OCR Text |
Show SAN FrJ.S5.3C3 TF.A3S. IMPORTANT WORKS ON MINES AfNiD MINING LtCl TltlM lo Jlllniiifi lAlma ".nd nti-T kiIik. V.y Ur.ry) ilo. 8. SuliIhirM., Vh.t tl.fV are. How Ar,,i.c.l, ami UorUcilliiy T r ' M 1 V i n j u U M e t 1 1 1 1 r j? o I Gold ami Oliver, liy J. Arthur I'hil- T!l.c'?leti.niry of l.ea.l, InrliidliiB llc.llverUnlloUi a nil Cujiollatlim 1U- J-i'm I'er :r. SI 1 '"J. A M ii u ft I f Practical Aa'K- 1); J.,!,n .Mie'icll. K. r:. S. fl-iiy. CrJ.Ue n.u.1 Kolrli:, Treat lie on .Urialhiii,')! 1" tlii-c vol ol. 1 Silver and :,e.l. Vol. 11. nu. I Iron. t oi. HI- Steel ami I- ucl. K ...I, vol.n .1.1 e.ir.i:el7 at M-h.i i;"r toI. Ti c JietalluiKl' 1 .ninliiB of to,!. ,,r., j,.. a s .t. M I. ?! '". A i kMIic u Ore UcpoultB. By r? AyitVm jf Mineralogy. Dy J.uues Jl. IJ.'.rj , M. A. , S1UU0. Ay ut t ab.jvo work ent by in ui on re- ec:,."-of price in ivin. r iU e-mivaicni in ""n'flllo h.ive in ad !it;n t" tho r.hovo. n lurtre -i-rttJiCQl o: CK':ilil:o. M in. l:rd u .1 MuiielUae-JiM U ". Hi im: uoois find hi'.itioiicry. Otal''ies .urniihud on appU- . uumTs CO.. Pnljlil.ers, IttjototcUcSB, linuorterf n (I N i iitlu.it: ra No. 11 Montcnmcry isu Lick liouso Bloo!;, : tun Fraaciico, California. Mi UiiiiS il I U..t-.si I WW viUi ' Importers of American and European tnple ami Atiiicy DRY GOODS, CALIFUJ1511A, Cull the attention of tho Trade to their large and complete fltfoK. ol FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which thoy aro now receiving direct from Eoropoiin Manufacturers, comprising in parts-ranch Merinos, Wool Satinet, Wool Pl&lua, French and German, Irian and French Fopllna, Kmpreii Clothe, Timlu, black and colored, Vtlvitttm, Alpaca, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid. Back, Borlin (Ladies', Misses', Genta') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. L.olerF, complete In all ila branchas U lilta Uooi, liaikdkerclilcfa, blUrtlng 1 I u cut, Itullta, whit and colored," Damasks, bruwu loom and blenched, Xoweli, Hack, Dujur, Turkish, jriapkiaa and Uoyllea, kit., iuic, fta. BOOTS AND SHOES, ('.iliibrnia Manufacture, FOR AVHULttSAJLE TUADE, H'eaver & Taylor, US Front Streot, San Fraaciio;, California. a!2 .CnlllOTICSl. WALIEtt UC-OE. IL B, HUrfT. JL-1. C ill 1DLOVIO II fe CO., ln.porUrs and wholesale dealers in ' 1 N U W IN KS fc Ll'lUOltS, sole auents roa JESSE, MOOSE & GO'S FiNc OlO BOURBON AN 3 hYE WHhKifcS. Disioi r n o a locibvuli, k r. 601 front St.. -SAN FRANCISCO. ap4 L. A. SanJoreon, T. L. Ilom. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers nndUobbcra of CIGARS iD TOBACCO, (Proprietors if La&puiola Cigr Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj the celebrated 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 Front SStreer, Between Washington and Clay, SAN FRANCISCO. ap THK I.UPROVJCD FRENCH RANGE. 1h bAost complete Cooking Apparatus in use The Eureka Eange, Stands unrivalled by any othor Portable Kango. Guaranteed to give entire satlsfao- Locke & Montague, 112 i m Battery SL, Sam Frajjclsco. ROSENBAUM & FRIEDMAN . Si Uattery St., San Frau, Itaportors and W holes ilo Dealers iVtficA, English, German and American DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Hosiery, CornetH, Xtibbonn, And ful line of tfmallwaros. in 6 CRAY, JONES & CO. j SANTA CRUZ TANNERY MANUFACTURERS OF OAK SOLE LEATHER, So. -418 Buttery Street, , SANFKAKCISCO. Jojis, MUM! C.OUT. Eirti GliAND HOTEL, Oa JIarkot, Icw Moatsomory and acjoiii ilu-eeu. i'iiAivoiaco, ox. .JOHNSON & Co., PaopiuEXOBs. A. P. EOT AUNG & CO. SOLE AtiKXTS YOR TUB J. H. CUTTER OLDEOURSON WHISKY, AND IMP0RTKH3 0F F1MS AV1NK6 A.U LKfl'UHS, 431 Jncktou M.t Slu Francisco. aia J. H. CUTTER OH) UOIUIJO.N WHISKY. U. P. MOORMAN & CO., Louisville, Zentudnj, .Distillers. ,kTi"!KTr''c "J.Con,u""" notifirf IQ -J tao aoovo ia no only Keuulne brand o. Luiiorwais-. anj ih.it uo undersigned f.!'1? ,! e. All other ? il-in:i:-.- to bo "1 utter" whislty a-e onlj ,,r Imitation.. ln order bu "f ".eof tho Agent. aro iur Vul.e. with a f.c-almlle al(:ua-oHier'pnuIn al(:ua-oHier'pnuIn oovor'n lt8 COraa. Aouc .r.in.-T.cc!,!,! Jeasoa atr.el. aan WA1.KKK Ultij'SatCO . t 6ale Laa. and UuS. ' AuaiJ' TO X11KTKADE. For si. In tor. and W.r.nou.e., Alt. la store ..j Bondl J.' c.:-"'J.' "'S""4 br?.nJ rwntk brandj .-M u ea Uotiand Gin. T ' '" P . brand. i.s;;Sbrv;.i!":: Aaenu'L't' Sail ii.' aidUl.Kil,h? co't TRAVEL. GILDER & SALISBURY'S '' -. -ix DAILY STAGE LINES Tiuiouun Utah, South -cast ievad;i & Moji-5:3 Moji-5:3 iia, Ls&7lng Snlt Lake City Daily, tni-ulug tni-ulug soulli to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, Sovicr. St. Gcorco, Utah ; and dViociiQ, Nevada ; failing through Provo, Sprbpvillo, Spanish Fork,Pay-son. Fork,Pay-son. Salt Creek, Cnioken Creok, Hound Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Beaver, Minere-vilie, Minere-vilie, and ii7 the principal towns and mining camps intouOicrn Utah and touth-east Nevada. AJao leave Corlnnc, t'tab, dally, rannlug north to Virfsinia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek minos, and passing through all tho principal towns and mining min-ing cam pa in Mon-; Mon-; tana. PRINCIPAL OFFJCE, Wells, Firgo & Co. Building iunl Salt Lake City Lou Wines. fl. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, OPfflB. And Tintic Stage and Express RUNNIlVa DA1LF FROM SALT LaUS CITV, via LARK TOWIf, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AMD OPHIB TO TINTIC. Tbe route has been re-utooked with splendid splen-did Concord Coaches, hne Stock, oatofal and attentive Drivers, and every attention is paid to tho comfort tmi convenience of passengers. passen-gers. Good accommodation on the road, THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Oaa at Weill, Fargo at Co.'a, Salt Laka Cityj WINES & KUVfR AT.L, opH Proprietorf. UTAH SOUTHERN railroad; r'v1 -" TyTTVTk -TiJi On and after August 9tn, 1187 MIXED TRAINS VILL R.TJTOSr D AIL -Y. Leaving the Utah Central R.R. Depot, Salt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 3.00 p.m. Sandy, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 8.10 a.m. and 4.10 p.m., arrive at Point at 8.50 a.m. and 4.50 p.m. Leaving Point at 9.10 a.m. and 5.10 p.m.; Sandy at 10.10 a.m. and 6.10 p.m; arrive at Salt Lake City at 11.00 a.m. and 7 p.m. Suit Lake to Cottonwood Station, 50otl " " Sandy " ;$1.U0 Drai.or " 1.25 Point " " 1.75 f" Pa-JionRers will ploaae purcbaso tioiotfi at tiuouiiico. 31. U. OA via, Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent. FERAHOIIZ LITTLK 8UPIRLNTKNDBNT. UTAH CENTRAL aiAILIUAli. PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Vm asd after OXonday, July IT, 1 871 'Fraiiis Leave Bait Lake City at 5 -m.and 115 p.m Arrive at Ondea 7 a. m, and 4:15 l. m. Leave Ondon at 8 a. m. antl 0:3o p. m. Arrive at bait Lake City 10 a,m. and 7:30 p.m In addition to the abo TVTTTg -RX THAirjl WOi nu DALLY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavini Salt Lak City at 3.30 p.m, and fJsden at 0a.m. aaaeaffere will pl.a.e P.rhu their TUkiu at tha Offl.u. fifty Casts additional will be oharced when the fare n oeUecUd on U u-aia. Jot all iniormaUoa ooncemla IraUhi or , vuiut, autly to 11. II. DA V IS, Saner! 7rUl.t and Ticket Act JOHN BHAEP, SDTUUimrtDIfTI MiSCELLAHEOUS. I'M TED STATES OF AMEKiCA, DIsmiCT OF XKVADA, lu the Offlco of the Clirk of the V. S. Ulitrlct Court, - 'To wits' . y-- :- -' ."r dsy of Ucto- i 'i - j. .- ;.: ' " , ''lt. Anno I j; - , I Domini, tiiio V - - ' ? "A t h ouiand U li : "- J; oiij.it hnn- T,.,,J-.i s ' drtvl ;mil -ii-ty-Uvo.Ch: ;' " -j' "-' . t S. Nu in in or z ,,f ;;." :.Z' DaGtrii'Miuth vesif dv'i.osiied in litbM out ll led "HAMMER'S COL LA It '( i Lh 01NT.M LNT." tho ru-lit whereof ho claim.- as l'niriotor. in conformity with an .Act of Cm-KTetfi, Cm-KTetfi, entitled "An .Act tn amend tho several Acta reai.eulinc cwpyriuhy." V. 1'. nOORKRS. SEir, Clerk of .-aid Di-trict, V. S. District Court, by (Jeo. K. Auimsr.. District of .isovuda. I Doimty f(00 JeV)j ;;r PRCa Srj)JL; Ot.lllit. lS.lli.irii .mrl.ll.TicIt.l N, . OINtmENT -: Tot Collar Galls. Un equal-.' 1 for the BUCL'.Tv-ful rare of Collar C;ilN. ?.ro Hacks, Knee llliair-hcrt, Cracked IUh-Ih. r,re:i-. nu.1 nil Imublcsomo !v.ireo. -KlrTliis Ointment iloen not M-ab over, but (ii ii'.j up. mid IhmIs a snro from Ibe bott.im. l'ron.l llc-h cuniiot f.-rm wliere It is u-.'il. - JVfjwnJ oi;i by KING- & CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, rmmtborceiiwufnoJL,br..tl Kiu.-lUliVeIcriimiiiiii Eediiifj-ton & Co., Wholesale. Aouts, " San ri-micuscj. L'.il. 3 ' J. D. LAMB & CO., CENERAL AGENTS. SALT LAKE 0IT7. j a j oo -S 2 I a I O Ul I o D. g g 5 a " 8 - r u I " I S ft as 1 I O I S , S O ? 1 I - d S S S e Hil r h X Q r2 s B g JAMES M. SMITH, REAL ESTATE AGENT, REID'S BUILDING, Slain Street, Salt X,tUtc City. City Lota, Ilousea, Stores, etc., eold and teamed. A choice lot of city property always al-ways on hand. Parties who buy through me can rely on gotunK good bargains. my 15 City Gas Works. Tho undersigned is now opening np he largest and most complete stock and assortment of Gas filings ever brought , to the western country. Store 42 lliun street, third door north of DesereL Bank. Gilt, Bronze, and all the latest Btylos of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop lights of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now on hand and will continue to koep tho largest stock of Gas and Steam pipes to bo found in Utah or on the Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for tho piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwellings generally at rates that will defy competition. Over ou,UUO foot of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. My Gas Fittings and Fixtures will be supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at the lowest possible rates. I also koep on hand a full and complete com-plete assortment of the latest improved pumps for mining and domestic uso. The Celebrated Knowlos Steam Pump with boiler connections complete always on hand. All work connected with Pumps and Plumbing of every description, and with Gas, "Water and iSteam Fittings will be done with dispatch. B. LYO.NS, 42 Hain Slroet, Three Doors North ol Dosorot Bank, Offlco of Salt Lako City Gas Company. jng ICE CREAM. ICECREAM ICE CREAM. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. SODA WATER. The :b&-:i iu Town at II. WALLACE'S. M MISCELLANEOUS. SSa SiS Clothing Department Having tccnrtvl the tsclu-ive sale for Vt;t!i Territory, of tl'C CELKIUIATED BURLOCK DIAMOND SHIRTS,' , Now ctfur to the trade WHOLESALE & RETAIL, I A full stock, all sizes and qualities, for EVSy & BOYS, Of the latctt slylcsan'i best make. The Superiorly and rnriuilled Excellence or these SHIRTS arc Established by the folloniiit,' reasons: i-f- The materials arc tho best standard Irish linens, and first class, highest cost muslins only New York Mills, Wamsutta, Williarcsville, Bates, JiS'- Tho count of linen and qual-ity qual-ity of muslin in each respective shirt aro always uniform, and the standard is nover deteriorated or varied. ftif Ibe workmaushipisthc finest and best, and such as a class of labor better than usually employed, and the most carclul inspection, can only produce. pro-duce. fc2 The Laundry work is unequalled un-equalled in beauty ; bodies soft finish, not deceptive, heavy and stiff with starch. 5a? In the important particular of perfection of patterns and fit, unequalled un-equalled excellence is claimed for these shirts. Cut on scientific principles attained at-tained by experience, their oorreot proportions pro-portions are warranted to be evident on examination, and guaranteed to give satisfaction on trial. Burlock Man'g Co., Bridgeport Conn. O. X., Sole Agents for Utah. II. B, CLAWSON, Sup't. i:31-3m GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. James OA.LLACHER. johs oallachee WILLIAM (ULLACUEH. TRIUfJL BAKERY MAIN STREET, Ono door below tho Walker House. Ice Cream, Refreshments, GALLACHER & SONS. Pure Bread. ! Pure Canty! r1lIE ESTATE CHARD GOLIGIITLY J. be to inform . i o Public that they atill carry on the business of Bakers and Confectioners, At tho old stand of Tlao "GLOBEI," EAST TKMl'LE STREET, Adjoining tho Co-oporativo Grocery Department, Depart-ment, wboro can be found everything in tboir lino of business, and they hope, by striot attention to tho wnnts of t hoi r customers, to continue thoir patronago ana support. Pure IJome-mnite Cttndiee Sjietlalt y. ORDERS FTLLED WITU DISPATUfl. aid DUTY OFF T.E A S JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF BEST BRAND OF GUNPOWDER AJtD Japan Teas AT BKDUCKD DUTY". , Our TEAS lor quality are"proverbi-aJ. are"proverbi-aJ. Wo make it our special study, so that tho publio can always depend on quality and prices. C.W.DAVIS. RICKEB'S Little Washer, THE BE T AND CHEAPEST l.i tiii: ' MARKET, Only S7.00. J. G. COLTRIN, Agent, ypecinionj, l.ith Ward Co-oi.orattvo Storo. 'At p l'Oiday'a Tjumory, win Ward i . Kir 4 V H f n LjlJ w3f Z. C. M. I. Tho largest, the cheapest and the beat ASSORTMENT or Watches. Clocks AND PINE JEWELRY to bo found in the West, by CARL C. ASMUSSEN, East Temple Street, Half-a-block north of the KaU Emporium, W3A large Piim ; 2 solid Mahogany Door?, and a hno Silver bhow Case, plate glaas, for sale. augl7 IMPEEIAL. Having concluded arrangemcnta with the largest Refinery in the cast to man-ufacturo man-ufacturo for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our trade We hereby give notice that we now have for sale tho UIPEMIL CARBON OIL, Which is far superior in quality and safety to any over offered in this markot It is water white and stands 150" tiro tost We recommend it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. CALL. AND EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO,, 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. m?' BALTIMORE TRADE. WM. LANAHAN & SON, Dini,iYEifl and jonnzas or RYE WHISKEYS, Wtrihoui. Ro. MO .Light Street, BALTinORB, RAILROADS. C. Jb-" tC.B -trLa. Febrnavry 8tl, 1873. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO IaM.TQ got u J KaviU Arrlre from Eiut 4 oup m 7 iAi no 8eo Fruu. S.30im fi 2u um 4 36 " T 36 " .Oakland .. 8.00 " I I 60 " 4 10 " 1 7 60 " .ftm Jo.. 8.30 " 1 2 10 " Tftft " 8 SiT" Miles. 7.05 ' 12 45 " 5 ' 11 60 - ..Stockton. . 4.07 " I 9 07 " 10 46 I 1 46 pm Jacrunento. DO pm1 7 LSam Am to from WmI LettT going Wst SACRAMENTO. COLFAX, RENO AND 01 DEN, Lere guiD bit i ArrlTe from Knit 3 0u pm I .Sacramento. 2 00 pm 6 16 " ...Ooltu... 10'JUtvm U46un ...Beno.... S 10 " BIO " Wlnnomaoo 4 It pm IHOOm tUtUeUoaat lit " 4 40pm ...tlko.... Ittim fJUua .Ogtliu... 6 'JOpnr Arrlre from huT0 S'C Weil Sand an ezoepted. rSnndays only. EipUnkllon. 7or trains ronninc "from" San Francisco, take the left hand columns and road downward, down-ward, or "Kajiward." ?or trains ranning "towardi" San Fruu-olsoo. Fruu-olsoo. take the right hand columns and read npwardi or "Westward." At M. TO WM K, t B. OOODUAN, QuuSnpt u Tlekal Act Agent, Halt Intake City, OfBoe with Marshall k Carter Orn W.F. JkCo's Banli. TIIjE table. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THt EAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 3. STATIONS. iilraaaa0 MAIL. Leave SALT LAKB 5:00a.m. 2i45p.m. " OMAIIA 6:30p.m. 5:30 a.m. Arrive BURLINGTON 5:00 a.m. 8:40 p.m. " OaJeeburg(O.B.AQ-) 7:00 a.m. 10:50 p.m. Hendota " 11:15 a.m. 3:23 a.m. " Chicago " 3:15 p.m. 7:00 a.m. " Peoria - 9:00 a.m. 120 a.m. " Ind'plutl.B.AW. 6:15 p.m. 9;25a.m. " Cinelnnati - UrOpam. 4:15p.m. Legamport 555 p.m. 9:20a.m. T. P. A W.l Colnmbm 2:45 a.m. 5:30 p.m. CaTThrongh Can from Miiaouri River to Ohloaco, Indianapolia, Cinelnnati, Logans-port Logans-port and Co lam bos. Connections at thoie point with Unci leading to the EaL North and South. This ii the Beat., Stiorteat, Hulckat id Chtapfit Route. DO not be deceived, but obtain Tick eta via the Burlington k Miaionrl River .Railroad. A.B.TOUZALIET, C. B.PERKINS; Sonl Paa: Agent- Genl Sort. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD TIME TABLE. UNTIL further notice. Trains will leave and arrive at Ogden Daily, as follows : Ilk ATM. Abbivs. Daily EpreB.i.S'30 a.m. I Daily Eip'n, 5-10 p.m. Mixed, - p.m. Mixed. - 2 3-5 p.m. freight, - 10-3J a.m. I Freight, - 6-10 a.m. Daily connections made at Ogden with Utah Central Pacitie Koad from alt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah. At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Choyonne with Denver Pacific Kailroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado and New Mexico. At Omaha with Chicago and North "Western. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, Burlington and Missouri River, Kansas city, St. Joe and Council Bluffs Railroads and Missouri River Line of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for Bale to all points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co East Temple Tem-ple street, and at the office oi Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union PfUMfle Railrt-iivd tiolrot ftd, in ugden, at which office berths on sleeping sleep-ing cars can be secured. Arrangements haye been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. for particulars and all information in regard lo passage, apply at Ticket Offices. Of-fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAHA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car. comfortable accommodations ac-commodations and quick time. THUS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket Agent T. E. Sickkls, Chf, Engineer and Superintendent. 18 THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY It the PIONEER ROUTE between OMAHA and CHICAGO, completed four yearsC ago, Bince which time the Company have spared neither pains nor expense in perfecting its read bei and track, and equipping it with rolling tock,of the most modern improvements; this, together with the fact of its being the Shortest Line-, oilers to the Traveling Travel-ing Public a route unsurpassed in this country for speed, comfort, safety and Buro connections. PARTICULAR CAUTION should be taken by passengers in selecting thoir route, and not be deceived by false advertisements and representations by interested parties of competing lines in regard to time, distances, rates, etc This popular route requires no false statements, relying on its true merits, it needs only to be known by the traveling travel-ing public to be appreciated. TIME: San Francisco to Omaha, four days and seven hours. Via Chicago and North "Western Railway, Omaha to Chicago, twenty-three- hours. Omaha tc Now York, sixty hours. Omaha to Boston, sixty-four hours. Pallmmn'a Palace, Hotel; and Sleeping; Sleep-ing; Care Are run on all through trains from Omaha to Chicago. How to Secure Sleeping Berths Bo-I Bo-I fore Reaching Omaha: Passengers desirous of securing Sleeping Sleep-ing Borta. Sections or State Rooms in the Siooping Car from Omaha East, can do so by toicgraphing from any of the stations on the Union Pacific Railroad, to W. A. Carponter. General Agont, C. & N, "W. Railway, Omaha, stating what they want This is all they need to do until they reach the C. & N. W. Railway Rail-way Depot on the east side of the Missouri Mis-souri Rivor, then go to the Sleeping Car Conductor, give him their names, as Eer telegram, and they will find that he as their bertha reserved for them. Passengers going East will consult their own interost by socuring Through Tickots via CHIAGO & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY, which can be procured at all principal ticket offices in California and tho West, and at railroad offices to San Francisco, Salt Lako City, Ogden, Omaha and Council BluOs. JNO. C. GAULT, General Sup't Chicago. H. P. BTANWOOD, General Ticket Agent Chicago. j8 Herald Bindery. OCR BTNDRRY 18 PREPARED 10 R.pair, ia workmanlike mannor,, Album., Old Book., .tc, 'etc., And Bind1 MAGAZINE. PERIODICALS. KlUf flOOHB, .M, MISCELLANEOUS. . DUDLEY II, STEELS- 8JLU'L B. JO H SOU STEELE & J0UXS0N, Who 1 wale doalon in Staple ana Fancy GROCERIES, IIQUMS, FLOUR AND BACON, oiSailS. Council Bluffs, la. Sol. AgootJ for tho Oriental and Dnpoat my2S Ponder Comraotea. THIS AY ELL KNOWN BKAXD -OF- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT d. JJCa S Grocery Department. OH II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. W.T.REYNOLDS CO., E. R. ZAHRISKIE, San Erancisoo. Salt Lako Cily- WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE FOR SALE A FINE LINE OP WINES AND LIQUORS, To which they call tho attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AGENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST jB A IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THE HQUSS. 64 MAIN STREET' Two doors south, of Weill, Fargo A Co's Bank. Furiiacemeu, Attention. A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. -An tiitSTt roi rwm QOLOES CITY FIRE BRICK, Whlc are equal if not superior to tht beat Eilish. Sponial HUM given by the car load. ootU MUSIC I MUSIC I MUSICAL IA'STRMEXIS, Of all kinds, including tho BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, Cheaper than ever. J. DAYXE3 & SOX, First South Street, Two doors oast of Post Office. augU THE "ANALYSIS" OF THE VAN DYKE COAL AS GIVEN BY THE HOUSE-keepers, HOUSE-keepers, Blacksmiths and Smelters of Utah, (not of Massachusetts) is that it is the best for Family Use, and the only Blacksmith Coal in the country, that is a success. Ask our leading Forgemon. A choice supply always on hand. W. AV. FUAGK, aug 13 Agent. , Herd's Torsion WapSpi. This is the best Wagon Spring ia use, and was ft warded tbe FIRST PREMIUM AD MEDAL, ever the Elliptic and all other competitor!, &t the Amirican Instituto in tho city of New York, in November. 1870. 1 1 is now boins applied ap-plied by the WaH DhPAKT.MENT to tiov-rn tiov-rn merit Wagons going on the Plains. It 1. Lighter, It occupies peas Space, It raises the Wagon lest than any other Spring, and .it ntilites tbe most perfect means of oloitidty in steel, namoly tbe torsion principle, carrying oana-oity oana-oity from i00, to &.000 lbs. With all those advantages tho Spring is sold at a much low er prioe tor the same carrying capacity than any other Spring in use. For full particulars apply at D. Ilutohin-son'B Ilutohin-son'B wagon shop, 2ad South street, noil door west of Willard A Orr's livery stable. Simpios can also bo seen at Sootl, Dunham Dun-ham A Co s. and at Kahn tiro's Stores. , KE.Mll &, llKXDtlltAOX, Itr 9. finln Ac-An to fnr IlraK LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, ' BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES - Hulf-blook outta ofU. O. Denol. Pure Manilla Rope. WE HAVE boon appointed byTubbs A Co. agents lor tho sA of their rope. To minors it i.i particularly recum mended, being all puro .Mnullla imd not uiixcd with bbal or other inferior material, special price given to the Trade STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Several siios on band. Sizes not in Stock ordered or-dered at loiroatruiuti by tho axonta. NCOTT, lll -MUM &. (Ui Golden City Fire Brick. A Stock of Arch and S.,uare lirick now on hand. &COTT, Dl .NUAM & CV, ai GROCERY DEPT z. a. Ad:, i. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices. ALL, OUR GOODS AZR,E dciE-cVPl DUALERd IS THE SETTLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL AND KNQUIUH 1'IUCKS UliKORU PURCHASING. m31 II, B. n..w 8u,.rlHl..,I.M Sewing4 Machine. I "TE respectfully invite tho Publio lo call and see our excellent variety o Sewing Machines, IN Plain.BeaulifuI and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH THE FANTON O -A- S T O B. 3 - The Total Sales of tlie SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 181,260 An evidence that itjls fast winning supreme favor in tho household, The Singer Company gold over tbe other Companies, 52,734. The Chicago Relief Committee furnished sufferers by tho Fire to March 18, 1S72, 3,944; 3.151 $i;i?er ilaclllUBS, all other makos, TJi Applicants made their selection, with same discount on all. 0TJB SALES IN UTAH EXCEED-ANS OTSKR HOUSE IN THE 8EWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE Off CHICAGO. We courteously invite tho Ladies to aoo oar Elm broidery .ttaolimerLt, It attracts general attention and admiration. We also desire- you to see our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS, QUILTERS, HEMMERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTE RS, SEAM-RIPPERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF S II UTILE SEWINQ MACHLNES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAC-tion, SATISFAC-tion, as oachono is thoroughly a Ija-ted. tried and tested by oipriouood Mcchanici , and all are warranted to soiv with eaio all kinL ofrjvod.j. frwin the coarsest to tho finest, I ' Jace, Muslin, Cam Otic, Uuiue&tic, Deuiius, Ticlainga, Ducking, Heaver. Buckskin and Leather. Jar Instruction given free of charge by competent attendants, and terms of sale to suit all oircum stances. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE REA-SONABLE TERMS. We extend a cordial inviution to all to GOME AND SEE OUR MACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not. AT THE SINGER SEWIXG MCUIXE DEPARTMENT Z. C. M. I General Agents. Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, Salt Lake Cut. EVER BHOUG1IT TO UTAH. HAVING JUST RETURNED FROM THE EASTERN STATES, where I selected with Kroat care and a knowledge- of the reQiiiremenu o this regioD, an immense ijloolt ol' Furniture, I am now prepared to oiler unusual inducements to purchasers in the following artiolea : . , - ' BEDROOM SETS IN GREAT VARIETV, PARLOR SETS. LATZ PATENT RED-LOUNGES. TURKISH SPRIN'R-BACK CEAIKS, SIDEBOARDS, HUHEAUS, HAIR, PULU and SPRING MATTRESSES PATENT BED-SPRINGS. The beat fetock erer introduced Ln th.il markoL I am tlso prepared to malt SHADES, VALANCES, DRAPERIES, and to LAY CARPETS AT TEN CUNTS l'Eii TARD. I haro a comflete line of GlXrS lAJSSELSiRZPS TKRKr-CLOTIIS & BROCJLTELLES Which I will sill iu yuuntiiicj to suit purohaiors, S Call and examine my Stock before purehasius elsewhere. J. 31. JOELSON. Groosbeci's Bulldinj, Main Slxooj-1 |