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Show Burglart. Early yesterday morning, morn-ing, or very lato on Thursday night, tho saloon of Messrs, Magec Si Co. was buxglarucd and $10 in cash taken; the burglars not making much of a haul. The samo night and probably near the samo hour, tho restaurant of Mr. Page, in tho rear of Wright's saloon, ww broken into and a boiled ham and other eatables taken. Mr. Pago had locked tho doors leading into bis counter coun-ter and dining room about nine o'clock, but about eleven tho samo doors were found open, as if somo person had entered from the bar of tho saloon and unlocked the doors preparing for an entry from the rear when the barkeepers bar-keepers had retired. This leads to the bolief that it was some person well acquainted ac-quainted with tho house; which is strengthened by the fact that the sneak burglars coolly enjoyed themselves while in the cook room, helping themselves them-selves to some broiled chickens from tho ico bin, mixing up mustard, cutting tho ham, and having altogether a I "jolly spread," |