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Show SALT URC THEATRE Saturday Eve., Sept. 7thr"72. LAST JSTIGIIT ok i nr. Beautiful ouil Accomplished Artiste 3Iiss ADA GRAY. The Fnvorlte Actor Mr. CEO. D. CHAPLIN Has been OM'ed.iUy encased to support Miss Jean Clara WALTERS as 11LLLK. Will bo presonted a draicnti:at!un of the great "Ni!- Ytrk WcuLly" it ry of . "Utile ioldlc,'' ccLitloU WHO'S WIFE, Written csi re ,-iy fur ADA OKAY. Will shortly b,M.r,-.du-i ,lram.irt.-aii..acf LITTLE 1:M'LY NOTICE. rpiIIiMo ctvo aulii:o tli;.' iho S,il(-lD I- claim, H O't M"nai.iin " I i nint d IM n- head ui Uinnham c-'tiyna, ii ui t !i li.ir.l l'm !'ic. and auy icrs-ia ruria-m t.nd Sultan claim will ho tru.-ii.v.-uiti. at.d w ill be proceeded a it in: -'. in coajciatucc auiJl ilLSUi" ii. MAiT ACu, A False Hops ! The sick aro often deceived by tho promises held out to theui of speedy cured to be performed by some BO-cail-cd remedy which, when tried, proves worthless. Wo do not wiah to raise any false hopes, but we oontidontly assert as-sert that for the cure of all diseases, or sores, produced by bnd blood, there is an unfailing help in Bristol's Sausa-I'ARIlla Sausa-I'ARIlla and I'ills. l"or salo by all dru.L'iiLitfl. 043 For the Sick Room ! C:id anyihinir bo more refrcshinp or a-r.enLrlo in tho tick room than the a r.. iijj. of freshly (fathered flowers. In il llHAY A: liANMAN'9 FLORIDA Wa-tkii Wa-tkii wo havo ihi.s irairraDCO puro and luviMiI'ul, not oontaiumated with any ad'-liticn, nor ultured m any way whatever, what-ever, l-'or sales at Z. (J. jSl. 1. and Ijyibe'a drug atorob. 6GlJ SPECIAL ADYERTISEHEMS LOST, A PAY MARE. BRANPKD J. C. ON L K FT hip; bridle and saddlo on. The finder will ho rewarded by leatin her at Lavi liar-relf. liar-relf. fll;7 STRAYED. AYOUXG RKD AND WII ITK COW, LINK buck and brucklo face. Hrau-lit Imrns. branded 110 on left -boulder. Tho Under shall be suitably rowaxdod by A. M. AliSii-R-soii WASTED. A GOOD TENANT FOR OF1TCE HOOM, Ho. u', ovor tho First National Lank of Utah. Ai'iily at tho Lank. uIj FOR REXT. A HOUSE, CENTRALLY LOCATE 0, with '" rooms, suitablo for hotel, on reasonable reas-onable toruiii, Aiily at this otlico. eul 'rHKEE GOOD ROOMS, FIArE BLOCKS 1 exit of "Herald" Oilico. Lmioiro at Li BOOT, or on tho promise;-. soli A house wrru sevev rooms, in Ibo llth Ward, ono nnd a half bloek.-west bloek.-west of Winder's corner, funuiro of G. 11 Taylor, on tho premises. ail. FOB SALE. A GOOD, WELL-BROKE SADDLE Horse, very suitable for u Lady. Aj'idy t" Mr. E- Cox, NtiIi Tumiilo.Slrout, opposite tho U. C. Railroad deioL sj P&i DU. GROVES, Offioe, Sooond South Street, Throo doors west of Great Westorn Hotel, half a block east of Llophant btoro, (Salt Lake City. OSIim nnn CrorD 0rn.ni. to 5 p.n. mil Z, C. I. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, THIS DEPARTMENT WILL BE CLOSED liith and 17th inst. for Stocktaking. Will our patrons visit us bol'oro or after. ai ii. 11. CLAWdON. SipL NOTICE. THF. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Z.'C. M. I. will bacloeedon Monday Hub, Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th Bepteiobrr, to take aooount of Hock. Wo respectfully iavi'o our easterners and friends to make their turchascfl before, or defer until after tho above dates. 11. B. CLAWSON, b5 Superintendent. U. A, BtKP. C. 9. Kl.tG. REED St KING, AUCTION AND CCMMISS:UN MERCHANTS, FIRST SOUTH WTUBKIM", Went of lilmbnll &. I.awiciicc', SALT LAKE CITV. Liberal cash advances made- on consignments. consign-ments. ul WAGENERS BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, At the Choapest Rates and on the shorteit notice. Leavo yonr orders at the Depot of tho California Brewery, No. fH Commoroial street. ilti TRUSTEE'S SALE. "VT0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TUATTHE undoriigncd will soil, at publie auction, in front of tho Banking lion.-., ot A. V. bite & Co., on Kiitt Teuii'lo street, in tho city of .Suit Lake, Territory of Utah, on Friday, tlio lUth day of Sojitouiber, ItTJ, at cloven o'clock in tho lorenoon, tho followinc described proji-erly, proji-erly, to-wit: An undivided interest ofUno Thousand feet in tho mining property located in Porcupino (jiilch, litiiuiiaui Canon, West Mountain mining district- ialt Lake county, Utah Territory, known as tho Silver Hill lode or niino, containing twenty-four bundled feet in alL Tho intorost offered for ealo and to bo sold at said tiuio nnd placo is tho saiuo intorest convoyed to tho undersigned by Deed of Trust, eiecutcd by Charles li. Morgan - as party of tho lirst part, dated tho fourteenth day of December, 171, to secure tho layment of certain promissary notes therein sol out, from said Charles li. Morgan to Silas K-Boobo.tho K-Boobo.tho party of tho third part in said deed of trust, which said notes are now overdue and unpaid; said trust deed was on tbo sauio day recorded in Mortgage- Record Book C, pages j71, S7 and o73, in tho County Recorder's oilico of said S"lt Lake county, (to which record reference is hereby mado fur further particularity). Said property will ho sold to tho liitrhcat biddor for ciisli. -tlin money to bo paid and deed dolivered immediately after tho salo. A. W. WHITE, Trustee. Salt Lako City, August 'Jtith, 1S72. a ) STOVES! STOVESI THE CUEiPEST STOVES OF THE- GREATEST VARIETY AT W. HARRISON S ITIIINI -AXl) STOVE STORE, 01'1'OSITZ BISHOP HUXTER S EAST TEMPLE STREET. iw Call and Exaioino; you aro sure to bo suited. si AUCTION ! AUCTION ! -AT Reed & Svixu's NEW AUCTION HOUSE, First South Street, WEST OF KIMBALL & LAWRENCE'S, On Saturday next, at li o'clock a.m. , SECOXDOront Salo of N'ow nnd Secondhand Second-hand furniture. Kino Bedroom sets in Color and Black Walnut, Elegant tfidrboard in Marblo top, Black Walnut ijofu, Chairs, andllockor, id Black Hair CKnh, fine Unmask Un-mask and Laco Curtains, with Elegant Cornices, Cor-nices, ono I'ino l-'eatber Bed with .Feather Pillows, Spring Matrasses, 1'ulu and Straw Mattrassea, Black Walnut What Jiot, l-'ino Brussolls and Throo 1'Ly Carpets; Sofas mid Luungos, in colors;Throo Thoroughbrace Wag-gona Wag-gona in good ordor for 1'roislil; Ono Nearly Now Eloronco Sowing Machino, Ury tjoods. Ac, Ac si SAVE YOUB LABOR. HAVING HEARD MANY ENC0M1U MS I'Asatn iro COLBY'S LITTLE WASHER AND W Tt I N GEE, By thoso who havo used them, ua being oi-coodingly oi-coodingly easy to handle durable, and oh cap, I have secured tho Agency Tor Utah. A ahii-mcat has just arrived and may bo seen at my store, nut to ti&vago'B Photo-eroph. Photo-eroph. Uallon", Main Stroot, SALT LAKE C5TY, Ciias, W. Stavm:u. A laro nnd iltndul nsortiiicnt ol' goods expected daily, due notice will bo given of their arriva1. eo2 ST. LOUIS TRADE. HO-W TO KEEP WARM NEXT WINTER, CET ONE OF THE HEATING STOVFS, T II K GREATEST WONDER ! THE AGEl EVERY STOVE IS GUARANTKED TO UIVE A MUKE I NIFOKM AND 1'LKA.S- ANT II i:.T, TOl-SE LESS WOOD, ABE .MOltl-; CABEl-TLLY FITTED, AKB MlHilC KASILY AND CHEAPLY MOUNTED, AUK UNDER AJOKK PF.ni-ECT cox-T cox-T li 0 L, II A V E A S T It 0 N 11 K 11 D It AFT, AND Gi'oe better s tisact'oit. and sold for a I.csi Fri'ce than any SHEET ISUH PARLCR STOVE in the markcL Sold by Excelsior Manufacturing Co. AND ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS. my22 SEIYIPLE, BIRGE & Co.. JNTT LiOTJia, Manufacturer! and Afjcnts AGRLCLLTLRAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGONS. Office and Samples: 13 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Warehouse: mylS 114, 116. 113 ELM STREET. HAYDEN, WILSONS & ALLEH Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. 519 Mortli R.lii street, niyin "r. LOUIS, MO. $300,000! MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. Legalized by Stale Aulliority aud Drawn in Public in SI. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50.000 NUMBERS. Class I, to b Drawn Si-lit, 30, 1873. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. 1 priiu ufSSO.OUOi OOOiTiioaofS 100 1 prize of 13,450 Opnzeaof 1,000 Iprto of JO.UOO ttpnzL'aor 500 1 prize of 7,500 Oi.rLrsof 300 4 prizes of 5,000 1 9 prizes of 35 0 4 prizes of J, 500' 3Gpnz,of 00 SOprizwot 1,000. 30 prizes of 130 J0 prizes of 5001 1 SO prizes ol 100 40 prizes of tijO 3,000 prizes of 10 Tickets, SIO. Half Tickets, S9. iu fir tern, $.50. 45, Our lotteries are chartorod by tlio State, are always druwu at tbo lime najiioj, aud all drawings are under tlio fupcrruioo af sworn comuissiacera. Tho official drawiDg will be published in the St. Louis papers, and a copy ieiit to purchaiers of tiebpts. Wo will draw a similar Beheme tho last day of every mouth daring the year IST'i. Uomit at our risk by P08T OFFICE HOMEY QKDEItS, EZQISTKRKD LETIKU, DRAFT, or KXTKESS Seud for a circular. Address Ad-dress MlltllAY. MILLER A. Co., Post Offlce Box 44G. ST, LOUIS, ilo. WALKER HOUSE ISavber Shop AND I5A.TI1 ROOMS, X 13a Tiid, with overy convenionea attached at-tached , J. Nl'JBLMAN A. L, KlEt'lIEL, s-i l'roprictora, STOCKHOLDERS MEETING THR FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF tho stock-holdorB of tho Victoria and Imperial Tunnel and Mioiritf Company, for tho election of Trustees lor the entuinc year, and toe transaction of such olhor busi-nefs busi-nefs as uia; properly eomo before it, will be heldmt thootlicoof tho company. Room b, No, 3.i'2 MontgO'.nery stroet, San Francisco, 1 California, on Thursday tho Iwclllh Ulh) dny of t-optcinbor, 1872, nt 2 o'clock p.m. Transfer books, closed on tho luih of September Sep-tember and until after tlio moot i nr. Wm. H. VAT?0X. Secretary, San Franc is oo, August Dth, 1S72, .uol SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN DRY GOODS. "Wishing to close out our entire DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, Wo will offer our lart:e stock of Staple and Fancy dry goods & kotioxs -AT- PRIMS COST -l'uKTin:- Xtfext Sixty Days. KIMBALL & LAWRENCE. 1 ;jyju 1 WALKER BRU-S. CL'NNINGTON & CO Walker Bro"s Go.? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEHS IX WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Have a splcnJid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS 4c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an iuimcDso quantity of LH$UOUS AM) IJliTF.liS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH wo offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. Solo Agents in Utah for J. II. CUTTKH and S. T. Suit & Co's celebrated Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S & CO. au2l Ono door East of Elephant Store. BLAXR BOOKS, STATIONERY, SEVL6 M1CIILXES. ii ii CALDER SEARS. 35 TL 3" O 3, Wo aro Apcnis fur the ARION, STEINWAY & SONS, COICKERING & SONS, DKCKElt & BARNS and other loading makers, and respectiully ioviccour Patrons and the Public to call and examine our stock of the abovo named instruments. Wc arc also General Agents for the MASON &, HAMLIN wwld-renowned CAH1WIST ORGANS, Which we have proved beyond all doubt to be tho bc.-t and most suitable organs for this climate; and havo also the WOODS, ESTEY, SMITH aud other ORGANS in stock. We have the Largest Stock west of Chicago of j Musical Merchandise, INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL STUDIES," and everything . required by Auialeurs, Teachers and Musicians. MUSI GAL INSTRUMENTS. Our Stock consists in part of I'lANOS, ACORnKOXS, CONCERTINAS, lMU'ni.E R ASSES) oiiti.VN.s, m Ki.uiti v.vs, viwli:( i:i.i.os, s. ahi: dhi .lis, VIOMNS, (il'ITAHS, FEJEiIET'l'S, IIASsi 1KI.1S, 1IANJK. FI.I TINAS, X'll'Ol.OS, VIOLAS, Elc, Etc, jNITJSIOL merchandise. I'iniioStools, Violin Slrlngs, Guitnr Strings, Violin Furnishings, 4initn.r 1 iiriiUlilin;, Accortlrnu Furiilsliliiss, llrniu Furuisltlngs. Tuning Forks aud 11 pus, 3Iubic l'npcr, lllank .11 u sic Books nnd Cards, Sliti'l Jliislc, IubLi notion lloots for nil Instruments, Etc., Etc., Etc, Vfo aavo secured tho services of Professor Carelere, ?o lonjr and favorably known in this community, com-munity, that our pairons may havo the benelit uf his professional Eervice; in mating theic selecliun of induunicnu and musical mcichandifo. BOOKS AISTD STATIONERY. Our Stock consists in port of Tlc IMOjIIchIIous of the American Tract Society, Miscellaneous nnd Sub-bcrlpilou Sub-bcrlpilou liooks, JUank Book of all descriptions, luktnniU, Wrllliig Inks, Stt-el I'ens, lu Rrcat vnrlily, I'm Jloldcrs, I'cncils, F-nytlsli Jfotket Hulviii and VUsors, Jin nil's Patent l'nrcliinent Cojijlug liooksj all qHaliiici and weights of Note, Letter. Cap, Bill, LeijnI. Flat Cap, Folio Post, FrcncU Note. Initial Note, Kuvelope., all slzct and qualities, Card llonrd, all colors, Foreign Tissue I'upcr, all colors, Drawing l'npcr, Drawing Alooks. SCHOOL JT V U S 1 S JU l.N G S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION". SUNDAY SCHOOL PRESENTS. We have a larso and plomlid assorted ftock of Cards nnd Books from tho larco Piibliihing L. PRANC & CO'S PUBLICATIONS. llavincbcen appointed Solo Aponts for Utah, for tho salo of thoir magmiScent Cards and Ouitks for Si-hot.il nnd lor tho l';ir lor, wo aro prepared to furnish tho Trado and School Com-miiieoa Com-miiieoa Irom ouraiock of choice sulettiona at tho l'ubliihers Wholoialoand Keiail price;. THE WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. We respectfully invite tho Public to call and esamino our Sewiog Machines before purchatOK 'elsewhere, which we claim to be the best, cheapest, and most durable in the market. We guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. All aro warranted to sew, with perfect ease, Beaver, Ducking-, Ticking, Denims, Domestic, Cambric, Linen, Muslin, Lace, ttc., and wiil Tuck, Hem, Fell, Braid, Bind, (Jord, Gather, in liiot will do all kinds ol work. A I'ivc Yexrs guarantee given with each machine. Instructions i'roe by an expert oa the premise-'. t3 DUaWROISS!8. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND. HAT STORE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. OiUr5 Solicited from Town ami Country, anil promptly and carefully rtUed at the very smallest possible mtirin over cost. nil? fP PURE uA 1A WHITE S Urn iii;AUA.TKK THK A110VK HKAN1) TO 1!K PKKKKl'Tl.V l'PHK. AND IN KINKNKSS. W11ITKNKSS AN1 OOVKK1NO IMIOI'KKTIKS IT IS 1LNL KKSAl.Li! ACKiNOWLlODGEl) TO 1K THE STAN O AM). FAHNESTOCK, HASLETT & SCHWARTZ, 1157 First Ave. FlTTSBUJtGH, PA. poll 8A1.K LI- Qe I. ANP OTllliiUDKAUiK?. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. WAND, KANE & Co (Suoceaaora to Hunter, M nrt fc Importer! and Wholoaale Diett , ' U'lXES i.D LIQUORS, Proprioto.iof iiantor'a Cluornifc WHoat ZlalUOJr Alio Aent4 for Joisph ti. FiDch'i celohratcd fi'tiiiiuivni RYE WHISKEY QUI &nd 60S VroutHt., near JckM BAM F11A3 CISCO. ' BSTABLIBHKD 1 8 60. Importers of Teas, East Iruli(i goods and general groceries 213 and '2lb Front Street, ' Sun Francisco, i4 PARKER, WATTSON&Ca (Snoocsaors to lVeil k Co..) Importer! nnd Ukuuriioturcri of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221, 223 anil 221) Front aU, oor. Sftcrajuento, SAM FltANCISCO, CAL. E. A. FAR CO & CO Iinporters and Jobbora of Branrlies, fines aid Ligncrs, 316 Front St., cor. CommercUj D. B. NVB. SAN FUANCISQ, JACUU UNUKltHILL 4. CoT IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE BuloAgpnts for fiauJorsjn llrxi'tAOu't OAST fciTiJlDZj-l-'Uu Mouse Hole. An vlli, Colliiu & Co' 11S i 1-JU Jtattvry Utrvet, San Frtinei,, JAMES A. FOIGEK. O.SCHOtUU. J. A. FOLCER &CO'S I'lU.NKlvil bTKAM COFFEE AND SPICE M 1 i, 1. S. So. 44" h runt hlreet, Betfreuo CaluorDia uoi SuorsmeQta, alo AS H.BHK1EB. stm J. BAUM & CO., Jiopurten uiil Mumftcturen of MEN'S BOYS' CLOTHING. St., San Frauclic.. No 18 Warren St.. New York, ft Harness Saddlery, Leather. j. a joiinsox& co., 104 10G Front Street, SAtf FliASVMCO. lt,'rr by itrrinixnion to Mr. II. Ii Cf.ie-won. Cf.ie-won. SiiiicruilcitdeHt vf Utr Z. CM. 1. 4 a.'b. ELFELT &CO., IMl'OKTESa A.SD JOBBERS OF Clothing and Furnishing Goods, IOH 11 0 anBome Street, SA.1 FHAKC1SCU. ELFELT, LEVI t CO. 132 Church Et S.l LEWIS BROTHERS, CIGAR MANUFACTURERS, 213, 215 & 217 Battery St.. SAN FRAJiUSlO, ( AL. Citrtful nnd prompt fttteQUon pud t 1 orden eulrusiol Iwourcare. ftli t'subluhedinl6-5I.J C. VENARD, Manulaoturor of the Original Cliartrcs ColTco, And aU kinds of Spices and (JiU iornia Mustard, 525 and x'rout Stroot, between JacJuoj and Pucin-:. SAW I'KACLaCu. u HECHT, BHO'S & Col BOOTS, SHOES &. LEATHLR ,104 it WO iitiniom itt.t San irm4a. And 6 4 Li Prl Street, &otl- ii UCKIXGI1AM C HECill, Manutiicturert of tbe "EITIIA IJUXUTT" CALtfOINIA B03TS AID IHIti.f til MAIN & WINCHESTER, 214 & 216 Battery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. JULAJLWESS, SADDLES -AHD- LEATHER. Tlie.bcst stock aud lowest ptktt on tbe PaclHc Coul. Special attention siTon to orders frw.Uu- ; a. c. dietz & cor mrornu or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, No. : FRONT STREKI. Bet-Swrwnenw.Cifomta, BiFre1i A. J. GKIFFITUi SALMON AND HERRINGS, 11 WMhtiRtM BtrU AH lids of Drwd, oawiwl f' LAZARD FRERES, UKY GOODS. Drpot o Xtattrdd: njU ?rit :RlD Vg E.MARTIH4C0. rif(Kl U8 k-ront StrMl. B" . And 101. "'" ., . r . CUTTtR-S EXTKA OtO 30IH130N WM J Oon.untU oo h.nJ. J" '"' .,J.r..i..f'l'l' F1B. Br" -or.io ud U"'!Llt U m5 Bltlf! RICHARDS X HARRISON- Import! f MALT L1UIP OILMAN STORES. 314 SIS Bti.Ty St.,SFr' Atiu fcr Orst i MlMl-wtoli A'-y' J. J. COLMAN'S MUSI"5' Huntley Jt Talmor's Raiat J, S. FRY Sl SUN'S CHOCOIATtitX; AHU11KJ IsLAT SCOTCU JU1.1.K' Til 1K ",HK' M AW l,Xi.iVO-JOULE'S l,Xi.iVO-JOULE'S STONE ALE. Imn.nl'.. fc..tck AWi C1.....I-.SI.5 Alo. !l"j'. s,..u linMout. llmjnw Ten- i.oodo , or.lt " 3 |