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Show SAN FRANCISCO TKADL IMPORTANT WORKS o.v MINES AND MINING l.t(Tal Tlllt. lo Mining :ilmd Waierlllicni). Hy Uroeory i bLo. S'J. Frod.u of tiol.f " "Y': tr.ctl.u, rortinl Jij Gdo K,MU,M.C.l,'ret.. Wtilt they HoW .'":;."" " wor,"j,,1gf T1.V ii'i"'i""i """'Li;' uold uJ silver. By J. Arthur Philj- lSr "IT '"'.'."m'- jJellvcrliOon, nd CupellaMon aV.uI.i""' Pr.ctlc.l A...'M: Crook.'. .nd Uol.rlK'. ''. Mclnllri,- l' inreevoU. Vol. 1 M? "r l.aV.d. Vol. II. Copper 2a,l Iron. Vol. 111. Fich vol sohl refaratelr atSHIlAJ per Tol. Thi 5l...lln,,y ...,1 Mining of Cop. A Tr.all.e on Oro l)cpolti. By Bern-hard Bern-hard Yur, Cotta. , t. r A syxcai of Mineralogy. By Jamea D. Dana, M. A. 810 W. Any ul the above works sent by mail on ro-oeli-t of price in coin, or iu omvaloat in CIJWo alio havo in audition to the above, a larte asaortinont ol Scientific, Mandard and Mi'colUuooua book.,. Blank Hooka and fawtiouery. Catalok-uei iurniahod on appli- C'"",- A. ..UMAX CO., P a bl lalier, Uooltaellc, ltn porter and Sitttloncr. No. 11 MontKuaiery St.. Lick House Block, tan Francisco. California. at! MUHPHY.GRANT&GO. Importora of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CALlb'UllMIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their large and comidote Btook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Wbioa they are now receiving direct from European Manufacturers, conU'rising in part Franco. Jttarlnoa, Wool Sfttlnc, Wool Plaid, I reach and German, lrlab and French Poplin. Kmprn Cloths. Ta.mla, black and colored, Vvlvataaua, Alpaca, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS. ALSO QL O "V" E S 3 Kid. Back, Berlin (Ladies', Miiaea', dents') Gents' Underwear And all klnda of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, complete in all iU branchea White Uoodi, Handkerchief, Ulilrtlug L,l).ri, (guilts, whit and colored,; Uainaak, brown loom and bleached. Xowtli, Unci, Diaper, Turkish. Napkin ajid Doyllaa, kit., Kio., Eta. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOIL WHOLESALE TB.ADE, H eaver & Taylor, US Front Street. San Francisco, California. 1.12 a. ouitLOTicu. WALTia hooi. n. d. bust. Jul. CHIfciLOVlOH cab CO., iui purlers and wlioleala dealers in FiriaC WINKS LI4UORS, soli ao tMs roa JESSE, MOORE & GO'S FINE OLD BOURBON AND HYE. WHISKIES. DI110I r&OM LOUttlTlLLB, XI. 601 Front Sc. SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 L. A. Sanderson, T, L. Horn, SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and. Jobbers of CIGARS AM TOBACCO, (Proprietors of LaEspanola Cigar Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj ihc celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front Street, lie L ween Washington and Clay. SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 Til fit IMPKOViCD FRENCH RANGE. 'In mod tcomploto Cooking Apparatus in una The Eureka Kange, Stands unrivallri by an; othor Portable Kange. Guaranteed to (five entire alifac- Locke & Montague, 112 Jt 114 Battery 8L. aid Sax li'aajiciaoo. ROSENBAUM & FRIEDMAN i S 8 Battery St.. San Fran, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in French, Eiiglish, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Uoiaiory, Corsets, Kibbons, And fnl line of Smallwaros. m6 CRAY, JONES &CO. depot of ma SANTA CRUZ TANNERY, MANUFACTURERS OF O.'.K SOLE LEATHER, So. 418 Battery Street, SAN FKAK CISCO. Burs. Jo!!, 1 Buim 0. Guar, Jvarrn uo.ro., .1 a"" c"- ban Francisco. . ap6 GRAND HOTEL , On Markot, New Monteomerr and t-ooonJ Stroeis, 1 filiVW CX.-t) CO, CAIj. JOHNSON & Co., PROPaiBiOBa. a A. P. HOTAUNG & CO. SOUS AGtLT3 FOB TUB J- H. CUTTER OLD BOURBON WHISKY, AND IMPORTKRS OP KIS B W INKS AS'D LIQrUOItS, 4J1 Jacksou &t., Sun FrnuclKco. a!9 J. H. CUTTER OLD BOl'KBO.V WHISKY. C. T. MOOKMAN & CO., Louisville, Kentucky, .Distillers. The Trade and Couauiucra aro notified that the abore is tho only genuine brand ol Cutter irhiiky. aoJ that tho undersigned are tho solo Agcnti for the same. All other bran i. cUiriin: to bo "Cutter" whiiky are only poor Imitation. In order to pre-Tcjt pre-Tcjt ir.i'id, tho uautca 0f the Agent are burned in eacU barrel, ftnJ blown m etU bottle, Wih B tac-imlle aliina-oVl'erfp aliina-oVl'erfp nuVfi C0Terins lao -Orka. S one A. P. ILOTALIXO A. CO., MnU Aenntu XO THE TRADE. For Hale in Store and Warehouiit 2.-J b.irrels J. II. Cmter whiiky. parrels Dniel Boone whisky. -1 b,rrelj Kid-irado w-iby s7" feu iiJJ;?si,l,?,t "h;ik1, 1. ' b irrclj other p uktr oranda Kj. " l"lt"J J. II. Cif.er whisky. Al.o la Kior. auU Kona, "VrSJi? brjnJ. French brandj 'rH UollandGin. 1" l'n S''K a-'sorted brand. J oli 51le'.r' ".ine Or,,.rBNoI1 . A. P. HOTaLIJo . . ,, TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES Tllttuuuil Utah, South - cast Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lak City Dally, ! nlng Houtn to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sovicr, St. George, Utah ; and Pioohe, Nevada ; Panlnf through Provo, Sprinffvillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-son, Fork,Pay-son, Salt Crock, Chioken Crock, Hound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Crock, Beaver, Mjncrs-ville, Mjncrs-ville, and AU tKt principal towns and mining camps in southern Utah and south-east Niwada. Alio leave Corlnne, Utah, dally, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL. OFFICE, Wells, Fvgo 4 Co. Building' Inn Bait Lake City ' Lea Wines. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPII1R And Tintic Stage and Express X.HSTE, RUNNING DAILY FROM SALT lake city, via lake town, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPFI1K TO TINTIO. Tho route has been re-stocked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, line Stock, oaiefnl and UtentWo Drivers- and every attontion is paid lo the oomfort nni convenience of posses-on. posses-on. Good accommodations an the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OfHee at Well, Fargo A. Co.', Salt Lake Cltyj WINES & KIMBALL, apH Proprietors. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. r-w-TMriJ?y; J-, On snd after August 9th, .1873 MIXED TRAINS TILL RXJ3ST DAILY. Leaving the Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 4.10 p.m., arrive at Point at 8.50 a.m. and 4.50 p.m. Leaving Point at 9.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m.; Sandy at 10.10 &,m. and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.00 a.m. and 7 p.m. : Salt Lake to Cottonwood Station, bOcti Bandy J .11.00 ' ' Draper " 1.2S ." " Point " " 1.75 W r avengers will please purcbaso tickets at tho oilico- M. H. DAVIS, Qeiu Freight and Ticket Agent. VKRAHOIIZ LITTLE 8UT1 RIKTBND KNT. UTAH CENTRAL IIAILIIOAIL PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and aJXer Monday, July 17, I B71 lily Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 e-m. and 3:U p.m Arrive at Or den 7 a. m. and 1-1j p. m. Lasve Osdcn at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Arrive at bait Lake City 10 a.m. and 7;30 r.a In addition to the above TVTT'Tg'TTO THAIKTS Will ru DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavini Salt Lake City at 5J0 p.m., mad Ogiion at 5 a.m. aaanxara will pleaaa Parehaee their TUku at the OIBcea. fifty Cents additional will be charred when the tare is oollectad on tin train. For ail Information oone-rslnx freJrht or punas e. aptJly lo n. II. DAVIS, 9eaeral Freieht and Iiotet Aa't JOHN SEAEP, BtjpiaurrmNDiNT MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND TO NONE! Daniel Gkenig JJAS now ai couijdcto a Stock of; FAMILY Groceries as any IIoujo in Tuwn. LICHT BREAD, CAKES, PIES and CRACKERS, Fresli Every Day. lie sells as Cheap ns any reaionablo iior-son iior-son rrould ask. Tho Goods nro FIRST CLASS And nro served up by obliging salesmen. OB- Giro liiin a call nt his well-known stand, EAST SIDE EAST TEMPLE ST11EET, Abovo Second South Street augll - x j l O 1 , Pi g V O U f ; I 2 s o 4lslB i 1 S 3 I 1 U .ai3o c yj -a I z Q LOGAN DAILY STAGE LINE CONHECTI-N'G WITH UTAH NORTHERS R. R. AT Hampton's Station. ROUTE TO SODA SPRINGS. Daily Stnjro leaves Ilnmpton's Station for Log;in on arrival of i lie 11) a.m. tr:iin; Connecting on Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday with Staees to I'ranklin, IVollsvillg and all intormcdiito towns in Caulio; and Connecting with stage tor SODA SPRINGS. Which leaves 1'ranklin ovory Tuesday. H. G. UILLEK & CO., aul8 l'l'oprlctora. JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, REID'3 BUILDING, Main Street, Salt Lake City. City Lota, Houses, Stores, etc., sold and loaded. Aohoicolot of city property always al-ways on hand. Parties who buy through me can rely on getting good bargains. my 15 City Gas Works. The undersigned ia now opening up he largest and most complete stock and assortment of Gas filings ovor brought to the western country. Store 42 Alain street, third door north of Deseret Bank, Gilt, Bronzo, and all the la tost stylos of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit tho purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to keep the largest stock of Gas and Stoam pipes to be found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, ollicos, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lako City at tke lowost possible rates. I also keep on hand a full and complete com-plete assortment of tho latest improved pumps for mining and domestic uso. The Celebrated Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, "Water and Steam Fittings will bo done with dispatch. B. LYO.NS, 12 Main Street, Three Doors .North ol Deseret Bank, Offico of Suit Lako City Gas Company. jn5 ice g:re.a:m: ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WAX Ell. I'UE lUmrr IN Town AT II. WALLACE'S. MISCELLANEOUS. Z. C. Bff I- Clothing , Department Having secured the isc'uivc sa!o fur Utah Territory, ol' tlic CELEBRATED BUKLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS, Now offer to the traJo WHOLESALE & RETAIL, A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for FEI & BOYS, Of the latest styles an3 test make. The Superiority mid Unrivalled Excellence or these SMRTS are Established by the following reasons: The materials are tho best standard Irish linens, and first olass, highest cost musHes only New York Mills, Wanisutta, Willianwille, Bate?, &c The count of linen and quality qual-ity of muslin in each respective shirt are always uniform, and the standard is never deteriorated or varied. 52? The workmanship is the finest and best, and such as a class of labor bettor than usually employed, and the most careful inspection, can only produce. teT Tho Laundry work is unequalled un-equalled in beauty ; bodies Boft finish, not deceptive, heavy and Btiff with starch. Jfcaf In the important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, unequalled un-equalled excellence is claimed for these shirts. Cut on scientific principles attained at-tained by experience, their correot proportions pro-portions aro warranted to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. Si. O. jVT. I., Sole Agents Tor Utah. II. B, CLA.WS0N, Sup',. j 31-oiu GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. JAHES GALLACUER. johs OALLACBKB William Gallagher. TniU.ML BAKERY MAIN STKEET, Ono djor below tho Walker House. Ice Cream, Refreshments. GALLACHER & SONS. Pure Bread ! Pure Candy! I'll E ESTATE 01IARD GOLIQUTLT beg to inform i e Publio, that the; still carry on the business of Bakers and Confectioners, At tho old stand of TJao "GLOBB," EAST TK ill PL E STREET, Adjoining tho Co-osorativa Grocery Department, Depart-ment, whero con bo found everything in their lino of business, nnd thayhopo, by striet attontion to tho wanu of their customers, to oonlinuo their patronage ana support. Pure Ilome-niftrie Cnndlei Hpeclelty. ORDERS FILLED WITH DISPATCH. &16 DUTY OFF T E A S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF BEST BRAND Ol'' GUNPOWDER AND Japan Teas AT IIUDUCED DUTY. Our TEAS lor quality aro'provcrbi-al. aro'provcrbi-al. Wo make it our special study, so that the publio can always depend on quality and prices. l7 C.W.DAVIS. KICKER'S Little Was Iter, THE 3-ST UNO CHEAPEST i.i Tin: MARKET, Only ST.OO. J, G. COLTRIN, Agent, fN'oviiiieu. l .lli Ward Cu-opOrutivo tloro. Tim hihp't prion in Cit Tnil f-r Hides and i'ulLe. J. Ai. Ul.TUiN . tO,, lAt iM'oKsley'o Tannery. Wih Ward. co 3- Z! i vi i & 0 VilWS 1 1 nja w Z. C. jNI. I. The largost, the cheapest and tho best ASSORTMENT or Watches, Clocks AND TINE JEWELRY to bo found in tho West, by CARL C. ASMUSSEN, East Tampie Street, llalf-a-block north of the Kaglo Kmrorium. WSrAInrge Sign; 2 solid ilahopnuiy Doors and a fino Silver 6huw .(Jaao, plato glad, fr salo. augl" IMPEEIALo Having concluded arrangements with the largest Refinery iu the cast to manufacture man-ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade ' We hereby give notio: that wc now havo for sale tho IMPERIAL CARBON OIL, Which is far superior iu quality and safety to any ever ult'ored in this market. It ia water white and stands 150s lire toft We rocjmmend it to those that want a Good Quality of llluuiiuatiug Oil. -CALL AiN'D KXAMIKK. E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. mT'JO BALTIN10.TE TRADE, WM. LANAHAN S SON, D1STIUJ;US AA'U JOUlJtUUi Ob" RYE WHISKEYS, Wurflioun Ko. i4U Lllil tllrttt, BAiiTiaioiib:. Li!SCLLANEOUS. UNITE i) STATES OF AMERICA, i DISTHUT OF SLVADA, lu llio Oltlce of Ihc Clerk ortlic V. S. District Court, .. To war. ' " inni bo re A, . - " TIku i.n tho - -'- --'.A S,-vonti'ciuli j ,. :';.rt.!." '- "d:uuf Out- i'v "" ' ' . . ' ! 1'omini, t'ju' y.- - 1 v. ""J'-V-i' vj '.-':.' S. ll;UUliHT V ; :' l'y 'f tlio hibKl .-nlilleu "JU.MMKIi'P TOi'laK ill NT. M UN I'." tho rk'hi whereof lie I'liitiii. :is l'roi'rivlor. in cimlWinity with ;in .,-t, uf (.'n-f,-r', entitled "An Act tn uiuoiid tho sovcrnl AcUJ rt'-i'i'OlLng co;yri;lu.-." I W. 1. RODflKRS. Af.w. t'lerk.ir:ud ti-triet, U. S. Lot ri.-t Court, by Lino. It, Ammomi, District of isovuda. 1 Doi-uty. pw,PRICE SI.0.Ps-gj teCAlLDlNjjg!! Fn'.TCi riTr.l., Art..: i ' n.-. - i" llioncrl,' tiJtio..f iii,-V.l.iii.-n'.m.lii-:r.. t.-l Xti.Uv OINtMENT For OoUar Galls. f noT nailed for tho Eticrc-fiil cure or C..!;irii.LlK t? Km-j III, mijlifn, t'nti'kodllo'N.die.-v . aii.l all trnnM.-sonn.' Son s. jfi-Tliii Oiiitmcnt iUk-- ihI nxvr, Imt lil ies ui'. nnil honU u poro frtmi llifljottMtn. l'iou,l lloli ciiinmt funinvliere It is u.eil. Jflr l'rejxtrtd only ty KING 3c CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, fmnillicnxipoof u edebraied KnylbliViltTimirLiU . Bedington & Co., Wholesale Agents, t-Sv lliii! llu-ininu'or rilAS. S. HAMMER jc svuuiiiii. J. D. LAMS & CO., GENERAL AGENTS. SAI.T LAKE CITY. Br. J. P. P. 7M DENBERGH, FROM PRUSSIA. I'irst South Nt., opposite Xlitntre. i 823 Oxyruis Worms Expeiled From O. A.'AMY. FOK a locg timo I bavo been nlUictod wilh d'HercLit ;iins and m;ioiici, and could nit find tho CJtu:u uf my ailmonU, until consulted Dr. J. T ,P- Vnn v-..i -:Bk. and al'i or trvi "t, i i u lie told mo at nnco that u-j ;t'.-um?h a boardiEg place for worms to live mid restnerate in a: toe expense of my health atd life. I asked the Doctor if ho uJ cure in c Uo eaid ho would expcll itio worms in live or six hours, and at'ior taJiiac four little powdr3, they nil. SS-i in number came awuy. and in tact I feel like aui'tho." jiftiou once more. 1 hereby cx-prc;: cx-prc;: my iini-Ero KrALitude towards Dr. J. P. 1. Va.a Dcr.borih. First Kast street, bo-tween bo-tween Pitst and i?ccocd South streets, O. A. AMY. Salt Lako City, Utah. Jub.9 11 th. 1672. Card from J mice Frier, of Polk Comity. DR J. P. T.VAX lili-NllilKii ; Dkar Sir: I take pleasure in tbankinc you i-uMiely for tho restoration of uiy heal th alter nineteen years of great Buffering mentally men-tally hid bodily. I doctored a great deal; waa atllietei with almost every imaginable pai- and despaired of scetns a well day aEain. When I camo to see you at Salom, you said you would remove tho cause of nineteen years' sufforinK in fivo hours. I eould hardly believe it. but after taking the fivo taatcless powders you gave me, about worms r,'"t trm me, and now, four-toon four-toon days aiterwards, I feel like another man, and am able to follow my business without pain or inconvenience. I remain, Youra respectfully. A. H. FlUElt, Bethel. Polkcouaty, Octobor 10. 1371. - lard from loctor II. Smith. DR. J. l'-P. VAN DENBERGH: Dkab Sie. I deem it my duty to make- the following statement: For tho last throe yoars 1 naTo been suffering with constant gnawing pain and a quivering sensation in my stomach, also pain in my chest and hert; my food would not digest.aud I was so nervous nerv-ous that with difficulty L could follow my occupation, whioh has been here in Salem for tlio past ton years as a practical dentist. In fact, from tho constant pain and misery I had wasted away to a mere skeleton. X had boon doctoring a groat deal without any benefit, and balioving thero was no help for 1 mo but to ling or on until death would relievo re-lievo all mr ButToring. Some of my frionds thouKht I had worms and had better see Dr. Van Dcnbcrgh. lis told mo at once that worms wuro tho oamo of all my troubles, so ho uavo mo five 6m,iil and tasteless powdors, and in four hours about TiW worms from one inch to ono and ono half inches long, came away from mo that diy, and the following night somo more cumo, and now I am happy to say 1 feel iLko another man again, and am gaining strength, from day to day. H. SMITH, M.D. Salon, Oregon, September 2id. loTl. Another Great Slaughter I We think it our duty to make tho follow ing sUteuiout, in hoped it may do do mo good to siek-childreu ; Cur child had been ick for some tie. Thinking all tho time our iitlto pno was troubled with worms, wo tried m.uir doctor und a groat many remedies, without any relief. Soma neighbors told us wo should go and try Dr. Van Denberg, tho Worm Doctor, in SaIqui. Wo did so, and ho gave us ono bottle of his colebralea Worm Syrup, and after giving the uioJictao, to our groat atitonishmont about worms passed Awa 'froui our dear child, and now, thank hoar oa, she is well again. I. D. GRIZZLE. Sal caii Oregon, Octobor 3d, iSTl. 1,500 Wormi Kiuelled. Aft or bo von yours of suttering, p.iiu and dobilttyt and doctoriugfor many complain u. now provod that I did not havo. and taking dilTeront kinds of medicine Irom many eminent emi-nent physicians, I gavo up in despair, think-inn think-inn it was bo uso to drench my poor stomach stom-ach any longer, and that 1 must waste away until there was nothing left of poor mo. But hearing of tho astonishing cures that Dr. J. P. Van Denbornh has ponormod ia bo short a time. eG'ooting euros in a tew hours, and my friends adritmig me to make ono more otlort, I consulted Dr. Van Donhergb.and ho ' told mo that luy Uiisoriei woro caused by , worms, and ho would opul them ia about ! five hours. After Liking llvo small pcwdurn, j about fifteen hundred worms pasol away from mo. and 1 am happy to say lhAt I am better than I havo boon lor a great while. P. R- EVES- Subscribed and cworn to before mo, this 18th du.y ol'Soptcmbcr, 1671. J.J. MURPHY. J. P. Urnlitudecompolfl mo to uiako tho following follow-ing statement, thinking it uiny do some guod to my tullow sullerers. i have boon aiiliotod for a long numbor ol years with tho follow-in follow-in t complaints : 1 could not eit anythin,: crIcff It Muld produco gre;it pain in my atomaoh and btur-el?, btur-el?, always raliitatioa of the heart, severe sivolling and rhuum.itlo pains iu all my joints; also neuralgia in my head, no -loci-, ill way a resiles, at night; in Mot, I i.isro. ducod to a niu-0 bclp!c;S ikoluton, not able to walk alone, and k'iuh up iu .ic-pair. I utust aUo ttato 1 L.id bei'ii dm'tui iiig n ith the mo;t OJuincut pli; ji:iaiU c! tnia t't.iic, alio with the bc.t d. clirs v( ;'a i'r..r.n.,-o, and Ufd only know, vTi;h;,ut any relief, till 1 heard tho fcrc.it euros Dr. J. P. P. Van DeubOL-gh bad i crforiucd ia and abound Saloai. I applied to him for help, and may Ood bless him fi r tho rc. tor.it ion of my health. 1 ha c only ul;ou hii" ::iodine twu uioulh", and have gained, during that timo. twonty-tvo poun li' in woi.sht, und nni able to do all uiy houjuwoik Ai:d 'a,. re. JANE POTTEK. Litin county, abonlthirty uiilos cnet ol the fool of the Cascade: . Salem, Uresou, December tii. lb'U . a!'-1 OR" COMPOUND B0tKi:X PILLS JJ o mo-made a nd purely ifgctabld. Thsy relieve J".u,dii-e, D.. I -.! ;,.cfl - tiun. Liver Ct'tui.l.imt, li ud :f.ia, l.o K ,,f A; i o t i ; e end l.ai Mini' b, r.ai.up C 1 la. l-c-.cr-. C- ugh.', and Puri; ;1.0 DU.-od. l'h'-y will CIosti c tl.o llv-uwie the ri-.no.T., ati-1 -liM-el l';'cv. .'rcc rdia ill (, i'l.l io 1:01 .. !. 1 b oo.-t, Tiioj urn a'vliu', 'ataaiuc and .ar- ton.:i'.. Twctty-Svci'f a'.-' r -r b . ; 'j', i;.--fivo Pills. V. arr.'.ut:d to give -aLiMaoti-'P. J. K. .llIIotn, Bl. t'tn!r;, And n. . i ,1 at.i-in'n ('"-(n-rn ' ivf o n-i i ud b oJ .t u..;,m t'ui'iu.i..m Terntmy. :!,.o rl,l rLi h!c . l -r I'lrni l n C-mu- icMie ;i-o t"t ' i a j.V.'r r-V-rcB, ajk jour uerobaai u ordw ttsa at onoe. 1 MISCELLANEOUS, ( . DUDLKT 11. BTEELI. BAM'L E. JOHKSOIt STEELE &. JOUXSOX, 'holcealo dealers in Staple ai Fancy GROCERIES, IWraS, FLOUR N0 BCCN, l!iai4JJ. Council Bluffs, la. Solo AgoDt.i for the Oriental and Dupont mvit Powder CompaniM. THIS WELL KNOWS B1UXD OF- JAPAN TEAS - FOK SALE AT - Grocery Department. nil 11. B. CLAWSON.Supt. W.T.ltKVNOLDS k CO., K. B. ZABBISKIB, tiun Friuiciico. Salt Lako City. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE FOK SALE A FINE LINE OF WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call the attention of DEALERS. 1 j Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AGENTS FOB " STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB IR I JJ THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THE HOUSE. 64 MAIU STREET Two doors south of Weill, Fargo A Co' llauk. mj5 Furnacciucu, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. GOLDKN CITV F1RK BRICK, Vnicl are oual if not superior to the be3t F.glish. SdciaI rates eivoti by the oar load. oetlS MUSIC I MUSIC! MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, including tho BAUKll IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. PAYNES & SON, First South: Street, Two doors east of Post Office. augl4 THE "ANALYSIS ' OF THE VAN DYKE COAL AS GIVEN" BY THE UOUSE-keepers, UOUSE-keepers, lilacksmiths nod Smoltcrs of Utah, (not of Massachusetts) is that it is tho best for Family Use, and the only Blacksmith Coal in. tlio country, thut is a success. Ask our leading Forgeuicn. A choice supply always on hand. aug i:J Agent. Hsrsliej's Torsion fapa Spring This is the best Wagon Spring ia use, and was awarded tho 1KST 1'ltE.IIIt'M ASD MEDAL, ovor tho Elliptic and all other oompctiton, at iho Aiuorican lustuuto in tho city uf iew Yortt, in November, laTd. 1 1 is now being applied ap-plied by tho WAU DEPARTMENT to liov-ornmont liov-ornmont Wagons going on tao Plains. 11 U LlUti-r, It occupies Us Space, It raise tlic Vngou less than nuy other Spring, and it utilizes the most pjrHci moaois ol elasticity in BtccL, namely tho torsion principle, carrying capa-ci'y capa-ci'y tr.nn to VVO lbs. With all those advaniascj ilio Spriug is sold at a much low or price lor tbo same carrying capacity than any other Spring in use. 1'or lull particulars apply at D. Hutchinson's Hutchin-son's wagou shop, Und South BtrcoU next door west of Wiliard Orr's livery stable. Simples can also bo seen at Soott, Dunham Dun-ham Jt Uo's, and at Ivahu Rro'd d torts. llEMlli HCMItUSOX, Jy Solo Agents for Utah. LUMBERYARD, AU K'mils ol" Lumber DOUUo, ', WINDOWS', .BLINDS, .MOULDINGS, ''. SHINaLlCS,' LATHS, T. K. JOHHS H.ili-IMik i...nh n U. C. Do rot. Pure Manilla Rope. TE 11 A VK beon appointed by Tubbi A C-X V u-.i- lor t he .-.'lo ol their roi o. To miniTS it i' l articularly recomnienflfHl, being .ill 1'iiro mid not mixed ivitn Sual or other inferior inatcrioL icclnl price given to tbe Trade. STURTEVANT BLOWERS. ' .evcr.il tlic on h:i:.d. 'l.'.c.' not in Stock t-r-dered at lvwt rate by tlio iigonl.-. SCOTT, IllMIAJI &, O. Goldeu City Fire Brick. A .'rlook vf Arch aiid .S .u.iro JJrlck now od hand. flUi 1', DL.NU.131 A tO. aJ r GROCERY DEP'T, Z. G. ILVE. I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery, (J lass ware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR GOODS -A-"-EVE OHEAPi PKALKlld IN THK SKITI.K.MKSTS AVI) MINING TOWKj W.U.I. FIND IT TO T11K1K INTiUtKST TO CALL AND ICNQUUdi l'KIOKS BKKOllB PIMIOHASINO. 'Sewing Machine. "TE respectfully iovite Lho PaV.io to call aaJ soo our esoelleot variety o. Sewing m&chincs, IX riaiu,Beautiful and Elaborate Styles of AYorknuusliip AND GREATLY LSIPROVED WITH THE FAUTOrT G A. S T O Irt S - The Total Sales of the SIXGElt MACHINE art now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION, THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, a. s s. , si o " An ovidenco that it.is fast winning supremo favor in the household, ' The Singer Company sold over the other Companies, 52,734. Se& Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnisheJ sufferers by the Fire to Mareh IS, 1S72, 3,944; 3.1-31 Sillier iMacbiues, all otlier niakea, Hi. Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH ESCKWD AN It7 OTf-IKlt LIOUSB IN THK HEWING MACHINE LIXE THiS SIDE Off CHICAGO. Wo courteously invito tho Ladies to seo our Him broidery Attacliment, It attracts general attention and admiration. Wo also desire you to see our TUCKERS, CORDER3, RUFFLERS, BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-B ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE PELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAC-tion, SATISFAC-tion, as each ono is thoroughly a Iju-tod. tried siti l tested by esprienced Meehauei. and all are warranted to sew with ease alt kind: of g ju from thu coarsast to tho finest, Lace, Muslin, Cuiubiic, Domestic, Denims, Tich-iugs, Ducking, Beaver, Bucliskiu and Leather. BoT" Instructioa given free of cliLire by competent attendants, and term! of sate to suit all circumstances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON RE A SON ABLE TERMS. - Wc extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether ther wish to purchase or not, AT TUB SIXGBR SEVvlXG mm DEPARTM Z. G. m. I. Geaeral Agents, Two doors aomb ol'Eisio Emporium, Salt Laki Crrr. s Hi i -' iL. a . x$ a EVER UKOIGHT TO UTAH. j If AVISO JUST KKTUKXED 1'KOM TUB K.STK1!.V.5TAT A whero I selected. with ;reat eare and a knoiflcdc ol'lbc 100.111. this rcirion, an imtneoBO Stock of" Furniture, lam now Vreparcl to offer uo" induoenjeatt to purehascrs in tho following articles : BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETY, l'AFLOU SETS. 1 PATENT HEU-l.OUNGES, Tl'liKlSU Sl'lilN'O-HAl Ik CUA1KS, SIDKUOARJIS, lillliKAUS, HAIR, I'ULU and SlUU.Nl JlATl'KESaliS, PATENT BED.SlUUNt.iS. . Iho bt Stock vm tntroduci la tais marlsol. I aro Uo prrMl w ' SHADES, VALAUCES, DEAPEEIES, anl to LAY C.UU'ETS AT TEN CENTS l'EU I'AKD. I h.vo a oouiplelo lino of Gixrx lAnsEhn.KErs. rEiCKV-ci.oriis ,f- uhocaim11 WhU'ti I will Jell in ou.iHUirs to :.ail rurv'li.'rr,. ;t tali and e.vamine my Slock before pnrc'lus'11 elsfwhero. J. 31. JOELSOX. UrucsWk' Buildiaa Mai" Sin' |