, varying from six inches to a foot in thickness. The Excelsior shaft is down forty feet, irregularly following the dip of a two-foot two-foot vein. This group of mines lies between the Davenport and Home Ticket locations, and can hardly fail of being developed into the rank uf first-olass first-olass mining properties: EMMA. The teamster's strike having been compromised, is again sending large quantities of ore to Sandy. The upper ore lode is yielding as largely as ever, but is veering to the north-east. The engine house at the mouth of the tunnel tun-nel is nearly completed. It is contemplated contem-plated to use a compressed air-engine in sinking and working the main shaft from the tunnel level. VALLEJO. Upper drifts above tunnel level all in ore and looking well. The ore in main shale is improving in quality as also that in the west drift from the tunnel. The tramway is in running order, but not quite completed for regular business. busi-ness. We will refer hereafter to this invention and give a lull description of it. , ; F LAO STAFF, Preserves the even tenor of .its way, yielding ore at the pleasure of the owners. This is a literal fact. At the option of the owners five times the amount of ore now mined may be mined. HOME TICKET. Bids fair to become one of the leading lead-ing mines on the hill, although as yet but littlo developed. The lode is traceable trace-able for a considerable distance, is broad -and regular, and ought to be, and wo understand, will soon be, systematically sys-tematically and extensively worked. MATILDA. The injunction against the shipment of ores from this mine having been raised by indemnity bond, it is presumed pre-sumed that active working will again be commenced. GENERAL. A large amount of work is being done on a great number of locations that havo not yet attained to the dignity dig-nity of mines. Work on most of these will be abandoned with the coming of the first snow storms, until next npriDg. The floating population of the district is already beginning to float away, but a largo force of laborers and most of our business population will remain here for the winter. |