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Show i;eeral. Sew York Ncw. Kow York, 25. Arrived, Oceanic, from Jjivorpool. Tho steamer Thuringia reports tro- TTn,-,Ar,,ia sou. t)in lntt ion ,lB1.e D. O, C. Townley, business manager of tho Grand Opera houso, and well known as a journalist, died Ibis morning. morn-ing. Agent of lho Whito Star lino denies the statement that the Adriatic is unsoa-wortny. unsoa-wortny. She has Iwo blades of her screw propeller entirely unimpaired, and one half of tho third and one third of the fourth blade remain. She ia expected ex-pected to mako Lho voyago nearly on usual time. The EleamerC't Lnwrenco has dolayod failing until to-morrow on account of lho weather. Sl 'kcs 10-day was cross-examined at great length. At tho formar trial he was not cross-examined at all. Tho prisoner's statement contained nothing specially now. On two or threoaccasiona counpcl on either sido indulged in sharp passage;. Stokes again denied that he over made any threats lo shoot Fisk. Joseph II. llamsay, of Albany, president presi-dent of the Susquehanna railroad, lesli-lied lesli-lied concerning Fisk's character. The various parlies interested in tho ownership of tho property in Centre street slill refuse to lake steps for ei-huming ei-huming tho bod i 03 of tliuburnod girls. The boards of health and polico say thoy have no legal authority to remove the debris. A young man named Campbell was found dead in his room on Fifth avenue, from a pistol shot this morning, supposed suppos-ed li bo suicidal, Tho various streetcar lines are gradually gradu-ally beginning to resume ruuning, Dut with double team. Knilway trains aro still moro or less delayed. Mails with few exceptions havo arrived, though much overdue. Two north maiin, one Erie mail, and some extreme western mails are still to bo heard from. In Hurlem this morning, a bursting boiler range killed a lady and wounded a boy. The board ol education at Fstfron, N J., resolved that colored children Ihero should he allowed to attend the public schoels on tho same footing at the whites. Two or three ocean steamers are still overdue, owing it is supposed to the late storm. Losses on the Klvtn. St. Loui. 28 Lotffls on thn western rivers for the year foot up ? -',W.'JK ol which the Mississippi yields $l,17(J,!w0. Bl Iscellaneona. sew York,2r. Bank ? la tern enl shows a heavy loss of legal tenders, but larger gain in specie, so that tho banks mako a net ea-n of over a million. Philadelphia, IX The coroner's jury lo-dday verdicl'-d that Jno. Twcedie died from violence received from police serc-ant H'"lgfrs while the former was & prisoner in the cell at the station house on the Uth of December. T weed i had been arrested on the cnarge of drunk-nesp, drunk-nesp, but it is believed he was sutTering from a fit- Comrnif?iiner "Wa'ker's resignation ha? been aeepptod to lane rt-ct Fbru-arv Fbru-arv Ut, not January 1st the date for which it was lend '.-red. The President this mornirnr h4 a lonr conference with as-i'tant secretary KiCQard-ri. Fill? burg, 'J.-. W. b. liibinson, a prominent manufacturer of lb ia city, member of the Lrm of H binforj, Ka & Co., er,gin builders and founder, died at tha Manonganeia Hoiue tfiis morning. tute ireasuror Macky has binht a ror.tro.'.ir.g n.-.'-n-l w, ti,e F.iuburg CosiDaerCiai for jl'A'.LMj. |